


3 years, 7 months ago




Juniper Nouveau


17 Years Old




She/Her, They/Them








"Look at what I can do!"

Juniper Nouveau is an inkling capable of transforming into an inkbrush. She is the daughter of Flavia Nouveau.


Juniper is an inkling who stands at 5'4" (163cm). Her skin is pale and slightly tanned, and her natural ink color is a bright pink. Her tentacles are white, tied up at the back of her head. The ends of her tentacles resemble the end of a brush and match her current ink color. Her eyes are blue and her pupils are cross-shaped. She has a small ink scar across her right cheek as result from an injury when she was 8 years old.


Juniper is very energetic and excitable. They try to keep a positive attitude and they are a fairly straightforward person. However, she often gets into trouble, and her stubborn attitude has a tendency to get her into fights if things escalate enough. She means well though, and is often just trying to stick up for what she thinks is right.

Despite her positive attitude and outward optimism, Juniper is a lot lonelier than they let on. She doesn't have many actual close friends thanks to her reputation. Being autistic and diagnosed with ADHD makes things harder as well; she has a hard time connecting with others in the same way her peers do.

She doesn't like letting other people see her when she's sad though, so she is quick to change the topic or deflect when people express concern. Juniper believes that she has too many good things in her life to have negative feelings, so she does her best not to express them in fear of bothering others.

  • Slushies
  • Movie nights
  • Soft things (good for stimming)
  • Bugsnax (game)
  • Small/confined spaces
  • Being restrained
  • Deep open water
  • Animatronics
  • Complete darkness

Born to Flavia Nouveau, Juniper had a good home life. Their mother raised them alone, though Juniper's uncles and their partners helped out when Flavia needed it. Being an only child and having no immediate cousins, Juniper ended up a bit spoiled by their family. Discovering they were part weapon like the rest of their family was a scary change at first, but eventually they came to appreciate it and caused a lot of problems with it as any energetic child would.


One day when they were 8 years old, they were kidnapped from a classmate's birthday party and they were held for a ransom sent to their mother. Though it was meant to be a trap in which the kidnapper ate both of their souls and took the money, Flavia was having none of it. She fought with the kidnapper and managed to escape with Juniper, though she was left pretty badly hurt. Juniper was luckily able to use her phone to call for help from her uncles. Though Juniper was (relatively) unharmed and her mother made a full recovery, the event left them with a lot of lingering trauma and trust issues.


After the events of the kidnapping, Flavia moved with Juniper to a different part of Inkopolis. Juniper was enrolled in a school that specialized in training cephalopods who could transform into weapons. They had a tendency to act out and get into a lot of trouble, but she did well enough with her training. At some point she met Ukiyo, who she quickly befriended.


Juniper has a really good relationship with her mom, and they regularly spend time together both in and out of the house. They are close enough that Juniper would tell her almost anything, but Flavia worries about them a lot and Juniper feels bad for all the trouble they cause for their mom. As a result, she tends to avoid discussing when she's sad or talk about what's bothering her. Even still, Juniper knows that her mother would always support her no matter what, and plans to talk to her when she's ready.

Ukiyo is Juniper's closest friend. She looks up to Ukiyo a lot, and Juniper likes to show her around the surface. [more later]

Illumi is the captain of Juniper's team, Fruit Juice. The two get along pretty well, though Juniper often questions their own skill and wonders why Lumi brought them onto the team in the first place.

  • Her birthday is June 18th
  • Juniper was created as an inkbrush gijinka for the Cephaloweapons Zine!
  • They are part of an ink sports team
  • Spicy foods make them feel sick
  • Design: skygummi
  • Sidebar image: skygummi
  • Aesthetic images: 1. || 2. || 3.
  • Stamps: 1. || 2. || 3. || 4.
2D7c9fo.png 7ecbcEP.png ciwJejI.png AnLmpfx.png

code by icecreampizzer