秋弦 ✧ qiu xian (°⁀➷__ sea foam)



The Great Alias


The jellyfish doesn't actively move anywhere - it's just moved with the tides.

Name 秋弦┆Qiu Xian
Age na
Gender Male
Affiliation Ocean
Role Deity
Height 5'7"
Origin China

Just because the tide is out, doesn't mean there is less water in the ocean.

Xian takes each day at a time as is, enjoying his duties and ability to oversea villages that worship him. Although he is unable to form great attachments to the people, he is able to demonstrate his appreciation through bountiful harvests and safety from natural disasters.

Oddly though, his appearance to the humans is rather muddy. Sometimes, he is potrayed as a great war deity who had slain all the dragons, whilst other times, as a sweet maternal woman who blessed couples with fertility.


They say when a water deity dies, they return to the ocean. Some return as creatures, as apart of the ecosystem, as molecules of water, or as sea foam. No matter what, however, what belongs to the sea shall return to it.

Those who return as seafoam are often able to reform back, therefore able to return to their home once the tide lets out. Those who begin as seafoam must compete in survival to ensure their ability to reach the great seas.

Born from seafoam and carried in the ocean, Xian grew into a dragon before eventually being able to take on a more humanoid form.

Currently he tends to his duties as a deity of the ocean; often meeting with a moon deity during the night. When time allows, or well, he is feeling bored, he ventures to a small island and tours around to see how they are developing.

With a large following, there are many temples and offerings under his name.

Stay in one place too long and the tide can overwhelm you.