Min Young



7 years, 2 months ago


Min Young

Age 22

Gender Female

Race Korean

Role Writer

Height 5'5

Build slim

Skin #ffe2bc

Eyes #7f7fff

Hair #ae773f






DoB:December 1stSign:Saggitarius
Flower:RoseTarot:The Sun

"There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy”


  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Singing


  • Fish
  • Violence
  • Scary movies
  • Guns

Adjective • Adjective • Adjective


Describe your character's personality/talk about them in general here.

Min portrays herself as a bright and cheerful person in the chat-room, doing her best to get on everyone's good side and not make enemies with anyone. She tries to see the good in everyone no matter what situation is thrown at her! Because of this, she tends to forgive those who have done wrong easily, even though she might not trust them as much as she did before, she does try to keep the peace with everyone. She tries to keep herself happy and energetic with everyone and never give off negative vibes, especially with her friends and loved ones. She loves to throw ideas out for school, her job at the RFA, and even idea’s on what she should write for her journal’s where she keeps her stories. Since she studies as much as she can, she lives to keep everyone updated on any sort of information and keep everyone informed as well as helping others with schoolwork or anything else that others seem to struggle with. She loves to go out with friends, and likes to do things off the agenda a lot. For example, if her and her friends decided to go out and eat, she would probably suggest they go out to the movies straight afterwards without any other type of notice, or if she was studying, she would get up and go for a jog or sit outside to watch the stars. Min loves to talk to people who are close to her as well as gaining attention, however she cannot mentally handle being with a large group of people.Min loves to make friends and constantly be on their good side, so much that she seems like a doormat in people’s eyes. If any of her friends or acquaintances ask her to do things for them, she would respond in a heartbeat. She loves to please others and gain their acceptance in anyway she can. Though she tries to keep a nice act in front of people, she is actually overly sensitive about specific subjects. She’s usually very good about keeping up a serious face and not letting people know how certain things upset her, but she does like to let her emotions out when she's by herself. Because her parents have such high expectations of her, Min studies every single day as much as she can to achieve the grades her parents expect of her in order to keep the major she desperately desires. Sometimes the amount of work she puts in is impressive, but it also can be unhealthy because she gets an uneven amount of sleep and keeps herself inside for longer periods of time than usual. Her friends usually have to drag her out of her room to stop her from studying. Min likes to put everyone before herself, but if she were in a relationship she would want a lot of their significant other’s attention directed at her most of the time, especially if the other doesn't have much time to spare in the first place. She loves attention so much and she wants them all to herself basically.


With loneliness prodding at her throughout childhood, Min was comforted by her older sister Chung Ae. Though she longed for the attention and love of her oldest sister Eun Jung, she was often met with disappointment. Though she enjoyed when she saw her parents, that joy was short lived as they soon would be out for more business meetings. She would cling to Chung Ae, and was often comforted by the fairy-tales and stories she would read to her. Her older sisters took care of her for a few years until she was a teenager, but they had to leave their home to progress in their career paths.


Her older sisters both work overseas as Translators for other countries, so Min barley has contact with any of her family for long periods of time. Having only had one friend for most of her life, Min grew to hate crowds, they seem intense and claustrophobic. She finds it hard to breath as she feels all eyes are suddenly glued to her. Though when she has a small group or a singular person, she finds it more comforting and calming. Min’s parents have had high expectations of their daughter ever since she was a young girl. When she started to take an interest in writing, they thought it was only a phase, until she decided to take herself farther and pursue herself into a Literature major. Though her parents do not completely approve of her career choice, they do not let it bother them as long as she has exceptional grades. .


Min spends most of her time studying and writing; and she loves to go outdoors to look for inspiration to write about and spend time with the few friends she does have. Min lives alone in a small apartment that her parents help pay for and she spends most of her time either writing, reading or on her phone texting/messaging her co-workers from the RFA. Though Min does not go out to socialize for the most part, she is a very cheerful person who can keep a conversation going for a good amount of time.



[ Close Friend

Min Trusts Haneul with ever part of her body. She loves him to death, and wouldnt want it any other way. He makes her feel loved and special, thats all she ever wanted from him anway.



[ Cousin

Known since they were babies. Cheol never leaves the house, but that doesnt stop Min from always following her around.



[ Friend

A fan of his writing work. She wishes to strive to be as talented as he is at writing stories.

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