Marietta (01 | Library of Ruina)



3 years, 6 months ago




Role /
Head Librarian of the Floor of Literature
FloorFloor of Literature
First AppearanceFloor of Literature
Owen (Assistant)
Salvador (Former Mentor)
Oscar (Former Mentor)
Olga (Former Acquaintance)
Myo (Former Colleague)
Rudolph (Former Colleague)
Maxim (Former Colleague)
Nikolai (Former Colleague)
Arrival to
the Library
Trapped in the Library
Former Employee of Lobotomy Corporation
Combat Info
20?cb=20200517153434 HP100
20?cb=20200517153440 STG55
14?cb=20200517153428 Emotion Lvl5
20?cb=20200517153437 Speed3 ~ 6
14?cb=20200526203953 Dice Slot2 ~ 6
Increases with Emotion Level
20?cb=20200804033223 Light4 ~ 9
Key PageHead Librarian of the Floor of Literature
Marauder (EGO)
20?cb=20200609043414 PassiveNatural Corruption
Finders Keepers
One of A Kind
Slash DMG22?cb=20200516221357 1.0 (Normal)
Pierce DMG22?cb=20200516220210 0.5 (Endured)
Blunt DMG22?cb=20200516220205 0.5 (Endured)
Slash STG22?cb=20200516224356 1.0 (Normal)
Pierce STG22?cb=20200516220212 0.25 (Ineffective)
Blunt STG22?cb=20200516220207 1.0 (Normal)

"Good on you that you see this some new chance to grow, Hod. I can't say the same for me. This Library, this place where no one can truly die, it's almost like a punishment. I'm okay with that though, as long as in the end I can finally rest."
― Marietta

Marietta is the Head Librarian of the Floor of Literature, serving as Patron Librarian Hod's direct assistance in Roland's absence. She returns to the equivalent position of her captaincy in Lobotomy Corporation, and is the superior of Assistant Librarian Owen Hanley. Marietta was trapped in the Book of the Big and Will Be Bad Wolf, but somehow managed to escape on her own accord.

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Marietta no longer speaks in teasing and playful tones, and has significantly mellowed down; only speaking in a tired, almost sarcastic tone. She is mostly unbothered and indifferent to her position in the Library, treating it as if it was another normal work day in Lobotomy Corporation. She mostly keeps to herself now, and only really socializes when other Librarians approach her. She mostly looks out for herself, but will stick her neck out for her former co-captains and Hod.

She is very tired in general, and just simply allows time to pass in the Library without really having anything eventful outside of receptions. Marietta remains complacent and counts the days as they go, drowning herself in Books and immerses herself in the more mundane but peaceful ones. She tries to not lament her current position, but she cannot help but resent where she is and what she is being made to do. Initially, Marietta did not take very well to receiving guests, mostly because of her own personal hangups.

After the receptions of the Molar, Dawn and Wedge Offices, Marietta begins to open up again to cope with her losses, even going as far as to have philosophical and moral debates with Hod on what makes a good person. She reaches a state of acceptance afterwards, relaxing and finally becoming casual again. She stops lamenting over the receptions, and begins to calmly embrace them and live for the fight.

Marietta has come to terms that with a past like hers, there will be no mundane normalcy for her; and that she has been surrounded with violence for far too long to ever dream of being able to live normally without eventually craving a fight. She is aware that she is unchecked, but she has reached a point wherein she understands where she thrives, and is now simply living for the moment and preparing for her eventual death fighting. Because of this, Marietta finds a sense of peace and acceptance of dying and simply continuing what she does best in the Library. She has now adopted the mindset of "whatever comes my way, it's meant for me."



During the White Nights and Dark Days, Marietta was at the vanguard of the power struggle in Lobotomy Corporation. Although she was not Captain of the Training Department, she still assisted Hod in organizing the Employees in fighting off the breaching Abnormalities. It was Marietta who distributed the EGO Equipment and made sure to prevent EGO Corrosion for giving other Employees gear that was too strong for them to handle. With the numerous ALEPH breaches in the Facility, Marietta was more often than not the one saving Employees from getting killed and devoured, and fighting these ALEPHs head on with assistance from the rest of the Facility's "designated Kill Team". She kept this up for the whole four days, pushing herself beyond her limits and showing signs of awakening to her own EGO, which further pushed her and gave her new strength. It was said that Marietta was in her element, and nobody had seen her thrive in such a way for the past years.

However; Marietta's life was cut short when she was suddenly ambushed by Angela, who shot her right in the head with an Execution Bullet. It was too late for marietta to react, as her EGO at the time was finally reaching its limit. The 'premature' awakening of her EGO would definitely have greatly interfered with Angela's plans, and the latter was not willing to risk it by allowing one of the elite agents acquire their own EGO in such a crucial time. Her sudden death demoralized the Employees, making it easier for Binah to wipe out Disciplinary and Welfare.

Marietta woke up in the Book of the Big and Will Be Bad Wolf, which confused her more than anything. She still was unable to process what exactly had happened to her; but could not for the life of her know where to start. While she had questions, the more pressing issue was getting her bearings and understanding why she was stuck with an Abnormality. For all the times the Wolf tried to make her its prey, it would be defeated. Marietta's abilities were once again sharpened by the numerous times she had to fight the abnormality alone, and in time she commented that the experience and push is beginning to remind her of things she would be beter off forgetting. Fed up with the abnormality's games and wanting some peace of mind for once, Marietta awakens to her incomplete EGO and defeats it, escaping the Book herself.


