
*gets oc and throws them into region not even out yet* liyah moment

-She's related to Lotte, one of her sisters out of twelve. These two and an upcoming oc of mine Eilee have the same father. Fayette’s real name was Maelle.

-her codename for the Fatui is La Fayette, it means like the faith, kinda just refers to how when she was rather innocent in appearance when she first joined and exposed herself deeper into the fatui to become a herald.

-will be a pyro polearm user

-her constellation is Cor Mortis, roughly meaning Heart of death

-not only was she thrown aside just for being one of the weaker siblings of the family, there was often unethical practices that Fayette was forced into. One of the “traditions” the Charpentiers hold is to put them through what can be considered a torture method in order to receive a vision through force.

-to try and prove herself after she barely survived the forced receiving of her vision, she chose to go straight into the ranks of the fatui. She was terrified, a frightful teenager that would only be kicked around as a lowest ranking member. She knew what she was getting herself into, but she was willing to suffer for it all.

-there was Dottore as well, who’d already had his eyes on her for an experiment. They’d not crossed each other’s paths until she’d been tainted against her will, Dottore having found her at the scene. When she realized who he was, she’d begged him to take her, hoping that he could somehow make her stronger. He was amused how easy it was to have obtained a new subject of interest, so he listened to her words and thus lead her into experimentation for power.

-she now kinda puts on a facade of being a flamboyant character, especially since now after all she’s been through, she’s got an obsession with experiments, mortal limits, and even death. She likes to scare people, whether it be a “lighthearted joke” or legitimately putting fear into someone.

-she blabbers on a lot about random things, reason being she usually wants to be the center of attention and a show off, again referring to “flamboyance”

-she’s a Fatui Herald, a rank I came up with for a couple of my ocs HELP. Other Heralds are Niabi, Lukyan, and Raisa. She’s the Herald under Dottore in place of Ruolan who held this position before.

-Il Dottore pairing, I remember when I was like “Ew hes ugly” and then all the Harbingers were dropped and suddenly he was fine. They have a rather complicated relationship