Domino Sterling



7 years, 28 days ago


Domino Sterling

It's lonely at the top.
OccupationStarShooter Overlord
Gender/PronounsMale (He/Him)
Orientation/StatusBisexual, polyamorous
Body BuildToned, though not overly muscled- built more to to wield light swords than anything heavy suited.
Traits/Unique FeaturesShattered tail plates, numerous scars along body, multiple eyes
HomeThe Capitol, in his manor
Voice ClaimWhere I Want to Be
Theme Song/s--
PersonalityNot exactly sparkling personality here. Very monotone, blank.






  • ✗ Selfish
  • ✗ Racist
  • ✗Paranoid

  • ✓ Patient
  • ✓ Loyal
  • ✓ Communicates
  • To be the best leader for 
  • his people, and wipe the
  • memory of his father from
  •  the history books.

Well trained

Considering the ringer his father put him through in his youth, Domino knows his way around a plethora of weapons, and is nowhere near shy on the batter field

Leader and a Soldier

Domino does not throw orders from behind a well defended wall. He has no problem stepping onto the field and fighting beside those he commands. 



  • Social
    • Despite his very monotone disposition, Domino frequents social events. Parties, balls, meetings- be they Shooter specific, or the world leader gatherings. He is the leader of the StarShooters, he doesn't have the luxury of being reclusive.
  • You've gone soft, son.
    • He's kinder than most of his kind, at least when it comes to slaves. One of his pushes as the Overlord is to make it law you cannot beat, kill, or damage your slaves, just as one wouldn't senselessly beat their dog. The other StarDragons are and forever will be subservient to the Shooters, but Domino doesn't believe that needs to be paired with needless abuse.
  • Religiously Questioning
    • He doesn't follow Basut's teachings, despite Basut being the god of the Shooters. He relates to the story of Basut, but has little interest in participating in his religion. Same goes for the other Gods as well.


The murderer of the prior Overlord, though the only ones privileged to that knowledge would be himself and his sister. In his youth, Domino starved for the attention of his father, though was always left in Voodoo's shadow- the favored child. Boiling with envy and rage as he grew older, Domino murdered his father in an argument gone south, and took up the role of Overlord. 

Domino strives to do what his right for his people (because he, like most of his kind, cares very little when it comes to the other races), and despite the monotone ring to his voice and flat expression, he's rather passionate about making sure his kind remain strong and eventually reign dominant over Jo'Arca. However, he's known to do shady business here and there... that's little to do with what he wants, and more to do with Voodoo using the knowledge over the murder of their father to make Domino do as she wants.

He keeps his father's ear gems as stress balls, yes.



Theodore Sterling

As far as Domino is aware, his long dead father. A tyrant and an abusive man, Domino put an end to his life for the betterment of his people... and himself.


Voodoo Sterling (Spades)

To put it bluntly, she's a manipulative bitch, and the less Domino has to do with her, the better. She's fully aware what Domino did to get into his title, and Domino fears for his future if he ever slipped up and caused her displeasure.


West (Diamonds)

His right hand man. Formerly a servant who tended to the previous Diamond's needs, Domino saw his potential as he found West was secretly the brains behind the Diamond's plans. Despite West being a chimera, and technically just as much of an animal as the other StarDragons, Domino keeps his halfbreed blood a secret, helping him hide the imperfections, and keeping West as his own Diamonds.


Hendric deliery (Pin)

Originally his tutor, now butler as Domino deems himself no longer requiring a teacher. Pin has done a good deed for Domino and perhaps... all the non-Shooter races Domino comes across as Pin has been one of the greater influences in his life on helping him treat the other races more kindly. Not entirely, as the other races are still harvest for gems and the slave trade. But. Baby steps.



Given to Domino as a personal guard in Domino's youth, Ace was meant to be nothing but an unseen shadow who made sure nothing happened to the Overlord to be. Instead, Domino took a shine to him and keeps the Eater close to him as part of Domino's 'harem'. And also still a guard.






Personal maid.


Baccarat Beaulieu (Blackjack)

Blackjack's original destination was becoming breeding fodder for stockier, stronger guards. Domino had other plans, and quickly bought him off the block as another guard for his growing Kingsguard. One might thing Domino has a kink for Eaters. One might be right. One might also be chucked into a river so they can't spread that rumor. Domino is just as attached to Blackjack as he is all the others, and makes sure Blackjack doesn't find himself in such a sullied position again.

Mood Board


Relationship Searching

  • Yes
    • Friendships
    • Enemies
  • No
    • Romantic Relationships
    • Family

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