Song Bird (OH HOLD FOR: L1V1D)



9 years, 20 days ago




Digging Deeper

Quiet . Compassionate . Generous
Birdie is a loving and compassionate young mare. While she isn't the most energetic, she does show a lot of enthusiasm toward her work and in helping others. Her generosity is almost impeccable. Birdie doesn't have to think twice about putting others above herself. At times she can seem a little shy due to her very soft spoken voice; she almost always speaks in a whisper, but her singing voice is strong and beautiful. Birdie isn't actually afraid of how others see her and she doesn't find it really difficult to communicate and connect with strangers either. While being quiet, she is not shy, and actually finds pleasure in the company of other ponies. While Birdie passionately insists on peace, she's very nonviolent herself and strongly disproves of others using violence. Her Greenhouse is a peaceful place and she isn't keen on ponies starting trouble inside it. 

Talent & Occupation;
Song Bird's special talent is helping plants grow by singing to them. Her voice his powerful enough to bring a wilted flower into bloom. She lives in and operates a Greenhouse that appears pretty small on the outside but on the inside it's vast. There might be some magic involved...

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