Caecilia (Blind Raven)



Paint It Black
The Rolling Stones
Zombie (Deftones Cover)
Anthony Vincent
Linkin Park

The Darkness is their enemy and her friend. Beware of the Raven.

Caecilia, mostly known as the "Blind Raven", is a professional killer from Italy. Despite her being blind since birth, she is a dangerous woman, killing for the Continental.

She is still pretty new to the hunt, but she is well known in the underground.

On her journey, she also crosses paths with Baba Yaga sometimes, and even becomes friends with him.

However, while he has his own lonely torture, she has to travel to japan, where the Continental of Tokyo gets slowly overthrown by a group of assassines called the "Black Kois".


Full name
Caecilia Brutus

"Blind Raven", Cae, The Blind One, Darkness


September 19th (19.09)


She / Her

Homosexual Biromantic

Hunter for the Continental Rome


Somewhere in Italy

John Wick (Media, Movie)

code by jiko


First Face : The World

How does your character behave generally? What do they do if the world has a camera on them? Caecilia mostly seems very cold and distant towards anyone she doesn't know. She barely talks about herself and is a true mystery. Even when not hunting, she sees strangers as potential prey. And so, she also has a hard time building up relationships and friendships with everyone outsite of the Continental. She has a burning hatred for humanity, which she shows in her way of hunting.

Second Face: Close ones

How does your character behave in front of friends and family? Anything different? Are they more affectionate or a plain asshole? There are only a very few people Caecilia trusts and which she calls "Friends". However, she would die for those people and loves to have fun with them at parties.

Despite her trusting her very few friends, she often shows herself sarcastic and sort of chill around them. But if she is hurt/sick she can and will hide this issue of hers. She hates being taken care of or being defended. She wants to show and prove herself how strong she is.

Third Face: True Reflection

How does your character behave by themselves? What is done from the depths of their hearts, reserved for themselves alone and has never manifested in front of anybody? Do they think they are scum or do they truely think everyone around them is scum? Deep inside, Caecilia often thinks she isn't good enough for this world. She hates humanity to bits, and that also includes her existence. She feels like everything is too shallow and without any reason. And so, she tries to give her life reason by hunting those she deems a virus to society.




Lawful Neutral

4 (The Individualist)

The High Priestress (Reversed)
The Emperor (Reversed)
Optimist Pessimist
Introvert Extrovert
Daredevil Cautious
Logical Emotional
Messy Organised
Honest Deceiving
Leader Follower
Affectionate Stoic
Grouded Dreamer
Moves On Stays in Past

  • Crows/Raven
  • The Meowing of Kittens (Secretly)
  • Knives
  • Cold Nights
  • Parties
  • Poetry
  • Mysteries
  • People with deep personalities
  • Deers
  • Sushi
  • Sea/The Ocean
  • Storms

  • Shallow People
  • Hot Days
  • Boring Days
  • Absolute Silence
  • Rap Music
  • Humanity
  • Apples
  • Fire
  • Hope/Hopeful Dreamers
  • Her Past
  • Herself

  • Absolute Silence
  • Losing Control
  • Burning alive
  • Going deaf
  • Betrayal

  • Hunting down "Parasites" (People with bad personalities)
  • Becoming an even better Hunter
  • Defeating the "Black Kois"

  • Listening to Music
  • Going to Parties
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Hunting
  • Smoking
  • Taking care of/Feeding birds
  • Training
  • Collecting Knives
  • Creating poison

  • Her scar came from an attack of one of her victims. Thanks to her good hearing and percise moves, they thought she wasn't blind and tried to blind her.
  • She can actually scream like those metal singers! She hates to show it off though.
  • Besides italian, she speaks fluently latin, japanese and english.
  • She is a chain smoker.

When killing a person and they seem to struggle, she always tries to calm them with those words.

She hates hearing their screams since it distracts her a lot, so she tells them those words while choking out their screams.



Pale Blue, Blind


Slender, slightly muscular

Jackets and Tops, Dark, Raven, A bit Gothic

Obtained by
Self Created

$0 personal | $0 commissioned
$0 total (16.06.2023)

Design notes
  • Gore And Body Horror is allowed.
  • She is blind!
  • The scars on her right eye are NOT optional
  • The skull on her jacket is NOT optional



Caecilia is a fast and deadly fighter. She mostly uses knives and guns to do her job. However, she also puts poison on the weapons to make them more effective.

She is super fast and would hold on even if she is absolutely exhausted. However, she is a lone wolf when fighting, extremely calculating. So maybe it's not a good idea to team up with her-

Of Knives and Guns

A killer's tools and lifesavers in danger.

  • Able to pull of fast and deadly attacks
  • Can inflict lethal wounds

  • Guns can't be used if the ammo runs out
  • Usually uses too many knives and guns in battle, leaving a mess


Caecilia uses a ton of knives and guns in fights. She usually uses the guns until the ammo runs out and throws them away then. And she uses the knives until they don't cut properly anymore, and also throws them away, mostly at the enemy. She is known for having a huge collection of knives and guns.

