Spence Stewart (Childhood)



1 year, 10 months ago


Spence Stewart

|| He/Him || Parta Fulg/Lucer || 13 || Student || 


Clever - Nonverbal - Wanderer

   Spence struggled both academically and socially for reasons he couldn't to explain, though he managed to get an autism diagnosis at a young age. Through support from the family of a close friend, he was able to work out mechanisms to help him academically, but he always struggled to connect with others his age. Especially when he was younger, getting him to talk to anybody was a challenge, and often people would have to work aorund his refusal rather than try to force anything out of him. Which is good. Though he doesn't talk much, he makes up for it with big actions, often doing research of subjects that interest him to progress further through that topic in his own time. This also translates to how he views the world around him: if something interests it, he examines it closer and tends to wander off as a result. This habit has already gotten him in trouble a couple times, and he seems to grow more likely to do it as he gets older.

   Due to his obvious intellegence and thirst for knowledge, his teachers have recommened that he not go to the public high school. Instead, they offer, he should be looking into schools built to cater to his mind and allow him to progress at his own advanced pace. He takes this very seriously, recognizing the position he's in wouldn't happen without hard work and that he'd be letting down more people than himself if he squanders the oppertunity. He struggles to understand other people at his school who don't hold their education on the same pedestal.


   Spence was raised by a single mother, with his father dying when he was too young to remember him.

Likes & Dislikes
  • Complements
  • Exploring
  • Reading

  • People who disrespect boundaries
  • Waiting
  • Certain specific noises and feelings
[Nimai Stewart]

Spence's mom, and his only parent that he remembers.

[Oliver Stewart]

Spence's father, who died when he was young. He never knew who to believe about his dad-- Lumi with their rage, or their mom with her compassion and forgiveness? Spence doesn't think about it too much.

[Luminesence Stewart]

Spence's older sibling, who moved out as soon as they turned seventeen, much to everyone's suprise. They still come over for the holidays, and that makes Spence look forward to the holidays a little bit more.

[Jamie Torres]

Spence's most reliable friend, he moved away a few years ago, but Spence still considers them close.

♫ Theme Song