


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Hazel Leona Duncan




Nickname: Haze, Leona
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: Werewolf Hunter, Gunslinger


Hazel is both intelligent and witty, much like her father in the sense that she always seems to know exactly what to say, even if it doesn't always come out quite right. She is similarly stubborn, but fiery where her father lacks it, she knows what she wants and if she doesn't know how to get it you'll be damned if she won't do her best to find out. She is still however young and naïve, quick to action when she at times should probably think beforehand.

She trusts no one, and prefers it if no one knows her name or who she is. She often introduces herself to strangers as "Leona", rather than her first name, but never when her father is around in fear of upsetting him. She hates the supernatural with all of her being, and considers them lesser than animals, lesser than dirt. On the night that her mother died she made a promise to shoot each and every single one of them on sight, no matter what happened. She also promised she would never miss again. 



Up until the werewolf incident, Hazel led a fairly normal life. She had always looked up to her parents, admiring their strength and dynamics. She always wanted to be a sharpshooter like her father, and perhaps even a sheriff one day, but most of her dreams and hopes on normalcy were stripped from her hands after the loss of her mother.


John Duncan - Her father, as well as whom she works with. 

Leona Duncan - Deceased, her mother.

Wenonah- Her "girlfriend".

Addison Parry - A friend, maybe.

Cyvil McDermot - A man whose guts she hates simply because of his nature.