$180 or swaps's Comments

Still for sale?


Pp for 100 maybe?

Sorry 100 is too low, I don't rlly want to haggle on them,,, but I will also look at jumy swaps

Hmm and 150 also to low? It don’t really has much added art and the parents are like free to the actually adopts qwq

For money I don't want less than $180,, I technically got him for free but I bought him and Norman for $360 combined, so I just halfed it for both of them, I also did not sell Norman I traded him, so I do feel that the $180 is a fair worth, sorry

Hmm I see I see

What kinda swaps?

Someone in my th? :0?

I didn't see anyone I liked :((

All good! úwù

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Sorry no one caught my eye!!

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I would prefer usd over art n for mixed offers it depends on how much usd and the art style I’m a bit picky qwq

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They're worth $180!