


3 years, 5 months ago


 Name Tarou Sekenn
 Gender Male
 Species Kitsune (deity-touched)
 Height 6'5"
 Build Firm
 Orientation Unknown
 HTML Eggy

All-knowing . Quick-tempered . Unpredictable

Tarou is a corrupted Kitsune. He was once a very respected medium in his clan, renown beyond his small home for consulting outsiders.
He has since been lost to the madness that is deity-touched communication-- the deities of Kitsunes thought perhaps Tarou could be their champion and bestowed him with immense power, which he still cannot find a manner to control.
Tarou can hear clear thoughts, feelings, and intentions of others via telepathic voices in the back of his mind at all times, when in the presence of others.

Because of his struggle and lack of peace, Tarou now lives alone- as far as he can muster- from others, since he can sense approaches of other sentient creatures, and then be able to sense the rest of their thoughts from there. He does not like succumbing to the overwhelming onload of information, and quickly loses his temper and coherency when getting these feedback loops.

He used to be quite brave and dashing, almost charming to those that interested him (for whatever reasons Tarou would've had)... He had a desire to be affable, and even now he is regretful at being overwhelmed by his 'curse', wanting nothing more than to make others happy.
His life of loneliness is difficult to come to terms with, and there are many times he wonders why he attempts to survive every day in these conditions.

Trivia and notes:
- He uses alcohol and various hallucinogens to stay in control nowadays, but they don't help much help in that manner, it just takes the edge off of things.
- Even some feral creatures are still easy to pick up on in his mind-- because of this he isn't the kindest to other living beings, and will attack if provoked (which means someone just needs to exist near him to provoke him, unfortunately).
- The horns grew as the deities kept using their powers to communicate through Tarou by giving him more telepathic power (and thus are not optional when drawing him).
   the markings are also from the deities but they are optional!