


3 years, 6 months ago



Avalon Levinteau
43 (Apparent Age: 21)
February 27
World Thread:
Feminine, Soft-Spoken

Kind and regal, Avalon strives to present the ideal picture of a royal princess. Never afraid to be seen among her people, she an often be found visiting nearby villages. However, the picture that the princess presents isn't a full one... A rare combination of black and white threaded magic permeate her soul - and her birth holds a secret that not even she herself knows. Plagued with anxiety and particularly sensitive to the emotions of others, Avalon spends the rest of her time recharging as far away from others as possible.




Raised to be the picture of grace, Avalon is typically the picture of femininity. She is polite, well-groomed, and flawlessly-dressed at seemingly all times.


Avalon takes her duties as a princess quite seriously and feels it is her responsibility to present a strong front to her people. As such, she is very careful to hide her insecurities and fears in public.


It is not uncommon for Avalon to wait a moment before speaking to consider her words. As such, she spends a lot of time listening and thinking and often proves surprisingly insightful.


The princess has a deep-seated fear of letting her emotions get the best of her. This, coupled with her desire to appear proper at all times, means that her voice is always quiet and even.


One trait that's occurred naturally in the young evine - not as a result of her upbringing - is her unexpectedly humble nature. Despite her high standards for herself, she doesn't consider herself above others at all.


Around her sisters and closest friends, one of Avalon's biggest secrets comes to light: she is an incredibly anxious and worried person. She considers it critical that she is not perceived this way publicly, however.


Height: 4'8"
Build: Hourglass
Long, Braided
Notes: Earrings are optional.
Hair can be loose or braided.
Jewelry is typically silver.


Magical Skills

  • Absorption
  • Empathy
  • Emotional Transference
  • Dark Magic Sensitivity

Physical Skills

  • Embroidery
  • Sewing
  • Diplomacy
  • Gardening
  • Etiquette

Absorption Magic

Ability to absorb life force from others through touch. Under extreme duress, the ability can also be activated by close proximity (less than two feet). With training, the magic can be honed to include the capabilities to absorb certain illnesses, poisons, and some magical effects. Energies absorbed cannot be transferred; they are nullified by her body upon absorption.

Empathy & Emotional Tranference

Innate ability to feel the emotions of others, but can also project her own emotions to others. The ability is strongest - and unavoidable - through touch, but anyone within three feet of her can potentially be impacted when the ability is activated. Currently she cannot control the transference effects when extremely upset or frightened.



A wild flower, forever-trapped in the war between darkness and light... And cursed to never know why.

The Queen

The youngest of four sisters, Avalon was the product of a queen's desperation to bear an heir for her kingdom. Her story best begins with that of her mother, the late queen of her kingdom.

The king was a man of little affection: aloof and staunchly traditional, his queen served one purpose and one purpose alone. A growing sense of dread had been blossoming inside the queen the birth of each female child. It was clear that if the queen couldn't fulfill her duties, the king would find someone who could - and divorce wasn't an option for a man of royalty.

And so as he slept one night, the queen absconded the castle, seeking out her last resort: a black-threaded sorcerer by the name of Bastaen. He was whispered about among the servants and commoners: a man who could grant any dream for the right price. She could only hope the hefty bag of gold strung beneath her cloak would suffice.

The queen pleaded her case and the bargain was struck. The weight of her coinpurse replaced with a miniscule vial of amber liquid, she furtively re-entered the castle as the sorcerer's final statement to her whispered through her mind:

"You'll get what you desire."

The pregnancy was particularly grueling, with the queen bearing the brunt of the newborn child's requirements: there was no connection she shared with the king that would distribute the pain, as was common with her kind. In particular, this child seemed much more taxing than the others, demanding an excess of food and energy far beyond what the queen had experienced in her previous children. Nonetheless the queen remained hopeful, even as her essence faded like a wilting flower. "This will be the one," she could often be heard whispering affectionately as she'd stroke her growing abdomen. "You will save me, little one."

She became bedridden in the final months of the pregnancy and when the time came, it took the efforts of several of the court's best healers and providers to ensure the birth of the child was a success. However there was no healer in the kingdom that could save the withered queen. The court's thread-seer watched in horror as the woman's life-threads dissolved into nothingness, even as the first threads of the newly born child began to connect her to the earth itself. The thread-seer knew this was not how an evine's life should end; but what he couldn't know was rather the queen's demise was the product of the child itself - or of something darker.

The king's gaze didn't leave the parchment that had been in his hands as his attendants relayed the news of the queen's death and the birth of his fourth daughter. He hadn't bothered to attend the birth; he'd expected the queen to be a disappointment to her last breath and she'd exceeded his expectations.

And what of the queen's desires, then? Had she been betrayed by the black magic she'd prayed would save her? Perhaps. Or, perhaps, her deepest desire had meerly been to be free of the king.


  • Avalon's has a dark magic sensitivity that is strongest in the dark. This has lead her to having a nearly debilitating fear of the dark. She sleeps with a candle, at a minimum, at all times.
  • She has three older sisters, 2 younger half-brothers, and 1 younger half-sister. Her half-sibling are born from a different mother.
  • Avalon's mother passed away at birth; her stepmother is not particularly fond of the eldest daughters of the family and has not acted as a mother-figure for her.
  • Although she is a relatively skilled gardener, she has inexplicably killed flowers in the past with her magic and she prefers not to visit or tend to the castle garden as a result.
  • Even though she is often depicted with roses, one of the symbols of her family, her favorite color (and scent) is lavender.



Nimue Sister

One of her few allies within the royal family, Nimue is one of Avalon's older sisters; a source of comfort and inspiration for the young princess. Secretly envious of her sister's knack for finding secrets and "overhearing" things through the castle's walls, she also can't help but worry that one day Nimue will be caught in her antics.


Valerian Pet

Former feral and steadfast companion, Valerian was rescued by Avalon after she found him as a kitten, weakened along the outskirts of a local village and reaking of dark magic experimentation. Overcome with pity, she bit back her fear and took the poor creature to a nearby healer, who was able to restore the feline to full health. Valerian now shares Avalon's sensitivity to and distate for dark magic and offers her as much protection and comfort as a 17lb feline can. Avalon sleeps holding Valerian most nights and he can often be seen padding around behind her within the castle walls.


Character [ relationship ]

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