♛ Coffin



3 years, 6 months ago



 Name Coffin

 residence Outside Stonewing

 Pronouns He/him

 Species Cccat

 size Big Dog

 Role Gravekeeper

Design Notes:
  • Snaggletooth is not optional (right side)
  • Additionally, when in cyclops mode, the snaggletooth usually still sticks out
  • There should be 7 crowns (crosses) on his back
  • Horns can be drawn facing inwards or backwards
  • Lantern accessory is PREFERRED but not required

Coffin is a generally unpleasant & grumpy CCCat who lives in an old, mostly abandoned cemetery outside Stonewing. He prefers to keep mostly to himself and honestly avoid interaction with others as a whole. If an unlucky soul happens to stumble upon his property, he becomes very verbally aggressive and threatening, although he'll never actually do any harm. As much as he detests the label, he is a pacifist. He prefers not to talk much, but when he does say something it's usually rude and/or pessimistic.
He spends his days mostly cooped up in his little run-down cabin at the edge of the cemetery and working on various vulture culture projects. He enjoys collecting bones, insects, and pelts from deceased animals he finds while walking in the woods around his home. It was a lonely existence, one that he ultimately crafted for himself as a form of self-punishment. He only recently started getting out and visiting Stonewing again when he met Duck.



Duck was never an exception to Coffin's rude exterior. The two met when Duck drunkenly crash-landed in the cemetery and had passed out. Coffin, through many exasperated sighs and scoffs, took the gravent back to his cabin where he patched up his cuts and scrapes and left him on a couch to wake up. When Duck woke up later in the morning, he sheepishly apologized and then immediately began to ask questions about Coffin, his home, and his life, to which Coffin replied "get the fuck out of my house". The next day, Duck returned, much to Coffin's confusion, with baked goods as a more formal apology. Coffin told him gruffly that he didn't eat, and even if he did, he couldn't taste much anyways. Duck declared loudly that he would replay him properly somehow for his kindness.
He started to show up at the cabin every other day, but whether or not Coffin answered his knocking was pretty rare. When he did, he got greeted with a big toothy smile and a cheery "hey!!". With every meeting they had, Coffin felt himself growing more tolerant, even enjoying the gravent's presence at times, though he never dared to show it. The two begun hanging out regularly; taking walks, watching films in the cabin, or chatting while Coffin did his daily chores around the cemetery. On particularly good days, Duck could even get a smile or a chuckle out of him. On occasion, he can even convince him to go up to outer Stonewing to watch his performances at local theaters and bars.


The lantern on his tail is very important to him and he carries it anywhere the flame won't get doused. Inside is a thick black candle with a white flame that seems to never really go out. He claims that it was a magical item given to him by a "god-like figure", and that if anything were to make the flame go out, something catastrophic would occur. He doesn't know what exactly, but he equates it to something like massive floods or Ofae breaking again. Whether or not any of this is true is... doubtful, but he takes it very seriously. He uses a strong sense of luck magic to keep himself and the lantern out of any dangerous situations that may arise.

  • Masterlist: https://skire.club/index.php/character/MYO-CCCAT-569
  • Most prized vulture culture piece is a preserved dead wormling and it's eye in a jar. Most find it a little off-putting, but he considers himself lucky to have found it before it could be turned to dust.
  • Tears/saliva are dark--nearly black in color.