Morris (01 | Library of Ruina)



3 years, 6 months ago




Role /
Head Librarian of the Floor of Natural Sciences
FloorFloor of Natural Sciences
First AppearanceFloor of Natural Sciences
Nyx (Co-Head Librarian)
Kieran (Assistant)
Shea (Assistant)
Arrival to
the Library
Trapped in the Library
Former Employee of Lobotomy Corporation
Combat Info
20?cb=20200517153434 HP101
20?cb=20200517153440 STG55
14?cb=20200517153428 Emotion Lvl5
20?cb=20200517153437 Speed2 ~ 5
14?cb=20200526203953 Dice Slot2 ~ 6
Increases with Emotion Level
20?cb=20200804033223 Light4 - 9
Key PageHead Librarian of Nat. Sciences' Page
Hex (EGO)
20?cb=20200609043414 PassiveSpeed III
Witch Mark
Tempting Fate
Slash DMG22?cb=20200516221357 0.5 (Endured)
Pierce DMG22?cb=20200516220211 0.25 (Ineffective)
Blunt DMG22?cb=20200516213038 1.0 (Normal)
Slash STG22?cb=20200516221358 0.5 (Endured)
Pierce STG22?cb=20200516220212 0.5 (Endured)
Blunt STG22?cb=20200516220207 1.0 (Normal)

"Why, but of course I don't really trust all that easy, dear. However, you and I are in the same boat, and neither of us can do anything about it. We might as well be cordial and work together so to ease the burden, don't you think?"
― Morris to Roland

Morris is one of the two Head Librarians in the Floor of Natural Sciences, serving as one of Tiphereth's direct assistants in the absence of Roland; his co-head being Nyx Corsini and assistants Kieran Rhett and Shea Abbott. Morris was found in the Book of The Funeral of The Dead Butterflies, but elsewise did not object when he was taken out of the book.

[ Add character appearance here ]

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Morris still retains his sincere and kind demeanor that he was famously known for. He still retains his compassion for his colleagues and even extends his kindness to Roland; whom he sympathizes with for being trapped in the Library as well. He is just happy to be back, and simply wants to relish the feeling of being alive again. He is still relaxed to an extent, and maintains a positive attitude to keep others' spirits up. However; there are instances where Morris goes cold on others, but it's all really his own way to keep himself from feeling too overwhelmed especially after what's just happened to him.

Unlike before; where Morris refused to go overboard with violence, he no longer holds back and will dish out as much pain as he can until he drops. There is a desperation and growing paranoia in Morris that stemmed from his death, and that was to ensure whatever dies actually stays dead. He can never be too sure if his enemies would just stand back up even after he's torn them apart, or still stay breathing after he's crushed their throats. Morris doesn't take any pleasure from killing, but he's not risking another death because he held back. With how brutal he can become to confirm a kill, Morris isn't very disconcerted with his methods. He's indifferent, and only does what he feels he has to do.

Morris is also now a little more expressive, being more honest with his more negative feelings and being outwardly annoyed at others' stubbornness; a shocking trait to most as Morris was never seen that way. All in all, Morris simply has no more energy to extend his patience the way he did in Lobotomy Corporation. He allows himself to lose a bit of his self control for the sake of his sanity. One should be careful in testing Morris, as the moment he becomes blunt is the first sign of his irritation.



Only a few days after Morris' death to WhiteNight, the facility simply plunged into dread and chaos. Central Command was in disarray and it was the epicenter of the chaos due to its sheer size in the facility. The Agents were still weary from dealing with WhiteNight and the other ALEPHs present in the facility, and in a way, Morris was saved from the horrid events that led up to the Library.

At an unknown point in time, Morris found himself waking up in the Book of the Funeral of the Dead Butterflies. He recalls his death very vividly, and it was only a matter of time before it sank in and caused him to break down. He knew that the Abnormality was there to mourn for people who others would move on from, and while it was comforting to have someone- or even something beside him, the fact that he was dead was still a lot to process. He lamented over leaving his husband and sons too soon, did they know what became of him? What were they doing? How are they holding up? Morris asked many questions, just wanting to know if his family was okay. Even if he knew what the answers were, they weren't what he wanted to hear. For the first time in a long time, Morris felt helpless and hopeless. He knew that he died, and that he was simply stuck in this sort of cruel afterlife.


There was a need to extract Morris from the Book, as he was somehow distorting slightly, affecting the Abnormality within it. He did not fully distort, but was in the process while Roland had to fetch him out. After suppressing Morris, he manifests his EGO and helps the Library suppress Funeral of the Dead Butterflies in order to get its abilities. He apologizes that his first meeting with Roland was not an entirely pleasant one, but he was happy to not lose himself entirely. Morris describes the process of distorting strange and difficult, as he was simply losing control of himself and how there was this obsession with a certain feeling that made him start to lose all reason. Perfectly describing the process of distorting was difficult for Morris to explain, but all in all, Roland seemed to have gotten the general picture.

