✧. Fleur ◆◆◆



3 years, 6 months ago



name Fleur
Nicknames info
gender Female ( She / Her )
age Young Adult
birthday 09 / 05 ( Virgo )
( Retired ) Ice Skater
Love Provider
theme content

designer ECflower
total worth $49.00
˗ˏˋ Fleur ˊˎ˗

Distance from Love

Pellen tesque condi mentum purus non aliquam dignissim. Nunc interdum tortor in massa ultricies congue. Sed ut condimentum orci, eget venenatis erat. Aenean volutpat est mauris, sed pharetra dui dignissim non. Suspendisse posuere, massa mollis auctor luctus, metus nisl mattis lorem, vel dictum leo dui quis magna. Nunc vitae ante in turpis condimentum scelerisque

" I wish to never lose you, my love. "


Enneagram . MBTI . Alignment
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How to explain Fleur. . . she's gentle, but not afraid to be straightforward with you. She's frail, but strongheaded and determined. She's incredibly distant, even to those she loves.


I've Already Lost One Love. . .

Once upon a time, there lived two princesses. They lived in separate kingdoms, unaware of the other and the fate they shared. It wasn't until their college days that the two would cross paths. One would see the other walk past everyday, her long blonde hair flowing behind her catching the sun's rays within each strand. It enamoured the one, even though the two were no more than strangers. Before the one knew it, her eyes followed the other and her heartbeat quickened everytime the other was before her. She couldn't get the courage to speak up, mouth clenched in resistance to cry out for the other's attention lest she cause a scare. It took many days of that silent passing, before the one decided to stand up. The one approached the other menacingly, looking quite frustrated and flustered as the other stared nervously. Her mouth opened to a shout, " I think you're cute, I'd like to get to know you ! " Holding out her hand, the one kept her eyes clenched as she continued. " Please just go on one date with me. If you dislike it, you can reject me ! " Quite the declaration, for a princess. The one waited, nervously, until she felt soft hands curl around her outstretched one. The other accepted, as fate said she would. The two princesses would further go on to fall in love with one another, even going so far as engagement. As the one knelt before the other, pressing her lips to the other's hands and promising to always be her knight as she held a ring in her hands, the other accepted happily. As fate had decided, the two were to live happily forever. . . until the one fell sick. The lovirium disease, as they call it. The other shook with fear upon the news, holding her beloved fiancee's hand in her own just the same as when the one confessed. While the other wanted to become her fiancee's love provider, the fear overtook her and she faltered. It took a toll on her mental health and, furthermore, her physical health. She began looking tired, weak, frail; and the one could tell quite clearly. The one, wanting to protect the other, make a decision right then and there. She broke off their engagement, and cut their red string. The one paired up with a different love provider, leaving the other all alone.

. . .Please don't let me Lose Another

While she recovered physically, not having to deal with the stress and fear of Mina's disease, Fleur was broken mentally. The one she loved was to be loved by another, and there was little she could do. Despite all this, Fleur was determined to live on, and find happiness herself. . . until she too succumbed to the lovirium disease.

Design Notes

Lovirium ( Lv 1 ) [species]
Normal Halo [normal]
White Wings [normal]
Crazy Eyes [normal]
Normal IV Bags [normal]
Animal Ears ; Tail [extra traits]

  • Ethnicity : French
  • Height : content
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  • Fleur's body struggles to handle the lovirium disease, causing her to collapse randomly at times. She had to retire from her career as an ice skater because of this. Fleur continues to push her body to ice skate in her free time, however.
  • ut id mi ut sapien scelerisque vulputate eget id eros.
  • morbi non risus et libero rhoncus porttitor. Donec metus turpis, volutpat eget orci a, hendrerit ultricies mi.

A'Marie Crushing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit. Varius quam quisque id diam vel. Eget gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus.

Mina Ex-Lover

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit. Varius quam quisque id diam vel. Eget gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus.

Emilia Acquaintance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit. Varius quam quisque id diam vel. Eget gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus.