Icy-Hot Typhlosion¹⁵⁷ (Pokédex Entry #3)



No. 155
Snowball Pokémon
1' 4"
34 lbs.
Easy to mistaken for a lump of snow these newborns are always on the move. On alert for predators that would hunt them though are wary themselves of the fine point quills that provide Cyndaquil some protection.


  • Smaller than the Johotian counterpart by a few inches though weighs more because of the extra fat for insulation from the cold.
  • Until ready to be opened are blind for a quarter of their youth relying on other heighten senses to map a mental image of one's environment.
  • The slight hook to their nail serve as cleats for stable footing on ice. Some have been seen climbing trees by latching onto the bark.
  • Most of their time is spent deep underground in a network of tunnels until evolved into Quilava. By then are ready to learn hunting able to now see and effectively run.

Side Notes

  • Against the muted colors of their habitat their natural camoflauge makes it nigh impossible to encounter them in the wild.
  • Trainers who are fortunate to capture one are often because they were seperated from their parent. Whether due to getting lost while fleeing from danger or death of said parent in a scuffle.
  • Since the taste for meat comes later in life due to the scarcity of other options to meet their daily need have a diet consist of berries, bugs, and roots.