


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Red, B431






Bisexual (probably, he doesn't know)


Human clone






10th November


Red is a clone created in a military research facility as part of Project GENEsis. He is an excellent sharpshooter and mechanic-in-training. During his childhood, he was a close friend of Azrael's. However, he was gravely injured during a training exercise and left to die. A scientist decided to use him as a test subject for a regeneration serum, which miraculously healed him and gave him heightened healing abilities. He was then sold to a mercenary organisation, and used as a secret assassin. Years later he makes a daring escape, and crash lands on a deserted planet.

He has a head of curly dark red hair, which he was named for. His original hair color was dark brown, however, and is visible at the roots of his hair. With a boyish face, warm brown eyes, and somewhat soft features, he has a rather cute appearance. He is short and slight in built, which lends him an aversion to hand-to-hand combat and his specialization as a sharpshooter. 

Red is outgoing and friendly, with an even-natured personality that allows him to get along well with everyone. He is usually cheerful and upbeat, trying to remain optimistic in the worst of times. However, he tends to make jokingly self-deprecating remarks, as a way of lightening the mood. He is somewhat playful and mischievous, frequently teasing others, but never in a mean-spirited manner. He is resolutely loyal to his friends, and would not betray even if his own life was in danger.

In front of authorities, or in dangerous situations, he seems to adopt a more serious, emotionless and coldly efficient personality. A self-defense mechanism that developed as a result of his childhood training and time as an assassin, he tends to revert to a robot-like state, focused solely on his task. However, he can easily snap out of that state if he no longer feels threatened.



Like his other clone peers, he was born in a military research facility, intended to be trained into a super soldier to fight against the growing alien threats. He was the only one of his "nursery" group to survive, so when he was finally advanced to the Garrison group, he became quick friends with Azrael, another lonely young clone. The trainers and officers were fond of him for he was a charmer and good at sweet-talking, which often allowed him to get himself and Azrael out of trouble easily.

However, during a training exercise, in attempt to save another clone from a stray mine, he accidentally blew himself up. Medics tried to revive him to no avail, and he was thus pronounced dead on the spot in front of a distraught Azrael. His body was sent to be disposed off but he was picked up by a scientist looking for a test subject to experiment on. The scientist injected him with a regeneration serum that miraculously healed his injuries and granted him heightened regeneration abilities. 

The scientist, greedy for more profit, decided to sell him off to a mercenary group instead of returning him to the military. In the mercenary group, Red was tortured and brainwashed into becoming the perfect silent killer. He was treated like a machine or a weapon rather than a person, and sent on numerous assassination missions. He lost most of his personality and became akin to a robot, functioning only based on the orders he was given.

Years later, Red encountered a weapons dealer by the name of Solomon, who had been hired by the mercenary group to outfit him with weapons. Solomon was the first person to treat Red kindly in a long time, and this awoke some of his old personality and consciousness. He started to rebel against his employers, and began to plot an escape for himself.


Eventually Red finds a way to break out of the facility where he was being kept, stealing a small fighter to try to fly back to his old military facility to find his friends. He reaches the facility only to find it completely destroyed. Before he even has time to grieve, he is shot down by a space patrol and his former mercenary employees, who had labelled him a space terrorist. He crash lands on a nearby deserted planet, and is rescued by the planet's sole inhabitant, who turns out to be the weapons maker Solomon. Solomon had been exiled to the planet as a sentence for murder. 

Solomon, initially wary, takes pity on Red after learning his story and helps him evade his pursuers. Grateful for Red's companionship, Solomon takes him in as an apprentice and assistant, teaching him to be a mechanic.


- Red has extremely rapid healing abilities that allow him to regrow limbs in a matter of hours when he is at the prime of his health.

- He has a bit of a sweet tooth and loves chocolates or cake. He dislikes spicy or bitter food on the other hand.

- He dyed his hair red as a disguise when he escaped from his mercenary employers. However, he liked the look so he decided to keep it.

- Solomon was the one to name him Red on a whim, for he did not have any name other than his code number.