Etain (KaeTain♥️)



3 years, 5 months ago


Gender Female
Orientation Bicurious
Birthday March 22
Star Sign Aries



Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday November 30
Star Sign Sagittarius



Height Difference
20 cm
165 cm
185 cm

Age Difference
1 year

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

Kaeya and Etain met when they were kids. After being adopted by Crepus Ragnvindr, Diluc introduced Kaeya to Etain and her sister. He turned out to be really shy at first, he wanted to hide behind his brother, but he eventually came out of his shell. Etain turned out to be a kind little girl, he really enjoyed playing with her in their youth because she wasn't scared of some rowdy boys. As they grew up, perhaps the two had cute tiny crushes on each other to which cheeky little Kaeya always tried to make it obvious, but poor little Etain was too shy. As teenagers in the knights, they started to distance themselves quite a bit, sadly.

Their Relationship

These two have always had a good bond with each other. They'd spent quite a few of their days growing up side by side, and it's safe to say they do miss those good times. Often, Etain was a target of Kaeya's teasing remarks as it was his way of showing he was rather fond of her in their youth. Etain was too shy, however, to want to accept it which was okay with him.

When Crepus passed away, Etain had a bit of a tendency to push herself onto Kaeya especially after hearing he'd fought almost to the death against his own brother. She piled up so much stuff on him that it annoyed him, and she never really knew why he decided to cut his contact with her for a while. She safely assumed maybe it was because she was too much on him, weighing his mind down even more now that he'd been dealing with breaking the only familial bond he'd had left. She'd understood that, so she stayed away like she figured he wanted, only really acknowledging him with a polite nod if she ever crossed paths with him.

It took some time for Kaeya to heal, and she respected that to the fullest. Deep down Kaeya still felt lonely, and in all honesty, he was wishing not to break probably the only close bond he'd had left. He'd start over with her, making sure to be polite and casual with her in order not to jump straight into things. It worked out well, she'd seemed maybe a little too overly excited that the charming man had come back to her for their friendship. Of course, that would escalate into more by Kaeya constantly flirting with her. He could tell she was interested in him, but he stood by and waited for the moment she eventually told him directly how she felt.

How Etain feels

"Quartermaster of the Knights of Favonius, he's a charming individual. I know him quite well, we've been good friends since we were kids. He was always a handful, the man really gets a kick out of telling lies and such. So my advice is to try not to fall for it, else you're going to be for his entertainment purposes. Believe me, as his partner I tend to still get the same treatment over and over. Oh well, at least he makes up for it... eventually."

How Kaeya feels

"Etain has always been such a kind soul. It's really fun to see the little lady get her feathers in a twist when I pull a joke or two on her, she is easy to fluster after all... Heh. All fun aside, she's actually scary when she gets down to business sometimes. She ends up scaring me a little, but... anyway. She is a well-rounded and very warmhearted lady, my greatest comfort, honestly..."


  • Etain confesses to him by complete accident. Maybe or maybe not he did it on purpose, he knew it was clear as day but he just wanted to get her to say it directly to him.
  • Etain gets easily flustered by his antics when they're out in public, but she isn't completely against PDA. He rather just tones it down, settling for more subtle things like holding her hand or kissing her hand.
  • Behind closed doors, they are like three times as affectionate with each other. Kaeya can't seem to let go of her.
  • They enjoy cooking meals together, it's very calming. Etain likes to be the one that cooks for him the most, though.
  • Etain knows how lonely he truly feels deep down, and she knows how much his facade cracks when he's drinking so she will try her best to keep watch on him in case anything happens. She cares too much for him to see him suffering.
  • Kaeya is super extra for Etain, typically laying her clothes out for her when they wake up for work as well as before they go to sleep.
  • He has this little thing he does where he tucks her in all cozy into their side of the bed, gives her a kiss, and then gets himself ready to sleep afterward.
  • Etain perhaps gets jealous when she hears about him being the "top candidate for grandson-in-law," and really when she can find him talking to other fairly beautiful ladies.
  • When they are relaxing with each other, Kaeya sits there and draws little shapes on her arm or her stomach.
  • Often, Etain calls him "Kae" or "Captain," and he calls her "little butterfly" just to get her going, or various simple things like beautiful or darling.
  • When they were little, Etain would make him cry because she would grab handfuls of bugs and start chasing him around with them.
  • During the current story, Etain and Kaeya actually end up conceiving their first kid, Aeron. In the after story, they proceed to have two more by the names of Doran and Reine.
  • NSFW
    • They have a breeding kink. Looks to the side.
    • In my head, Kaeya is a tits kind of guy, and Etain finds his eyes drifting to them too many times. It's probably one of the only things she can ever tease him about.
    • He's very touchy with her, the man really likes taking it slow and taking time with the foreplay. Etain LOVES it.
    • She likes pulling his hair because it's long, and it's definitely there so why not.
    • Now, Etain is a bottom right? But a few times were they like okay it wouldn't hurt to try. So she tops on rare occurrences. Looks away.
    • Kaeya likes to praise and worship her body a lot, and man Etain gets a kick out of it.
    • There have been times they've cried during sex just because the raw emotion came out and just hit different man.
    • They're both fairly easy to turn on they've noticed, and Kaeya takes advantage of that a lot.
    • Listen I just know they've done frisky stuff in his office at least once or twice. At first, Etain would be so scared, but Kaeya was very satisfied to know she actually enjoyed it, perhaps teased her about it after.
    • She often likes doing it on platforms like counters or tables... Yeah, RIP to their kitchen.
    • I'm so sure that as gentle as he would like to be, he wants to spice it up and be mean sometimes. He likes to do things like edging or denying her or making her beg for him to do things to her.
    • Etain really likes to wear special things for him, so she does own a few sets of lingerie. It takes all of Kaeya's will to not tear and ruin it.
    • They probably own a few toys because experimenting never hurt anyone guys.