


3 years, 6 months ago


You've cut yourself off now

Name Thrynll
Gender Male
Birthday 30 Nov. 2020
Canon Birthday 11 Aksa
Age ???
World n/a
Magic diffraction user

you're outside the wall
  • He is a green mackerel tabby with orange eyes and white ear dots
  • His face is slightly foreign
  • He has a slim, tall build with very short fur
  • His expressions are rarely extreme and seldom positive
  • Click to the next image to view his human ref
Reference Here

Thrynll is a major political figure in the Set of Worlds.

He may be one of the Set's First Leaders, but he acts far from it. Thrynll is fairly unmotivated and has a reputation for disappearing without warning. He can come off as slightly sad at some times, but overall has a very neutral or unpleased demeanor.

Just like most magic diffraction users, he is fairly hard to provoke. He is well aware of his capabilities. Anyone foolish enough to try to aggravate him in the first place would be able to do little against him anyway. On top of this, he tends to treat others in a condescending manner which can be a reminder to others of the advantages his primary magic gives him.

This doesn't mean he won't participate in battles, however. He fought in both the first and second Shadow Wars, against not only the Shadows themselves but also against regular magic users. He even convinced Sanlaily's magic diffraction group, which has never once showed any sign of aggression in all of their history, to support his and Ocean's efforts against Machi and the Shadows in the Second Shadow War.

He can most often be found alongside Ocean. Although he is very quiet and it can be hard to tell, he is only comfortable around a small amount of people--she is one of them. Although maybe he'd prefer it if she wasn't. She can be... very talkative. Help.

Typically, however, he prefers not to get close to others.


you're independent unrepentant
Magic Diffraction

Thrynll is one of the least known but most successful magic diffraction users in the Set. During his time in isolation, he had focused on understanding the flow of the magic waves and how he could manipulate them.

He has healed the magic organ multiple times, even with less experienced healers. Once, in order to show others what he senses with the magic waves, condensed them just enough to cause them to glow while still retaining the wave appearance. He has also committed magic theft before.

Other Magic

Magic diffraction users are not able to convert magic waves to the various magic types like regular magic users can. There is no official Set documentation of a magic diffraction user accomplishing this.

Snay, however, has noted a single case of this, dated to 9 Ra Tala. Thrynll had managed to manually convert a propertyless magic wave to water magic, one specifically with Ocean's presence. He has stated it would not be useful in battle. Regardless, this was the first observed case of such a thing happening, potentially indicating a breakthrough in the understanding of magic. For now, though, the Set is not aware that this happened.


Thrynll comes from the World of Origins.

He was very polite, but often kept to himself. Akira introduced him to her friend group, who would later become the rest of the First Leaders.

When he began to experiment with magic, he discovered that he could enter different worlds adjacent to their own, as well as access one separate from the Set of World's network. However, off on that other planet, they spoke a new language. Thrynll left to visit the country Hunaria for multiple years.

When he returned, Akira died. He felt immensely guilty for abandoning the group this entire time. He'd missed out on a lot of valuable experiences. He ended up shutting himself in, where even the group's efforts of getting him out were to no avail.

He fought in the First Shadow War. As a magic diffraction user, his skills proved very useful on the battlefield. He and his group were labelled the First Leaders due to their contributions to the organization and success of the war. When it concluded, however, Thrynll was missing and assumed dead.

He only reappeared thousands of years later in a world outside the Set. He has stayed with the group that found him ever since.


  • The first month of the CSC year, Thrya, was named after him.
  • He is credited with "discovering" Hunaria, from the Set's POV.
  • During his time in Hunaria he learned the language, Hunarian.
  • He has 5 siblings. Their names are Taksa, Nyto, Sanlaily, Dacy, and Forrentay.
  • He was initially found on the same world as the Light Kingdom, by Kusari.
  • He was born as a cat, but grew up in his human form.
  • He gets teased about healing magic...
  • He used to play the acoustic guitar.
  • He's really good at math.

far from it all
Ocean Water
Akira Light
Cobanite Healing
Sanlaily Magic Diffraction

Roles + Affiliations
1st Shadow War First Leaders
2nd Shadow War Against
Government Discussion (Ocean)