Roland first meets Marietta resting on one of the chairs on the Floor of Literature, and she seems to be in a more weakened state. Marietta glances once at Roland and grumbles to herself thinking she would have to kill him, but is stopped by Hod, who tells her to stand down and be civil with their new guest. Marietta waits for Roland to introduce himself, then says her name as she leaves to rest in a private reading room. Roland mentions he recognizes her, and has heard that she was a veteran of the Smoke War. This surprises Hod and Angela, who both were unaware of the fact.

It is revealed that Marietta's weakened state is due to her body adjusting to the vastly different environments of the Book she was trapped in and the Library in general. Her still incomplete and unstable EGO has been putting a strain on her body as she is still unable to properly manifest it. In her conversations with Roland, she laments that no matter what she has done, she cannot seem to have even some peace of mind and surroundings, and is it too much to ask to let a tired woman rest. Roland sympathizes with her, but begins to shut off when Marietta herself begins to drawl about how nice things can't happen to people like her. He tries to bring up the Smoke War with her, but Marietta only shuts him down and tells him she is tired, and to ask her another day.

During the reception of both Dawn and Wedge Offices, Roland gets his answers about Marietta being a veteran of the Smoke War. He recognizes her as she was the apprentice of both Salvador and Oscar, who aimed to take her into their respective Offices, whichever she chose at the end of the War. Marietta begins to crack, meeting with her old mentors and struggling to accept that she had to kill both of them. Witnessing Phillip develop his own EGO had caused her to fully awaken to hers, no longer unstable and incomplete, but now makes her feel at peace with what has happened, and what will happen. Roland decides to not push her anymore, and simply waits for answers from her when she feels ready to.

In the aftermath of the full realization of the Floor of Literature, Marietta approaches Roland, remembering that she did owe him some answers. She decided to not tell him back then because there were still many things she was coming to terms with, but she was ready to tell him now. She reveals to him that she was indeed, involved in the Smoke War as a combatant as she was a Captain that once led the Raven Team of R Corporation. Marietta intended to leave R Coporation after the Smoke War, but just as Lobotomy Corporation was rising as a Wing, she was personally invited a year after its establishment, which explains her presence here in the Library.

Awakening to her EGO back in Lobotomy Corporation stemmed from her own self-loathing; but fully manifesting it stemmed from her own grief. Living a life of violence, as she told Roland, is something that one can never fully leave without it "fucking you up" in some shape or form. She is too accustomed to such a life that assimilating into a more peaceful one seems to no longer be an option for her, telling Roland that eventually, she knows she will crave a fight. Marietta knows full well that it's how she profited for years, and how she was able to stay alive. Wistfully smiling, she tells Roland she now comes to understand that a peaceful life was never an option for her in the first place, and it was foolish of her to keep chasing it. Perhaps, she says, when she gets out of the Library, she will be a Fixer, like her mentors wanted for her.

Upon the invitation of the Rabbit, Rhino and Reindeer teams from R Corporation, Marietta was in disbelief that the Library was challenging the Wings this time. She was uneasy at the thought of what she would be facing, and highly displeased when she saw Myo's face again. It was a rather friendly reunion with old colleagues like Myo, Maxim and Rudolph; but Marietta's biggest concern was what would happen if the Library has a bit of a hold on R Corp's singularity, and what that would attract from the other Wings. They have already dealt with W Corp, and taking R Corp on was, at least to Marietta, a dangerous gamble. It unsettled her, seeing the clones of her former comrades after she's been away from R Corp for so long. Myo told her; however, that she might not have to face the Rattlesnakes, and that ever since she was gone, they "just kind of dropped in level". Marietta was once again jabbed by being one dealing the killing blows to old friends.

That was; however, the final blow for her. Marietta's exhaustion got the best of her. After obtaining the Complete Books of Nikolai, Rudolph, Maxim and Myo, Marietta breaks down. Her emotions reach beyond the threshold of EGO, thus corrupting her own EGO and distorting into Queen Cobra. Being faced with what she wants and the cold hard truth of her situation, Marietta simply felt cornered by everything, with too much time to think on it. Helpless in her situation, all Marietta wants is to lash out and no longer regard any consequence. Upon her suppression; however, Angela shows some bit of compassion and allows Marietta to rest, and that she'll find someone to fill in her spot. While it can be said that Angela did it out of goodwill, Angela was also mindful to prevent any further Distortion from the strongest Librarians. Not only are they still useful to her, but she also wants to be able to finally set them free as well.


  • The list of Zenith's Passives:
Passive Description
Natural Corruption

Upon landing a hit, inflict 3 - 5 Fragile and 1 - 3 Feeble. Gain 1 Strength and 1 Endurance the next scene.

Finders Keepers

Steal a Combat Page from the enemy's deck at 30% chance. 5% chance to steal two Combat Pages. Restore 2 Light upon successfully stealing a Combat Page.

One of A Kind

Upon using Pages that gain and use Charge, equally distribute the amount of Charge among the enemies as Bleed.


During a Clash, recover HP and STG Resist equivalent to the amount of Bleed. (Max. 20)

  • Marietta's Passive, Natural Corruption, gives her a 25% chance to Inflict 2 - 4 Fragile and 1 - 3 Feeble when she lands a hit.
  • Her other Passive, Finders Keepers, gives her a 30% chance to steal a random card from the opponent's deck. When used with her EGO Mass Attack, there is a 25% chance that random enemy cards will appear on allies' decks.
  • Marietta is hinted to have had relations with Olga, the head of the Molar Office. Their dialogue hints that Olga and Marietta do miss each other hand have been in contact before Lobotomy Coporation fell.
  • Marietta partly doesn't want to face the Rattlesnakes, because she simply knows what will be waiting for her when she does.
  • TBA

Profile by Erandia
Edits by @RenJo