


3 years, 5 months ago


a commander of the emperor's army that detests the man and intends to overrule him through force. though it is a bit more personal than disliking the ruler and his strategies; he wants Oriphnae for himself, as his appearance strikes great resemblance to the mother of Gaius' children, whom was felled by the emperor's orders

he is saddled with guilt, grief, and frustration-- thoughts that have been with him even before many tragedies in his life had occurred (a negative person overall). he rarely thinks outside of his woes, which compound into making his view on life quite nihilistic.
he is not a 'poor, kind man' by any means, though he considers himself far more useful and good for the people of the empire in comparison to the emperor. outside of his duties he does not view himself as worthy of time or effort, quite despairing, even in the face of admiration from his peers and lessers

oh yeah and he's 6'8" lol i'll clean all of this up lata