Basic Info






trans man


I'd appreciate it! Please draw him with his bandanna unless asked, thank you!


He is an ENTJ. A social being, comfortable around others, if not a little sadistic. He's quite the social butterfly and puts himself on a pedestal. He's a born leader, having the right mix of assertiveness and social skills to get him to the top and to stay there. He's quite organized, a planner and while he's not obsessive, he does value his to-do list. A perfectionist and sometimes a pessimist, he always prepares for the worst case scenarios, and he's always ready for everything. He works hard and tends to have a good understanding of his tasks. Sometimes he can be quite analytical and logical, very nit picky and naggy as well. He is intelligent, well-informed, and like the god of public speaking. Fearless, he tends to be a little manipulative, getting others to bend to his will quite easily. Despite all this he tends to take risks for the thrill of it. He is confident, arrogant and judgemental, and dislikes compromise. He is a lawyer.

{Alright so his personality is a bit messed up right now but I'll clean it later}