Morris then stays in the Floor of Natural Sciences, where he is overjoyed to see Tiphereth and Nyx again. His return was greatly celebrated by the Librarians, and even Tiphereth. The reunion somehow stirred something a little in Roland, because it seems that Morris was well loved and these people got to see a loved one return. Eventually, Morris would pick up on Roland's emotional distress over him, and asked him about it. Roland lied through his teeth about his issues with Morris, but the latter didn't seem to want to leave Roland alone until he had it off of his shoulders. Roland simply pushed Morris away, setting a hard boundary, which Morris respected.

In a small episode after obtaining the Book of the Crying Children, Roland notes that it's quite difficult to find Morris on the Floor of Natural Sciences, and asks Tiphereth about his whereabouts. Tiphereth mentions that Morris tends to wander off to other floors to check up on everyone, and she really can't stop him since it's something he's been doing ever since Lobotomy Corporation. Roland has his reservations on how selfless Morris was, suspicious on how he acts like he doesn't expect anything out of anyone. He find Morris on the Floor of Religion, and Roland confronts Morris on the Floor of Religion, asking him if he just trusts people the way he does. Morris digresses, mentioning that he doesn't like to stress himself with being curt and impolite, lest he make enemies out of others.

The next small episode that is centered around Morris has Roland asking him why he finds himself on the Floor of Religion so much, to which Morris responds with him being able to find more sources and answers about a belief system he's had for most of his life. For as long as they were in the Library, he was going to make the most of obtaining as much information as possible. Roland, not believing in such practices, is even more skeptical about Morris as religion in the City is more often than not used by cults. Morris laughs and calls cultists feeble minded, but people in the City can turn to some beleif system to keep their wits about. Morris himself states that he simply does his best to attract even the smallest good things to him, explaining the concept of 'karma' to Roland. The latter is perturbed by Morris' statements, wondering if what's happened to him was some 'karma' as Morris explained. Morris picks up on Roland's discomfort, and tries to comfort him, but is waved off by Roland who leaves in a hurry. When he's finally alone, Roland tells himself that Morris is just another freak underneath that kind exterior, repeating to himself that not all lunatics are polite, but it's the lunatics that can be the most polite.

There were still issues afoot, with Nyx distorting into an Abnormality called Fury and Morris was pained to be doing this to a friend he's looked after for so long. Even with the successful suppression of the Furies, very soon after, Roland is reminded of his own pain as Nyx somewhat mirrored his own pain, and begins to melt down and resonate with the Library's energy; eventually taking the power of the magical girls and distorting. Morris takes to suppressing Roland, and tries to console him in the aftermath of the fight. He then understands why Roland was so bitter towards him, and that he was sorry that he evokes those feelings. They have a truce, and agree to continue working together. Roland apologizes for projecting his pain unto Morris, as it was unfair simply because he was suspicious of his kindness. Morris is a forgiving man, and it was simply water off a duck's back.

Upon meeting the Purple Tear when she arrived at the Library, she and Morris were at a standstill. It was eerie and odd for the Librarians as neither made a move. The Purple Tear found that Morris had an ability quite similar to hers, and thus it would be difficult to have the odds in her favor during the fight with Morris clashing against her. She makes haste in leaving the Floor of Natural Sciences before any of the Librarians could land a hit on her. Before leaving, she looks to Morris again and regards him for being just like her, and she's not risking her odds like that. Morris is disoriented by her words, but begins to understand when Angela presents to him the Book of the Purple Tear, where he finds answers to why some things happened in his life. The ever convenient silver linings after tragedies in his life was just his innate ability to test fate, and it took this long and so much pain for him to realize that just like the Purple Tear and the Red Mist, he somehow just was born with strange abilities.


  • The list of Morris' Passives:
Passive Description
Witch Mark

Inflicts a Witch Mark on the first enemy who took damage using this Passive and gain 3 Haste. The marked enemy will have the 'Hexed' status and will have disadvantage when clashing with this Librarian and take 50% more damage. After 2 Scenes pass, Mark another enemy. (Can apply 'Hexed' up to 5 enemies in an Act)


Inflicts 'Bewitched' on Hexed enemies with the lowest Dice Speed in a Scene. Bewitched enemies will take 5 - 10 extra damage and will be inflicted with 'Feeble' in the next Scene. Bewitched enemies will target the Librarian with this active Passive.

Tempting Fate

Reroll a Die three times. Clash with the highest value rolled. A random amount of die will roll the minimum value in the next Scene.


25% chance to recover HP and STG Resist equivalent to the damage dealt to an opponent.

  • It is hinted that Morris has somewhat snapped in the wake of coming back to life. He now exercises some sort of cruelty unto his opponents, which the other Librarians comment is rather uncharacteristic of him.
  • Morris' Pierce Cards are all exclusively using his bullets. They don't appear very often in his hand, and often require 4 Light to use.
  • Morris finds himself lounging on the Floor of Art quite frequently. He has talks with Netzach and they both tallk about art. Sometimes, on very slow days, they would be painting and just having idle chit chat. It's through these talkls that Netzach came to know of Morris' family, and how interesting it is that someone from the Nest had that sort of life in their eyes.
  • TBA

Profile by Erandia
Edits by @RenJo