Micare Ayers (Veritas)



4 years, 1 month ago



Name: Micare Ayers

Role: Counselor / Subterfuge Instructor

Birthday: April 1st

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Sexuality: Greysexual

Nationality: American

Blood Type: B

Hero Stats

Hero Name: Veritas

Quirk: Sworn Testimony +1

Micare can tell when someone is answering his questions with the truth or a lie. If someone does tell a lie, Micare can choose to manifest a "holy light", a weapon which reflects the nature of the lie told which may only harm the one who has broken testimony.


  • Micare must ask a question, if a person speaks without having been asked first it doesn't work.
  • The weapon disappears after its target is either KO'd or has verbally admitted to the truth.
  • Micare can't summon a weapon if the condition isn't fulfilled.


Micare can detect the presence of lies without having to ask a leading question, HOWEVER he cannot draw weapons from these lies.


Personality: Micare is an upbeat person who is vocal about his feelings and has a tendency for dramatics. He can be confrontational, but is rarely belligerent or mean. He's used to putting on different faces for different people and settings, and it's taxing on his day-to-day emotional state, so in private he is actually a very lowkey person.

He actually has very little trust for others, often used to sniffing out ulterior motives and lies. Time and time again, the story is never the full story-- still, he doesn't judge people for being 'human'. He knows that he's flawed, and so is everyone else-- he doesn't try to judge others, but by default tends to keep them at arm's length.

Being a selfless person who is used to giving away his emotional energy for his job, he has a great level of empathy for heroes who do practically the same thing and more. Way too easily, he grows fond of people who try hard to help others, and is proud of their successes as if they were his own.

Likes: karaoke, single player puzzle games, low-fi music, snail mail

Dislikes: fear mongering, black and white logic, capitalism

History: Ever since he was young, Micare wanted to make a change in the world. The quirk he was given rang strongly of justice and righteousness, and he wanted to use it to be a hero. His time as a hero never extended past high school-- at 19, an internship caused his career to slide unexpectedly sideways into law enforcement and the paperwork side of the justice system. He was more reliable as a lie detector and an undercover officer, and he learned a lot about stealth, covers, and mind games. The work was dangerous and disenchanting however-- he quickly learned that truth and justice were not synonymous-- and just as often, justice was dispensed with lies as well. He sunk hard into depression, ended up quiting his job, and was aimless at 21. It took him years to feel like a normal human being again-- travelling, mooching off friends, meeting new people, and meeting new heroes helped him to recover some of the passion of his childhood.

He went back into the education system, studying psychology-- he wanted to be the hero's hero, to help be sure that there would be less cases like himself in the future. He was just graduating and looking for a position when the world's eye turned to Schuyler and Boston-- Micare was fast to apply for a position, desperate for any job no matter how far he had to move, as long as it was in proximity with the type of people he wanted to help. He believes he was hired more for his experience as an undercover officer than his abilities as a counselor however-- he was asked if he could work doubletime as an instructor for an experimental Subterfuge course at Schuyler, a new education program which came about after the Boston disaster brought to light the weaknesses in the current education program.