Michiko Nezujū



3 years, 5 months ago


i amn not super happy with her bio i feel like its not enough about Her, but her writing is so deeply intertwined with another characters that its hard to untangle, and idk what to do about it, but it is what it is, im sure it will improve as i refine her more. its a first draft and i think it shows... raised to be a leader and was then stripped of her birthright by someone born after her. kind of set her on a path to be fucked up.

michiko nezujū
quirk; rat
Blood type; ??

TDLR bio; she backstabbed a 13 year old to get ahead in life and has never felt remorse over it, or over anything really

bio; michiko is an ambitious, manipulative person, who will stop at nothing to get to the top. has a slight superiority complex. she is ruthlessly pursues power within the mafia syndicate in which she belongs to and serves.

michiko was born to lead. her mother was set to be the heir of their family syndicate. she was raised strictly with this in mind, she was her mothers firstborn, after all, she was supposed to take up the mantle someday, too. this was how she lived, she had a place, a role, she was an heir of an heir, this defined her existence. her whole life she had expectations she worked hard to meet, it wasnt ever easy, but she had a purpose and she felt confident in her place in carrying it out.

when she was 8 everything changed. her aunt got married to the leader of another syndicate, combining two into one, passing the torch of leadership to her aunt, not her mom. there were reasons for this, lots of reasons, and there was a lot of fighting about it. but one way or another she was stripped of what should have been her birthright. she was too young to understand that. she mightve turned out okay after that. but her mother felt deeply robbed from what happened, and felt her daughter, too had been robbed. growing up her mother reinforced this idea in her mind. the idea that she was meant to lead, and that the opportunity to do so was stolen from her.
so when katsuro, the new heir, decided to rebel against the family, she saw an opportunity. in truth, michiko had already harbored a deep hatred for katsuro. he was supposed to be the next boss, but he rejected his birthright, and she was absolutely enraged. he had everything she had ever wanted handed to him on a silver platter, and he didnt even want it.

she volunteered to shadow him, he was a liability. katsuro had chosen to sleep on the streets as he had completely run away from home. additionally he had created an alter ego, "rat hulk," to terrorize the general populace for his own entertainment and form of teenage rebellion. this caused a lot of attention to fall onto the family, even though they denied any connection to "rat hulk" it still created many problems. by shadowing him, she could attempt to prevent him from stealing and damaging property, as well as try to find where he had set up camp, so that his parents could drag him home once and for all.

however, katsuro was not so trusting, and annoyed that he had essentially been assigned a babysitter, so he often evaded michiko at first. over many months, michiko worked hard to gain his trust, and slowly but surely, they grew close. eventually, katsuro trusted michiko enough to show her where he had been living, as michiko lied to him more about simply being concerned for his well being. the very next day, michiko showed up at katsuro's camp, alongside his parents. katsuro, was shocked, and deeply betrayed, in a fit of anger, he slashed her face using his quirk, leaving her with a permanent, large scar, before fleeing the scene. she had completely lost his trust, but she didnt really care. she had already got what she wanted, she gained favor with the bosses for her actions even though katsuro was not caught, she faced no consequences, as she had done what his parents wanted after all. him acting out after was deemed not her fault.

misc; her mother is extremely supportive of everything she does/favors her the most out of all her children. she is the oldest of 5. she was at one point friends with takio when they were children, but they have since grown apart, due to their conflicting paths of life, as well as just the natural drift from people you know as you age.
quirk; she can transform into a giant rat which comes with generalized superhuman strength and durability at the cost of stamina. she also has generalized Rat Abilities like being an excellent swimmer and heightened senses.

she can partially transform up to two limbs, to save stamina, but she rarely has to do this, and dislikes doing so, she believes it shows weakness.

misc; even while in human form she has excellent night vision. yes she would have eyeshine if you take a picture with the flash on.

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