
3 years, 5 months ago


154 lbs

past Silver was brought up in the militaristic Octarian society as a low-ranking soldier, having been created in a lab for that sole purpose. A good portion of Silver's generation at the time had biological parents, causing for Silver to be outcasted and ridiculed. Because of his loneliness, Silver turned to and befriended an exiled soldier named Dominic, and the two grew to have a strong mentor-apprentice type of bond. Dominic taught Silver things he wouldn't have learned in the military, such as the inkling language and what life in inkling society was said to be like. Silver wanted to live in inkling society, though one couldn't just simply leave Octo Valley. Dominic helped Silver escape, though it costed Dominic his own life in the process.

After losing Dominic, Silver was left on his own in downtown Inkopolis, where he found refuge with a dangerous gang that prowled the streets. Silver lived amongst them- and was even romantically involved with their leader for a short period of time.. if you could even call it that. Once Silver came to his senses and realized that he did not belong with the gang, he left them and, with whatever money he'd saved over the past year spent living in the downtown area, got a townhouse to live in. There, Silver started to slowly get his life together.

present Currently, Silver has moved to Splatsville and is active there, spending a lot of time working, playing ranked battles, and building up his collection of CDs, casette tapes, and vinyl records. Silver is snippy and reserved, though he deeply cares for his loved ones despite himself, and he enjoys spending time with his friends. Silver hangs on to his memories, keeping people such as Dominic close to his heart. While he doesn't let that grief get to him too much, Silver often misses his old friend and feels guilty, sometimes still blaming himself over his death.

Silver is content in his current life, but of course he's still his irritable, short-tempered self.


reed Reed was one of the first inklings to befriend Silver after he moved into his townhouse. Reed and Silver starkingly contrast each other in terms of personality, and there are times when Reed will bother Silver in the way a little brother would. Despite their arguments, Silver and Reed are very close and can be a dangerous duo in ranked matches.


phoenix Phoenix is Silver's boyfriend, having met after Silver helped Phoenix get up on his feet upon arriving in Inkopolis. Phoenix is very affectionate and patient with Silver, and the two had gotten together after Phoenix finally moved out of Silver's place to live with another friend in the city. They currently live together in Splatsville.


dominic Dominic was Silver's friend and mentor-like figure in Octo Valley, having been an exiled soldier who was essentially outcasted by Octarian society. Dominic was playful and intelligent, teaching Silver plenty of tricks- and even the inkling language (to the extent of his knowledge of it). Dominic helped Silver get across the border into inkling territory, but in the process he was caught by Octarian officers and killed. Silver misses Dominic very often and can get caught up in immense guilt over his death.


danny Danny is another friend Silver made in Inkopolis, and the two bonded over being brought up with similar backgrounds in Octo Valley. Silver and Danny are both quieter in nature, though Danny's temper is more in line than Silver's is, and the two are able to get along and work together seamlessly. Silver has a lot of trust in Danny.


fiver Another octoling (well, half-octoling) met in Inkopolis, Fiver is very different from Silver in terms of background and even outfit color palette. But the two have very similar interests, especially in music. Fiver and Silver get along very well, with Fiver often taking over their conversations. Silver never seems to mind this, surprisingly enough.


ross Ross is another good friend of Silver's, often being a person Silver can find himself feeling comfortable enough to be vulnerable around. Ross has a very warm aura, one that even Silver- through all his distrust because of trauma- is able to feel at ease with. The two get along and cooperate well, and Ross and Silver are known to sometimes hang out and smoke together.


fang Fang, an Octarian sharkling, is Silver's ex-boyfriend, and the leader of the dangerous downtown gang Silver hung around during his first year in Inkopolis. Fang and Silver were a very distant couple, though their relationship did not end on bitter terms. On Silver's end though- maybe just a little bit. Fang was never a very emotional character to begin with, though lack of communication was never able to get that cleared up. Fang leaves Silver alone, though he still keeps a close eye on Silver whenever he's on gang territory.