Snippets's Comments

is it possible to add like, secret tabs/toggles? any help would be appreciated with that if so!! this is really great for helping

I'm not sure what you mean? Can you send a link to an example of it?

sent a message to keep comments clean

Your a freaking life saver! Thanks for this dude

I think the nav-pills code is missing :o.. it was there a few weeks ago. I highlighted the area and it's not a colored-text hiding stuff sorta thing, it's just not there.5f9985cafe1db26e8523479df2b5ec7b.png

something in TH itself happened and it ate like half of the page :sob: it's been like that for a bit and the amount of work it would be to fix it up left me unmotivated to actually do it...

aaaaaaaaahhh that sucks , this page was so good   !

I'll fix it up eventually... it's just that the feature i display the code with is still currently buggy iirc

AWW no dw <3 i understand that its a painnnnnnnnnnn to fix

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You can! Just use the normal method of changing colors on any other component, BUT it won't change colors when the tab is selected.

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These two pages x x should be able to get you started. You can also reference other th codes with custom colors!

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Can anyone use these snippets for a p2u or a d2u code? If no, it's okay.

Most of these are short enough to the point I can't check who's using it, so yeah, sure!


Hi! Just wanting to ask something since your edit note said you were adding a carousel option.

Is this for now or for later? Cause on the code, there's a carousel at the bottom, but it doesn't seem to be functional and there's no info. 

oh god how shameful.... I forgot to remove the model carousel I've used................. the real code is within the 'tabs' button!

Ah well I'm glad I was able to help by pointing it out then ajfjsnf don't worry about it. Thank you so much!!

Hi! if you take suggestions for things to add, I found something images section; how to flip an image!

<div style="background-image: url(; transform: rotateY(180deg);
      background-size: contain; background-position: center 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 280px;" class="mb-3"></div>

you add transform: rotateY(180deg); after the image url. it works without the need for css or anything, I thought it might be useful to someone else too


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The red box is an Alert!

Bless this post \(owo)/