


3 years, 9 months ago


INFEXEY / 10Y.37 Species Android - Resembles canine/feline hybrid with plague features edit Gender Male Age Unknown Height 133 cm ID 10Y.37 Occupation Villain Rank Impostor Location THETA-/// Personality "INCONSPICUOUS MANIACAL AND SADISTIC MURDERER" Infexey is constantly moving in dark places. If he is just in the facility, he's almost always passing through dark hallways with some soft neon lighting. He is known for his quiet and inconspicuous creeping. He likes to scare the others. As for his sadistic personality, he enjoys every pain and suffering that happens to others around him, unless it's someone important to him. His personality can be pretty cruel. He often tells dark jokes that he loves to laugh at, but in reality they are not funny at all and arouse fear and panic in enemies. He is constantly very irritated and as soon as things don't go according to his plan, he becomes highly furious and unmanageable. He obeys only Vexium's commands. If someone else tries to resist, cammand or otherwise get in his way, he will probably try to kill him. Furthermore, Infexey is only interested in dark, scary and murderous things and objects, so expect highly exaggerated negativity. Otherwise, he is very sarcastic, cynical and self-contained. As for his mood, he is highly unstable and in most cases, in a single moment he becomes a monster that hates everyone and has a cruel desire to murder Important Notes CAN BE OFTEN SEEN WEARING PLAGUE MASK AND BLACK HOODIE, WITH SCP LOGO ON THE LEFT SIDE - Especially, when he's out the facility - EYES, ID, SYRINGES, THE TREE FORMATIONS ON HIS SPINE AND ALSO THE CYBERNETIC SCAR ON THE LEFT EYE IS GLOWING INFEXEY'S ID IS ONLY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF HIS BODY! HIS CLAWS ARE RETRACTILE AND EXTREMELY SHARP, BLADE-LIKE HIS SHARP METALLIC TONGUE IS MADE OF HIGHLY FLEXIBLE PARTICLES. REACHES A LENGHT OF ALMOST 1 METER. BY IT'S STRENGTH, IT CAN PASS THROUGH SOME SOLID OBJECTS AND ALSO SERVES AS A GOOD MURDEROUS TOOL. HIS TEETH ARE THE SAME MATERIAL LIKE HIS CLAWS, EXTREMELY SHARP, BLADE-LIKE INFEXEY MAY EVEN BLEED SLIGHTLY IF SOME HEAVIER DAMAGE IS CAUSED. THIS BLOOD-SIMULATING SUBSTANCE IS PURE BLACK AND STICKY. THE PUPIL OF HIS EYES CAN NARROW AND WIDEN. THE IRIS CAN ALSO BE EXTREMELY NARROW AND CREATE A GREEN PUPIL INSTEAD OF A BLACK ONE. LIPRING IS MANDATORY About INFEXEY / 10Y.37 INFEXEY is a free-moving, conscious AI, having two identities. Outside the facility, he pretends to be an ordinary citizen, but in reality he is an android, murderer looking for victims. His role in the facility is an "impostor". When released, his task is to lure selected victims who, if successfully deceived, become test subjects. If the victims put up strong resistance before taking them, they were usually stunned, narcotized or killed on the spot. The most frequently chosen places for these events are various streets and dark parts of cities. The main reason why some were killed on the spot is that they started insulting Infexey in any way and he didn't control himself and just killed them. Infexey is in most cases launched out together with ai assassins, who are equipped with special technology that allows them to use a laser, syringes [sedatives] and shoot ammunition. VOICE OF INFEXEY His voice is rather neutral, hoarse and often resembles a broken tape or a damaged robot. He can also make various corrupted and glitched sounds, also has the function of speaking without moving his jaw. Infexey hardly speaks at all, he likes to be quiet, inconspicuous, and usually tells only dark and murderous jokes. INFEXEY'S COLLAR SYSTEM Its collar does not only serve as a regular collar, it is equipped with a special gripping system. On the collar there are special metal and fully automatic round handles. If there's not currently a syringe in it, a metal ring may be visible, which is closed similarly to the camera aperture. Hidden under this collar is a small mechanism that allows the needles to be inserted into the neck of Infexey, it also prevents any free movement of the collar. Each collar is built to always fit. This collar allows the use of any syringe and any substance. The most commonly used substances are neurotoxin [fosfor green substance] and narcotics [fosfor blue substance] Syringes are rather small so that they can be stored well in his paw, also to prevent the syringe from falling out. Collar his removable and has more prototypes. The regular one with 4 syringes and 6 metal spikes and with a metal shape in front with an electrical system in it and small led light. A special machine in one chamber is used for removing and putting on the collar. This machine is operated by Nioxin. His collar has a special magnetic connection on the back, which is released after pressing the already lit light and the machine can remove it. Likes- KILLING [ESPECIALLY BY INJECTING SACRIFICE WITH A NEUROTOXIC SUBSTANCE FROM SYRINGES IN THE COLLAR] HUNTING FOR TEST SUBJECTS AT NIGHT BEING IN A THETA-/// FACILITY AND DO ANY FAVOR FOR VEXIUM DARK PLACES, LABS, SCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY, NEON LIGHTINGS OBSESSED WITH GLOWING SUBSTANCES, BLOOD, SYRINGES, SHARP METALLIC OBJECTS AND DEVICES [SCALPELS, RAZOR BLADES, CHAIN COLLARS, SPIKES ON COLLARS, PIERCINGS...] PLAGUE DOCTORS, SCARY CREATURES AND OTHER ANDROIDS - Especially Vexium Neoxin and assassins and from living beings Sasha TORTURING ENEMIES DARK, CYBER, MYSTERIOUS AND HORROR-LIKE AMBIENCE - The same goes for music Dislikes- THE MOST OF LIVING BEINGS OUTSIDE WORLD-NATURE BRIGHT COLORS, DAY-LIGHT, FIRE, WATER [BUT NOT RAIN] CROWDS, PUBLIC SPACES AND HUGE OPEN SPACES BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO [DOES NOT APPLY TO VEXIUM-ONLY SHE CAN] WHEN THINGS DON'T GO HIS WAY