Ukiyo Hokusai (Herobrush)



3 years, 5 months ago


age 18
birthday may 10th
pronouns she/her
orientation lesbian
height 5'8"
species coconut octopus
occupation NSS Agent / Student
dmg (splash) 40
dmg (roll) 25
special 170p

designed by meeeeee
trade/resell no

  • the blue accents on her can be changed to a light red
  • prefers punk-styled clothing
  • or anything really 'cozy'
  • speaks mostly in sign language / is frequently nonverbal
  • autistic
  • loves plants

octo canyon

Ukiyo is an octobrush demon weapon who was born from the tentacle of a soldier personally close to Octavio. She spent her entire life training to work with with him and one day fight alongside other great octoweapons in order to fight to retake the surface. Because demon weapons are very uncommon in the domes, however, Ukiyo spent her life in isolation - never training with any average soldier, and only with those Octavio specifically trusted. Ukiyo always made the best out of her situation, though, and got far better treatment as a weapon so close to the king after all.

In the end, though, Ukiyo had heard the inkantation from a distance and learned of the wonders of the surface. She kept her desires to run away a secret for years, up until her mother sent her to go and attack Agent Four while they were on their way to Cephalon HQ. Ukiyo obliged, but instead of attacking them, she offered to help them fight their way through in exchange for help to the surface. Agent Four agreed, and Ukiyo was then recruited into the NSS as a Herobrush. She never got to properly say goodbye to her mother or the few friends she had in the domes, but she one day wants to go back and try to convince them to come to the surface with her.

the nss

Ukiyo considers the New Squidbeak Splatoon her family, in a way, while also feeling very distant from them. She harbours a lot of insecurities as the only octoling weapon, but it's never been an issue, so maybe she's overthinking it? Ukiyo tries to always stay in weapon form when going on missions in domes to avoid someone recognizing her. She takes her work in the NSS seriously, and it often leaks into her daily life as she's always looking to help and protect others.

Ukiyo hopes to one day use her job as an Agent to find and convince her mother to come to the surface with her, along with the few friends she had made in her childhood. She hopes, one day, all octarians will be able to live peacefully on the surface without any trouble.

the surface

Donec cursus tempor sagittis. Proin dolor augue, malesuada ac tortor placerat, dignissim posuere odio. Morbi orci ante, mollis vel massa at, tristique fringilla quam. Donec tincidunt metus ac dolor finibus sagittis. Morbi posuere sem a lacus luctus pulvinar. In ut arcu in massa scelerisque imperdiet sed sit amet odio. Proin mattis sagittis urna, id ullamcorper eros. Praesent tristique, augue quis feugiat volutpat, tortor ex condimentum nunc, at egestas sapien ipsum nec mauris. Vivamus pretium egestas pharetra.

Duis non scelerisque velit, non ultrices mauris. Donec elementum fermentum risus aliquet tristique. In a sem in ipsum tempus lacinia non et quam. Suspendisse et augue nec mauris aliquam fringilla id sed nulla. Mauris eu ante a metus porttitor feugiat ac sed ipsum. Donec lobortis elit id urna dictum lacinia. Duis nisl nibh, commodo id metus ut, feugiat eleifend nunc. Vestibulum malesuada est sed justo pharetra, sed sollicitudin odio maximus. Sed a nisi id lacus pharetra finibus. Cras ullamcorper leo at sagittis porta. Nulla dapibus, justo in suscipit molestie, libero mauris pharetra eros, et iaculis arcu ipsum sit amet felis. Pellentesque mattis congue urna et congue. Curabitur commodo leo a lectus fermentum interdum.

???// mother

Ukiyo's mother. A close friend of Octavio's who raised Ukiyo to be a perfect weapon for the octarian cause.

dj octavio// ...

King of the octarians, Ukiyo spent her entire life trying to live up to his high expectations and isolating her from most of her peers. She sympathizes with him to a degree, but she can't help but feel...a little resentment?

juniper// best friend


yuzu// friend


momo// friend

