Spence Stewart (Nightmare Sickness AU)



Spence Stewart

|| He/Him || 16 || Wizard|| Student ||   


Intelligent - Emotional - Serious

Spence is stubborn and prideful, and he has a difficult time trying to understand people who don't interact with the world the same way he does. Which is a bit ironic, since he's technically the outlier in how he sees the world, not them. He tends to make rash decisions based on wild thinking and then get angry when things don't go to plan. He's happy to stay close to his friends and family, almost to a fault to where he insists on being the middle ground when everybody who he's friends with hate each other. His control over his magic is skillful, but that may be in part because he's not too strong magically in general. He doesn't mind though, he can do all he needs to be able to do.

The Story

Spence was a baby when his father was killed, and never got to know him. He never learned to understand why his sibling and his mother had such vastly different opinions on him, and even in his teens he's unsure who to believe. He hears an overwhelming amount of information from both sides to the point where, for the time being, he's left with numb indifference.

Raised by a single mother, there was a long period of time where his older sibling had to pitch in to keep an eye on him, treating him more like a random child then a brother. His sibling moved out when Spence was eight, and even before then, there was a distance between them due to the age gap. Spence never felt like he got to know his sibling as a family member.

Spence was recognized as Gifted by his teachers, and when doing research into high schools for gifted students, he found one in the same country his sibling had moved to. It didn't take long for him to convince his mom, though the phone call with Luminescence took a little bit longer. As they've lived together, Lumi and Spence managed to repair their relationship to the point on where they can see each other as actual siblings. They've learned to get along with each other in a way they couldn't before and it really strengthen how they see each other. During this time, Spence also begins dating an old friend, though he doesn't tell Lumi yet. 

The Lab

At some point recently, Luminescence took at job at the Gliderward Laboratories as a security guard, letting Spence stay with some friends while they were out of town. The two would contact each other every night until Lumi once day went suddenly radio silent. No message Spence sent him was ever acknowledged or even seen for a week straight, and by then Spence had found out this was a common issue for people who had family in the laboratory. Spence managed to find a helicopter going on a rescue mission and convinced them to let him tag along, lying about his age so he could get onboard. When they arrived, they found the lab dark and almost destroyed.

Spence went through various interactions with the infected people inside of the labs, many of them leading to intense and confused moments, but on the second floor down, he got to see what happened to Luminescence. Lumi, deep into stage two of the infection, immediately tries to suffocate him, Spence only managing to escape through being pulled along by a survivor he had saved earlier. Lumi is left alive, but is so enraptured by their own arm breaking that they basically let them go. At the room with the way down to the next floor, he's thrown around like a rag doll and eventually dropped down a hatch, breaking his leg on impact and passaging out from pain.

Spence, now infected, manages to push himself back to stage one from stage two. Though him and the group does first let a man who turned out to be a not that great guy die to an infected. He hadn't done anything to the group, but nobody was comfortable helping him when he got caught. From there, Spence spends time grappling with his sanity and trying to avoid talking to the voices in his head from the infection. He then met a girl who also came to this place trying to save her brother who wasn't infected and brought her back to the group, when they're suddenly met with Lumi once again. This time, in stage 3, they had no memory of anybody there.

Spence, pissed, tired, and slowly going insane, had a breakdown instead of trying to bring Lumi back, which they knew was possible by now, and ended up bringing them back, rather than through pleasant talking, by breaking down sobbing... And even then, he immediately leaves to comfort the girl when Lumi mentions that members of the party killed her very infected brother. They have the ability to move on, but haven't yet. 

Likes & Dislikes
  • Computers
  • Autumn 
  • Spending time with family

  • Loud noises
  • Arguments
  • Invasion of privacy

Beloved older sibling! Spence looks up to Lumi for their dedication and healthy social life... Not so much for their coping mechanisms. Before he moved in with them, he would commonly try to get Lumi to come back home so he could get to know them. They used to be really mysterious to him.


Best friend and boyfriend, Spence has known Jamie since they were kids, and even though there was a period of time where they didn't see each other, they managed to reconnect!