Despite her being blind, she has no issue locating her enemy and attacking them closely with her weapons. However, if she is further away, she struggles hitting her enemy.

Snake Bite

Heart Failure? Suffocating? Seizure? Pick your poison. Literally.

  • Prepares all of her weapons with Poison before any hunt.
  • Can create very different kinds of Poison with different lethal outcomes.

  • If she doesn't prepare her weapons before the fight, the weapons aren't poisonous.
  • Some poisons need very expensive/rare ingridients.


Thanks to a friend from the Continental Rome, she learned to make the most deadly and torturing toxins. Their effects reach from heart attack to suffocating, from Seizure to Paralyzing the victim, you name it.

However, preparing those toxins and using it on the weapons so they become toxic takes a lot of time. But she relies a lot on this tactic since then, ever hunt becomes a battle with time for her victims.

Ghost Eyes

As long as you hear your enemy breathe, you can find them. Even in pitch black darkness.

  • Despite being blind, she always knows where her enemy is.
  • Often gets underrestimated to her blindess.

  • Can't locate anything or anyone when it's absolutely silent.


Ever since birth, Caecilia is blind. Thanks to this condition, she is seen as weak and no real threat. But thanks to her other sharpened senses, she always know where her enemy is and can locate them easily.

Her worst enemy is, however, absolute silence. When she can't hear anything, she loses control of the whole situation and becomes dead meat.



Close Range

"Don't underrestimate the Raven. The void and the blade of my knives will welcome you with open arms..."

TL;DR: "Broken Raven tries to find her place and hunts parasites"


  • Brutality, Violence
  • Sensitive Topics
  • Bullying
  • Being beaten up close to death
  • Neglecting Parents
  • Blood Mention

Chapter One: "Fallen Angel"

WARNINGS: Bullying, Violence, Beating up, Neglecting Parents

Caecilia was born in a small Village in Italy. She had a hard time living, since the other children bullied her for being blind. She had not problem with not seeing the world at all. But she had a problem with being pushed around, losing control and being the punching bag for everyone.

"You will never be like us."

She knew, she was different. And slowly, she started hating herself. And humanity as a whole. She learned to defend herself, relying on her hearing and her other senses. And so, with each fight, she learned to defend herself more and more. Until she managed to gain control and punch another kid. Over. And Over. And Over.

"You are killing him!!"

She took it to far with her vengeance and the kid had to be rushed to the hospital. Her parents couldn't look her in the eyes anymore. But one being saw the fire in her blind eyes. The hatred. And the talent of destruction. They invited her to the continental Rome. And so, she trained for years, until she was ready to fight on her own. With 27, she started being a huntress herself.

Chapter Two: "Sushi"

WARNINGS: Blood Mention

In a time of one year, Caecilia managed to make a name for herself. Everyone far and wide knew of her power. She even fought side by side with the legendary Baba Yaga, as his dog got killed. And so, the continental, who had their hands full of trying to control Baba Yaga somehow, gave a mission to Caecilia.

"We see the blood on your hands. And we know you are longing for more. We need your help."

The Continental in Tokyo got overthrown by a group of hunters called "Black Kois". They wanted to control even more Continentals, and so, Caecilia and some other hunters were sent out to kill them. The price for killing them was high, and so a lot of hunters started the hunt as well. Luckily, Donna, Caecilia's best friend, supports her as the IT nerd she is.

"Heh, what a Nerd... but a helpful, nice Nerd indeed."

Support; Best Friend; IT-Collegue



The Past: First Encounter and Impressions

How did they meet? Did it leave good impressions from either side, or bad ones? Or was it family? Donna and Caecilia actually met on a hunt. Donna hacked into the bank account of a prey, and they noticed it. And so, they went out to kill her. When they entered their house, close to killing Donna, Caecilia managed to kill them. Ever since, Donna is feeling guilty for bringing Caecilia into trouble and offered her her help. Caecilia was filled with wonder, but accepted the offer.

The Present: Attitudes and Dynamic

Despite their first encounter, how is their dynamic now? Any different? Or did something during their time together influence something else? Ever since this incident, the two often communicate with each other over chatrooms, since Donna hates calling others. The two understand and trust each other almost blindly. However, sometimes Donna has some insane Ideas which Caecilia hates. And so, they sometimes tease each other.

The Future: Hopes

Any plans for the future? Does MC want the other to do something (e.g. fix their attitude, propose, or quit something)? Does MC want to become best friends with this character or... perhaps does MC want the character to drop dead? Caecilia planned to invite Donna to a travel in Japan once all of this is over. She knows how much Donna loves Japan, and so, she wants to have a fun time with her over there, as soon as the whole Koi Thing is over.


"I don't have any business with her honestly. But her death brings me a lot of money and honor..."

Positive Negative

The Leader of the Black Kois and Caecilia had no bad blood between each other in the beginning. Caecilia only wanted the money for her hunt, and Black Koi only wanted to overthrow the Continentals. However, as soon as Black Koi murdered someone close to Caecilia, it was more then just a hunt...