
3 years, 5 months ago


Name Mac

Nicknames Big Mac

Gender Male

Pronouns He/him

Sex Male

Sexuality Heterosexual Heteromantic

Colony Clover Colony

Rank Commoner

Build Big and infirm

Disposition Intimidating and quiet

Geno ll bb dd Dmdm AA mcmc spsp titi

Pheno Longhair caramel classic tabby

Full Info Link


quiet • intimidating • caring • pessimistic

Mac is a quiet, unselfish, and loyal tom. He comes off as intimidating to many cats due to his looks but he’s very affectionate and caring. He’s always worrying about his loved ones and has a habit of looking at the negatives of a situation rather than the positives.








Mac and his brother Rocky were born to Missy, a sweet barn cat. Their father Barkley wasn’t too involved with their early lives, as he was the stoic and distant type. Missy herself set her focus to giving Mac and Rocky lots of love and raising them to have good morals. From birth, Rocky was an energetic tom, squirming and mewing constantly. Meanwhile, Mac was quiet and preferred to listen to his mother instead of play.

At the barn they lived in, there were some other cats, too. Namely, Lucy and her sister Adelaide. Mac was too shy to talk to the others, especially because Rocky seemed a lot closer to them. He felt he’d be intruding on their friendships or something like that, so he always just stuck close to Missy. Lucy only noticed Mac sitting in the background the more he did it and thus began talking to him specifically. So, the two became friends.

Mac and Rocky grew up with fairly uneventful early lives. All they had to do was learn how to catch mice. Sometimes Rocky would get in a skirmish and tell Mac about it, which would lead to Mac getting worried for his brother, but that was the biggest sort of deal ‘til their mother died. Mac was terrified when he heard that she was carried away by a hawk. He knew cats sometimes… disappeared, but it didn’t set in how upsetting it was until now.

Hardened by his mother’s death, Mac didn’t even try talking to his brother or Lucy anymore. Persistent as ever, though, Lucy picked him up out of his slump. She showed him a lot of compassion, so Mac listened to her when she told him to keep pushing on for his mother’s sake. Mac and Lucy’s bond strengthened as time went on. But even though Mac wanted to stay with Lucy, there was a problem.

Mac was beginning to consider his mother’s death more deeply. Being a barn cat was trouble as the humans around didn’t seem to care about their safety. He wanted to leave and take Lucy with him. But were they even close enough for that? Lucy did seem to care about him, yet he was still unsure and nervous, and a part of him did want to stay close to where his mother once was.

Wanderer days

Mac gathered the courage to finally ask Lucy if they could go travel together, and listed his reasons for why. Lucy was beyond excited and agreed to go with him. Neither of them knew truly of how they felt about their friendship, only that they deeply cared for each other in some sort of special way. While they walked together, Lucy would tell Mac about her fantasies of a happy future with him. It’d make his heart flutter knowing they had the same thoughts. Later on in their travels, Mac noticed a movement by Lucy one day and investigated cautiously. When he realized it was a snake about to pounce at her, he charged at it. He didn’t know anything about how to fight but here he was protecting Lucy anyway. In the process of defeating it, Mac was bitten. Lucy felt bad that Mac had to get wounded to save her and did all she could to heal his wounds, but Mac wasn’t concerned about it.

As Lucy tended to him, Mac told her how he felt about her, though it was nerve-wracking. When Lucy realized he was confessing to her, she happily accepted his feelings and shared that she thought the same of him. After she’d finished patching up his wounds, they spent the night chatting about how excited they were for the future. Where would they go next? Mac did like the idea of settling down in some nice, breezy grassy plains with her, raising their own family. They were still pretty young though, so maybe that’d come later. Mac found a mysterious molly hiding in a shrub. Curious, he asked what she was doing, but no response came. He only found out what was happening when Lucy asked her. The molly told them that she thought Mac was some intimidating tom who’d get fussy over territory. She introduced herself as Saffron, telling Mac and Lucy that she was expecting kittens. As Lucy and Saffron got deep in conversation, Mac wondered if he was that scary to others now.

Lucy asked Mac if they could support Saffron, and he was happy to oblige. Kittens, how cute! He couldn’t wait to see them. While resting with Lucy and Saffron, Mac noticed some odd scents in the air. Then, he was jumped at and got his ear nearly shredded off.

