
  • Estella

  • Age 19
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Species Ghost
  • Role Sister

"Some days even the Devil sits back and admires my work"

Most people would describe Estella as reckless, or insane. They lose themselves more and more with each passing day.

Their right eye completely corrupted over. During a Blood Moon, their other eye corrupts and they reach their full potential.


Date of Birth: April 3rd
Origin: Fenwood
Height: 5"8'
Build: Adverage
Demeanor: Creepy
Theme: TBA
  • Control
  • Attention
  • Love
  • Someone else having attention
  • Someone being seen as more importaint
  • Being told no




Estella used to be just a normal person. They lived in Fenwood with their mom, dad, and step sister Anastasia. Estella was an adventurous little girl. Always outside, going into the "cursed" forest despite the warnings. Always looking for a fun challenging adventure to go on.

After her parents found out about this they started keeping a closer eye on her during the day. They even adopted a sister for her, in attempt to sustain her sense for adventure and help her develop a sense for responsablilty. This worked for a little while, her sister and her got along fine until she started realizing that her sister was getting all the attention.

When Anastasia fell and scraped her leg, her parents would rush to her aid, but when Estella fell, she would just get up and dust herself off, with no one helping her. With this new realization, she grew jealous, she started to sneak out every night to the forest. It was her way of sustaining her feelings, on an adventure she felt free, important, a part of something bigger. While at home she was fading to the side lines.

On the night of a blood moon, she found a path she had never seen before. Her curiosity got the better of her and she explored it. The path closed behind her, she didn't even notice. The path lead her to an opening in the forest where the moon shone perfectly on top of the amulet hidden in the leaves. Maybe by her own will or the influence of the moon , she put on the amulet. Imminently she felt lighter, seemingly floating off of the ground.


Estella woke up, getting up from this pile of leaves. She has no memory of how she got there. Her last feelings, her feeling of jealousy seem to have grown. All she could think of is how Anastasia took her parents from her. How she made her fade away. With this new enhanced rage she raced back home. When she arrived, her family didn't even seem to care where she was, they were both focused on Anastasia, it was like she never existed or didn't matter. She returned at night to see if anything had changed, but to her dismay it hadn't. She took the time to explore the house and discovered her room was now just Anastasia's room. All her stuff was gone and nowhere to be seen. She headed over to the now sleeping Anastasia, and now new words pounded through her head. She had never heard them before yet knew what they met. With a deep breath and in a pure jealous rage, she started reciting them. One by one as they flew from her tongue, Anastasia started to fade.



[ Step Sister ] Younger sibling of Estella.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
