Maxwell "Uxnknownx" Mori



3 years, 5 months ago





Maxwell _Schlatt

Max, Mori, Uxnknownx




Lives in

April 10th




??? ???



DreamSMP OC. this bitch got daddy issues, good for them.


A short and chubby person with a flat chest and wide hips. They have a chubby face, with acne scars on their cheeks. Their mint green eyes are downturned, and they always wear eyeshadow- either red or purple. They have a small button nose and a small mouth. Their eyebrows are half shaved. Maxwell has large ram horns that curl to nearly touch their cheeks- their horns seem to drip red liquid from the tips, but the droplets almost always disappear before landing.


Maxwell grew up being deeply timid and anxious, and inserted themself into a protector role for the people close to them. They often felt unworthy of affection and over time, grew unwilling to accept it despite craving love. Maxwell struggles to express their emotions properly, and can seem to be over emotional and unpredictable. They're a very paranoid person. Maxwell would take almost any actions to get to their goals, believing that almost any means can be justified by the end. They don't believe in honor, and will not hesitate to fight dirty. Most of the time, they feel more like an animal fighting to survive than a person.


  • Honeycomb
  • Family
  • Lily of the Valley


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3


Maxwell was born as the first child of SMP!JSchlatt, and the older brother to SMP!Tubbo. As a child, they were bounced from place to place as Schlatt had to run from law enforcement. They grew up with little to no structure and often having to help their father scam others. They did take well to the scamming, and it's a skill that follows them through their life. Despite this, they did everything they could to give their younger brother structure and protection, since the pairs father was both physically and emotionally absent. When Maxwell was 6, and Tubbo was 4, Schlatt realized he couldn't care for them and left them on the side of the road where they were found by Sleepy Boys INC.

Within this new chaotic family structure, Maxwell really struggled to put themself out there and insert themself into the dynamics. As a result, they often felt like more of a bystander than a family member. They leaned heavily on Tubbo and continued trying to be his protector, mainly out of fear that if they and Tubbo were too much trouble, that they would be abandoned again. Over time, Tubbo forgot about their past since he was so young when they were abandoned, and Maxwells own memories became fuzzier, but they never forgot. Tubbo was able to thrive in the new setting with their new family, but Maxwell was timid and afraid for most of their childhood. As they grew into their teen years, their fears eased some but never went away completely. In this time, they were able to make closer relationships with their new family members. They were always closest to Philza, craving the support and guidance a father figure could provide. But among their new siblings, Maxwell became friendly with Techno and Wilbur- Preferring Wilbur. They also liked to tease and playfully bully Tommy, and they were secretly really happy that Tubbo had him as a friend.

Maxwell came to the SMP at the same time as their brother, not willing to be without him. They didn't participate in the disc conflict due to their initial anxiety and unwillingness to upset others, and tried to steer Tubbo away from participating as well. Of course, they failed to dissuade their little brother and just waited for the conflict to end. When Wilbur started his drug empire on the SMP, Maxwell did join in that- feeling more comfortable with more of their family around- and eventually participated in the founding of L'Manburg and the associated war. During the war, they took a canon life from Paradox, a member of the Dream Team. Maxwell was saved from the final control room by their childhood friend, Matrix.

Maxwell had no position in the initial L'manburg cabinet, but they were more than content to just be a citizen. That is until the election. They recognized their father when he came to endorse a party and instead proposed his own- and they were deeply conflicted by his presence. Despite everything, they still wanted his approval. Schlatt didn't seem to recognize either Maxwell or Tubbo as his children, adn Maxwell wasn't willing to remind Tubbo of what a poor childhood they had had at his hands, and as such, Maxwell kept their recognition a secret. Maxwell chose to stay neutral in the election- torn between the options. When Schlatt was elected, they chose to stay in Manburg- though it hurt them to see Wilbur and Tommy kicked out, they felt that they were justified as long as Tubbo stayed in the city. As they stayed, they became more and more infatuated with the idea that they could fix things and that their father would regret abandoning them and that they, Tubbo, and Schlatt could all be a perfect family. Despite their lofty ideals, Maxwell didn't discourage Tubbo from spying for Pogtopia- understanding that he was helping the only family he knew. Of course, they would later regret this, but after the events of the festival, Maxwell felt that they had failed Tubbo and the rest of their family and that they had no choice but to stay with the path they had chosen. In this time, Maxwell became close friends with Fundy- him being the only person they would open up to about their doubts and fears with their position. They doubled down on supporting Schlatt's administration and even recieved the position as Schlatt's right hand after Fundy left to join Pogtopia. Although they didn't have long in their position and it was undoubtedly just a way to keep them loyal, Maxwell was inccredibly happy to have their position. Maxwell fought on the side of Manburg in the war, and died in the L'manburg explosion, along with Matrix.

After Maxwell respawned from their death, they talked things out with Tubbo, and he offered them a cabinet position as the head of security for the new L'manburg. They happily accepted, and vowed to work on their own timid people pleasing nature and anxiety to be able to do better for themself and for their country (With the help of their friend, Matrix). Maxwell was deeply unhappy with Tommys behavior leading up to his exile, and backed Tubbos decision to exile him- Despite their own doubts, dislike for Dream, and concern for Tommy. Maxwell disliked when anyone questioned Tubbo's authority or compared him to Schlatt- and would often use their newfound confidence to threaten them for their rude behaviors. In particular, they were very tense with Quackity. Despite wanting Technoblade to be brought to justice, they opposed the butchers army because they were mad at Quackity, and wanted to retain their control on being the head of security. They also heavily disagreed with the hostile treatment of Philza- objecting that he was the closest thing they had to a father. They did go along when the army went to confront Technoblade, but only to prove that they could be the one to bring him in. In the end, they didn't succeed and it deeply wounded their pride, but they were able to suck it up. When it was revealed that Dream helped Techno escape, Maxwell was furious with Dream's constant meddling with L'Manburg and wanted his ass DEAD. DEAD AS HELL. Anyways they didnt believe Tommy did the community house more to be added later goodnight :]



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