Lonne Karlsson



3 years, 6 months ago


A short title

  • Name Lonne Karlsson
  • Age 17
  • Gender trans male (he/him)
  • species grey werewolf
  • Height 5'9 - 175cm
  • birthday August 23rd
  • Zodiac sign Virgo
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
"... what were you saying just now..? I wasn't listening.."


Lonne is a rather shy person, he doesn't talk to a lot of people. The only people he talks to are his brother's and sometimes his good friends. He's known for being a perfectionist. He needs to have things in order, he needs things to look perfect. If it doesn't look perfect, he will try to make sure that it looks perfect. Despite being known for being a perfectionist, you can't really say that till you look into his room. It's really messy. Lonne is a rather honest person, but he doesn't like saying his honest opinions because he thinks that people won't listen and won't care, so he just agrees with whatever someone says to him. Lonne can be a somewhat trustworthy person. Just say a secret to him and he won't till anyone else because he will just forget about it, or he just won't tell because he doesn't like telling secrets to other's without permission. Lonne is a rather observant person. taking all the info he can from someone and just storing it in his head because yes.


Lonne has somewhat short dark blue hair, ears and tail with dark blue eyes. He has light brown orangey skin with a phew freckles here and there. He wears a brown hoodie with a grey sweater and binder underneath. He has light grey pants with brown shoes with black socks that you can't see.

  • Ethnicity hispanic
  • Residence With his family in america
  • Job student
  • Sexuality straight
  • ● Known for being little sir perfectionist.
  • ● Has a thing for art and technology. He is planning on becoming a coder one day.
  • ● Gotta be hit with that mommy issues.
  • ● He got bullied for being trans, so he promised himself to not go near people he don't know and not to trust anyone he doesn't know.
  • ● Doesn't like being touched. The only people who can touch him are really close friends and his brother's.
  • ● Sports are his worst enemy. He hates doing sports.
  • ● -
  • technology
  • art
  • his brothers
  • not doing anything at all
  • -
  • -
  • loud people
  • really active people
  • his mother
  • heights
  • socializing
  • sports


Don't have it yet!



Jenny Lonne and Jenny are decent friends. They met in preschool but only started talking more in highschool.

Jennya Lonne and Jennya are really great friends. They met in preschool but only started talking more in highschool

Jessie Lonne and Jessie are partners. They met in preschool but only started talking more in highschool. They became partners after they left highschool.

Jessica Lonne and Jessica aren't really friends. They didn't really know eachother that well until after highschool.

Joio Lonne and Joio are siblings. So they're very close.

Lin Lonne and Lin are siblings. So they're very close.

profile html by Hukiolukio