The three were ambushed by two toms. Worried for Lucy and Saffron, he told them to run as he kicked the stranger off of him and went for the one diving at Lucy. Lucy and Saffron did indeed run as he held them off, then Mac managed to dash away himself. He realized they must’ve been attacked for crossing someone’s territory, as Saffron thought Mac would do before. He met up with Lucy and Saffron again and was happy to see that they were both okay. Lucy showered him in affection, calling him brave, while Mac thought they just got off lucky.

Mac, Lucy, and Saffron stayed fairly close to human nests so they could eat scraps if needed. Mac didn’t want Saffron to miss out on any necessary food for her and her kittens. Though everything was going smoothly, Mac worried that he wasn’t doing enough to provide for Saffron. He knew it wasn’t even his responsibility to take care of her or her kittens. But new life was something precious, wasn’t it?

Mac asked Lucy if she’d want to have kittens with him someday. She admitted she wouldn’t know what she’d do if something bad happened to them, to which Mac told her he’d do anything to keep them safe. He had a good track record of keeping Lucy and Saffron safe, so hopefully, he’d do alright there. Still, he didn’t want to push and told her they could take longer to decide. And if she never wanted to have a litter, that was okay, too.

Saffron’s kittens were born and Mac couldn’t help noticing how sweet Lucy was to them. Saffron even let Lucy help pick names. Mac was so grateful to have Lucy by his side his whole life. He was still deeply in love with her, like some naive lovestruck lad, when most cats just saw him as a big scary scarred tom. Helping raise Saffron’s litter with her was very pleasant.

The couple went on to help other queens as they met them. Then, they started considering having their own litter again. Lucy felt ready to have a litter now, so they went for it. When they found out they were expecting kittens, Mac suddenly felt so anxious. What if he wasn’t a good father? As always, Lucy reassured him everything would be okay.

Too early, Lucy told him she was ready to give birth. Too early. Mac tried his hardest to help deliver the kittens as he’d done before. But it didn’t matter, it was too soon, and something was wrong with Lucy. She died while giving birth.

Mac was horrified as he hovered over Lucy and their kittens. Pushing himself into her side, he cried for her to wake up. Exhausted, he rested with her and the kittens, and the next morning he didn’t know how to process everything. Suddenly it was all different, that future he wanted with Lucy was gone. They… weren’t going to have their happy life, living on windy grassy plains, chasing after their mischievous kittens, all cuddling together.

He listened to his mewling kittens and tearfully accepted he couldn’t focus on Lucy right then. He needed to go on for his kittens. He took his son and daughter to whoever could provide them with milk. Staring at his daughter’s light brown pelt with the bright streaks in it, then his son’s vibrant red coat, he wished Lucy could’ve seen them too. He would name the girl Hen, and the boy Pumpkin. What would Lucy think of those names?

It felt like every night that Mac would cry until he was empty, then he’d have to get up to care for his children. They really were little blessings, it was just too much happening at once for Mac. He reminded himself constantly that he just had to pull through. When they were weaned, Mac was more stressed over having to raise them alone now. He just wished that his mate could still be there with him.

Hen and Pumpkin were getting bigger, so he wasn’t as worried for them as he was to start with. They were starting to show their personalities, too. Hen was outgoing and optimistic, and Pumpkin was reserved and polite. Mac was so, so proud of them. Putting his love for them into words was impossible.

Hen was getting so energetic that Mac had to let her meet some other kittens. Pumpkin could use the experience, too. When Hen and Pumpkin found friends in a friendly queen’s litter, Mac started noticing all the changes happening to them. Time was passing so fast! And he’d be alone once they made friends and went their separate ways…

Pumpkin noticed Mac’s worry when he let it slip that he didn’t want his kittens leaving him too fast. His son told him they’d always be by his side, and Hen chimed in that she would too. Mac couldn’t hold it in around them and broke down crying. Concerned, his dear kittens clung close to him. Lucy was gone, but he was just so happy to have his kittens. Pumpkin and Hen were old enough to learn how to hunt now. Teaching them was a lot of fun, and Mac loved hearing Hen squeak out orders to Pumpkin whenever he got something wrong. The three were able to wander now, too.

Mac paused their travels when Hen told him she was sick. Concerned for his daughter, he’d check on her a lot, which usually resulted in her telling him he didn’t need to worry that much. Then, he found out she’d been faking it to meet someone special. He was relieved, but a little angry, too. He asked Hen about it and learned more, then asked if she wanted this mysterious guy to tag along with them.

