
General Information: 
Name: Jenna Miriam Ruiz (Pronounced as: jeh-na meer-ee-um ru-eez )

Gender: (Cis) Female

Birth Designation: DFAB

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 25

Species: Human

Race: Latina

Ethnicity: Cuban-American

Personality: Jenna can be a touch of a spoil sport and delights in that fact. She isn't exactly a people-person but to her she doesn't have to be. She's proud to be a bit overbearing and meddlesome if it means she can step in and try to guide someone into fixing something about themselves that she might personally disapprove of. Jenna typically doesn't let much get under her skin to the point of anger or even real irritation however. Seemingly content with all but the most extreme things. She projects a slightly holier-than-thou attitude although she is more than aware of that fact and while she tries to tone it down at times she feels as though she has earned the right to be more than a little smug due to the amount of work she's had to put in compared to some.

Occupation: Librarian's Assistant

Appearance Information:
Height: 5'7'' | 170cm

Weight: 153lbs | 69Kg

Build: Pear-shaped

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Distinguishing Features: 
- Tattoo - Bicep/Deltoid - Left arm

Scars And Injuries: None