


3 years, 6 months ago


He / Him Trans Man



Dorian is a loud, talkative person. Though he likes to act like he only cares about himself, he really does care about other people deeply. He mainly shows his affection to others by teasing them and annoying them, either verbally or physically, though he does respect peoples boundaries. He likes to be loud and make jokes a lot, and tends to be sarcastic to people he's not close to, but tends to act quiet and aggressive towards older male authoritarian figures.

Dorian shares the "Canon Courier Story / Role" with Rita.


  • Sunsets
  • Traveling
  • Blamco Mac n Cheese
  • Collecting Figures


  • Enclave and Caesars Legion
  • Alcohol
  • Snow
  • Cheese



Dorian was born in a mid-class town in Utah. Soon after he was born, when he was around 3, his mother left, and so he was left to grow up with his father.

His father worked as the local police / authority in their town, so he didn't spend much time with Dorian when he was younger. Dorian spent most of his youth teaching himself how to read and write, since his father didn't do it himself. Dorian would go around and buy books from people around town and read them. Dorian was a quiet child, didn't speak much to anyone, mainly in fear of upsetting his father.

When Dorian's mother left, his father started to drink, and would often come home drunk. After awhile, his father started to have some abusive behavior, most of it being verbal, and so Dorian would stay out late at night, and waited until his father came home and went to bed before coming home himself.

Once Dorian was about 12, he came out to his father as trans, and though his father didn't have anything verbal to say, he showed how he felt about it a different way. Now when his father came home, he became more physical. Dorian wasn't able to tell anyone about what he was doing to him since his dad was part of the towns authority, and no one would believe him.

When Dorian was 18, he took a job he saw for becoming a courier, and ran away from home without telling his dad. Dorian moved to the Mojave and started a new life there. Once he moved, he started to transition soon after, and changed his name, so his father couldn't find him again.

After Dorian moved to the Mojave, he started to pick up a thing for collecting figures, which is what lead him to Novac, where he met Boone. Once he moved, he finally started to open up, and talk a lot more, since he didn't as a child. Now Dorian is a very outgoing guy.


• Has a big scar on the side of his head from the gunshot that Benny shot

• 6ft in height.
• He has a bit of arm hair, I just have memory loss and have forgotten it in literally every drawing I've done of him


• Always wanted a dog, even when he was young 

• He likes to collect figures of random things, it's his way of taking back his childhood he didn't get to experience

• Occasionally takes chems, but it's usually the more mild ones such as Mentats and Jet

• Likes watching the sunset before going to bed
• Dorian is very outgoing, and it's one of his ways of coping with his childhood where he had to be quiet his whole life.


image.png?ex=66682e2a&is=6666dcaa&hm=d34Craig Boone | Boyfriend

Dorian and Boone have a very close relationship that they don't really like expressing around people. They usually keep their relationship secret from most people, and only really show affection when being alone. Most people don't even really know how they feel about each other, but most would assume that it's positive since they're always together and Dorian works with the NCR. Though they wouldn't deny their relationship if anyone were to ask them.

ifbqm61jucl71.pngNew California Republic / NCR

Dorian was originally on ok terms with the NCR. He used to do missions for the NCR until Boone told him about the Bitter springs Massacre. just lots of small things that ticked him off about the group and Bitter Springs was just the thing to make Dorian decide that, actually, fuck these guys.

image.png?ex=6668abf8&is=66675a78&hm=e7cRita Bello | Friend

Dorian traveled with Rita for a short while, since they were both trying to find Benny. Dorian had a lot of fun bothering them and annoying them, since they're just an old angry person.

image.png?ex=6668add8&is=66675c58&hm=412Caesars Legion

There's not much to say about them other than "kill on sight" for many reasons. I think that explains how Dorian feels about them very well.

image.png?ex=6668ac40&is=66675ac0&hm=095Raul Tejada | Friend

Dorian met Raul through Rita, since they were already traveling with him when they met. Dorian also liked bothering him.


Pretty much the same as Caesars Legion. It's not a very positive opinion.

image.png?ex=6668acc8&is=66675b48&hm=301Arcade Gannon | Friend

Dorian looks up to Arcade a bit, a lot like an older brother. Though Arcade was kind of awkward, Dorian always likes listening to him talk about whatever, science or other things. They travel together every once in awhile.


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