Hen was ecstatic and was hopping on her feet waiting for the next time she’d see this cat. Pumpkin and Mac were getting curious. But when she came back much later than expected, she was alone and looking crestfallen. Oh, his poor baby. Well, Hen did just meet him, but… Mac still wanted to get that fatherly revenge.

Mac told Hen she’d find the one eventually. She’d just have to wait. But Hen snapped at him, telling him that was easy for him to say. Mac was shocked by his daughter lashing out at him and let her trudge away with a lowered head. The reminder of Lucy coming from his daughter stung. Plus, he’d upset his daughter.

Their family walks were awkward now. Pumpkin didn’t talk to either of them now, and Hen was mad at him and Pumpkin. Later, Pumpkin announced that he’d be traveling on his own from that moment on. Mac didn’t know how to react at first. He thought his son would stay by his side always as he said. But that was wishful thinking, wasn’t it?

Mac understood the need to be independent and take your own path, though. He just wished he could know if his son was going to be safe. Pumpkin told him he wouldn’t have to worry about it since he learned everything he needed to know from Mac. Did Mac really do that great of a job? He hoped so.

Hen finally came out of her shell to wish Pumpkin goodbye. The two watched as Pumpkin disappeared over the horizon. Now it was only himself and Hen. He wondered when she’d leave him. Maybe soon, considering how angry she seemed at him. What could he do for her that he hadn’t already tried?

As Mac’s concerns worsened, Hen approached him and apologized for how she’d been acting. She felt horrible for bringing up Lucy out of anger, knowing how much pain her death had caused Mac. She was hurting because of her rejection, too. As she cried, Mac held her close and gave her a soft purr of “everything is okay, don’t you worry.” Then, they continued traveling.

Mac and Hen came to a stop at a grassy plain. Plentiful with prey, and a good water source nearby too. It was like the one in his old dreams. They’d been traveling for a home, sort of, and this was perfect. Hen acknowledged that. But Hen didn’t want to stay. Mac figured they could go find another spot, right? No, Hen wanted to go down her own path as Pumpkin had. But she promised Mac that if he stayed, she’d eventually return. Putting on an understanding front, he wished Hen goodbye too. A part of him believed Hen wouldn’t return to him, she’d have better things to do than visit her old man.

Mac was at the place he’d always wished to be. It wasn’t the same though, because he wasn’t experiencing it with Lucy, or their kittens. Life never worked out but maybe that was okay. It had to be. So Mac waited there, believing there was nothing else to his life now that he’d been with Lucy and raised Hen and Pumpkin.

He spent a lot of time in those grassy plains, only venturing out when he got bored. He kept himself fairly well-fed and was able to fend off the rare predator that came by. Much, much later, Hen did return. When Mac saw her again, he couldn’t believe his eyes. She looked so much more mature, even though she hadn’t grown much.

Father and daughter, hugging and crying. Mac was delighted to see her. She’d never left his thoughts, yet he was surprised by how beautiful she was now that he was looking at her again. It was like when he’d first seen her. And… she was expecting kittens now!

When Mac asked about the father, Hen only shook her head. He’d do anything he could for his grandchildren, unlike that lousy tom. Now, he was able to do something other than sitting around and waiting. He put a lot of effort into caring for Hen, even if she complained about how spoiled she felt. Mac couldn’t wait to see his grandchildren!

Hen’s pregnancy was smooth sailing, even the delivery of the kittens. Hen was terribly tired after her kittens were delivered and Mac worried for her, but she told him she was fine and to name the kittens for her. Honored, he put special thought into his grandchildren’s names. One looked like him, only with shorter fur and a bobtail, he’d name that one Dusty. And then there was the one with the richer brown pelt, with those streaks like her mother’s, and a bobtail once again. He’d name her Bunny.

Mac would go on to help Hen raise the kittens, of course. Dusty reminded him much of Hen herself. Bunny was such a sweetie, too, awful considerate of Dusty even when they were really young. This feeling of seeing their personalities blossom was so nostalgic and pleasant. Sometimes his emotions wanted to get the best of him as he played with Bunny and Dusty, springing through the plains as he’d wished to do so long ago. Settling down at night with his daughter and grandchildren brought those feelings too, it was so comfortable and Mac didn’t think he’d ever feel this content with his life.

