Lilith Hall



3 years, 6 months ago


【 Name 】 Lilith Hall【 Nicknames 】Lily, "Put that down!"
【 Age 】 23【 Gender 】Chemical X (She/Xe)
【 Height 】 5'9"【 Orientation 】 Lesbian
【 D.o.B 】 June 30th 1932【 Zodiac 】 Gemini
【 Nationality 】 American【 Occupation 】 Nuclear Engineer
【 Role/Story 】 Chapter 2 Scapegoat / Arcadia【 Theme】 Rät - Penelope Scott

【 Appearance 】
Piercing silver eyes lay behind rounded glasses, taking everything in. Frazzled green hair is tucked into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. A white overcoat, covering a teal button up to match an unkempt teal tie, is tucked into a pair of brown trousers.

【 Personality 】

Lilith makes mistakes. We all do! But xe makes sure it never happens again. Highly perceptive and diligent, nothing gets past her watchful eyes. She is, however, flighty and forgetful, nearing the border of lacking object permanence. She will absolutely forget that xe’s already wearing glasses and will spend 20 minutes in the morning looking for them.

Good Traits
Creative, risk-taker, perceptive
Bad Traits
Forgetful, overbearing, A-Class freak
【 Other Info 】

  • Does not take mask off to sleep
  • Also does not take off glasses
  • Learned how to play the clarinet as a child
  • Has 30 potted cacti
  • Wants so very greatly to hug a squid to use as an anecdotal story