
3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Asta Aarden

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality/orientation: Demisexual panromantic

Occupation: Low-ranking adventurer

The adventurer who freed Shion from the ice, Asta is a kind (yet cowardly) low-ranking adventurer seeking to bring glory to his family name-- to have the money to support him and his family, and afford medicine for his ailing father. He also has a burning passion for adventure-- but his cowardliness and low rank always keep him from striking it rich. This changes when he meets a mysterious alchemist who claims to have lived over 200 years... Catching wind of a supposed member of the mythical dragon-folk being seen in the mountains up south, Asta sets off in hopes of finally catching his big break, but the adventure only continues to get longer and more complicated...

some stuff:

  • he can play most flutelike instruments, including the pan flute, ocarina, and harmonica! he made his pan flute himself out of bamboo and some other things. his harmonica is a cheap one he traded for at a scrap shop, but he loves it. his ocarina is pretty much his most prized possession-- even though he and his father are poor, his father saved up for his 13th birthday and managed to buy him a beautiful white ceramic ocarina for his one gift. he carries it with him everywhere now. 
  •  animals listen to his flute playing. he loves animals and has a soft spot for them, especially rabbits or horses
  • he's quite cowardly but tries to do scary things anyways-- his last minute hesitation always leaves him needing a bandage or two...or three or four...
  • he taught himself to read but isn't the best at it, so prefers looking at pictures. he's actually a great artist
  • trips over his own feet often or accidentally drops and breaks things
  • collects little things like shells and gears. usually has to sell most of his trinkets to make a living but still keeps a good amount of them
  • is really good at taking care of kids
  • usually wears his goggles when fighting monsters because he feels safer that way
  • wields a light claymore  
  • has trouble falling asleep or sleeping well but somehow has lots of energy anyways
  • is a GOOD BOY