Great times couldn’t last forever though. Mac realized that as soon as the family went out for a drink and odd scents hit his nose. Calmly, he told everyone to start heading home. But something was gaining on them— two foxes. Everything he’d built…

Mac told Hen to pick up Bunny, and he’d get Dusty. They had to run for it, there was no way they could take on two foxes and not end up with fatal wounds. They couldn’t let those creatures catch his grandchildren! When they split, and Mac could hear Hen’s screech. But he had to get Dusty to safety first, or else he could lose them all. Mac let out quick breaths as adrenaline ran through him. He had to shush his crying grandson, knowing nothing good happened out there. He’d… gotten everything he wanted out of life. He’d been through so many downs, and this was another terrible one. But he had to be strong again. He had to be there for Dusty.

Mac did his best to comfort Dusty before he left to investigate. He couldn’t find Hen or Bunny, there was nothing but terrible scents and blood. It set in how horrible this all was. What was he going to do? He lost so much— Lucy, Hen, Pumpkin, Bunny…

But he still had Dusty. He failed Hen and Bunny, his only duty was to protect them. But there was still Dusty. Oh, poor Dusty… When Mac returned, Dusty asked where his momma was. Mac couldn’t stop himself from sobbing, and Dusty only clung closer to him, confused and sad.

As Mac woke up, he acknowledged to himself that Dusty was all he had left. He’d failed Hen and Bunny, but he wouldn’t fail Dusty. If he had to fight two foxes alone to keep Dusty safe, so be it. So, Mac continued on, helping Dusty learn everything he had to know. Dusty’s personality was so much like Hen’s, he knew she’d be proud to see how far he’d gotten. Dusty eventually asked what happened to his real parents, and of course, Mac explained, though it was uncomfortable. Dusty teared up hearing why Mac had to step up for him and told him he’d never leave Mac. Mac stared back with sad eyes, only remembering how Pumpkin said the same thing. Dusty would eventually need to go off and do his own thing, but that was okay. He’d understand.

Mac had gotten enough of this grassy plains place. He loved it while it lasted, but Dusty was growing up and had more to experience! They left together, unsure of where they’d end up. Mac supposed he’d go wherever Dusty wanted him to go. As they walked together, Dusty would crack jokes and skip about, optimistic about everything that was ahead. It got Mac thinking like his old self again. He needed his “Sunshine”- as Mac would nickname Dusty.

Mac and Dusty ran into a bunch of rats on their adventure. They came out of nowhere and were feisty little things. Mac did everything he could to get Dusty out of there, taking the front line and getting deep wounds on his back. He managed to fend them off but now they were both wounded. Fortunately, Dusty’s wounds weren’t as bad as his.

Mac called for help, believing no one would be there, but a pure white molly actually showed up. She asked what happened, but Mac couldn’t keep consciousness. She was named Lune and actually managed to heal them. But while Dusty’s recovery was easy, Mac’s wasn’t. Dusty worried about him, smothering him all the time and asking if he could do anything. Mac did end up recovering, though he had a few patches of missing fur on his back as a cold reminder of what’d happened. But his poor grandson! What if his wounds got infected, or reopened? Energized by his concern and love for Dusty, now Mac was the one doing the smothering. Seeing that she’d done her job, Lune was about to leave. But Mac stopped her, thankful for her saving their lives.

Dusty offered to act as Lune’s guardian to pay back for what she did for them, and Mac was on board. Lune agreed, and since then, she’d been a good leader to them. Really, she was good at calling the shots, knowing just the locations for prey, and being able to pick up two more members: Aurora and Stag. Aurora was a sweet spiritual type of molly, and Stag was… sort of distrustful. Dusty was able to make friends with them, though who wouldn’t like his grandson?

Though Dusty was enjoying the group, he focused most on Mac. Mac loved Dusty for how much he cared, but he did want him to get out there. As Lune introduced a wanderer named Spider and said he’d be merging with their group to create his own colony, Mac saw a future for Dusty. Mac was getting older and couldn’t protect his grandson forever, so being set up with a group like this was good for him.

  • Mac calls Dusty “Sunshine” for his positivity, which embarrasses Dusty
  • He never wanted to find another love after Lucy, believing she was the only one for him
  • He loves the taste of mice because it reminds him of his younger days
  • Mac’s a very skilled fighter, even now that he’s older