


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

John Samuel Duncan




Nickname: John, Sam, Mr. Duncan, Wolf Eye
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Eye Color: Brown
Sexuality: Questioning
Occupation: Werewolf Hunter, Gunslinger
Power: Mark of the Wolf


John is a man of very honest nature, one who cares deeply for those he loves and cherishes the bonds he establishes above all else. Being an optimist at heart, he tends to look for the best in people before he even considers the worst. For this very reason it is just as easy to cross him as it is to gain his affection, however; John Duncan's affections do not translate directly into trust, and just because he believes people are not inherintly good nor bad, does not mean he won't hesitate to put two bullets in each of your kneecaps.

He loves his daughter dearly, and although he has a hard time trusting most people, he also struggles with some attachment issues, growing too fond of those he wants badly to believe in. It is something he has always been troubled with, but not something he actively seeks to change or work on. 

On top of being both witty and a quick thinker, he is quite the sweet-talker, charming in his own ways. He was one hell of a ladies man his younger days, not that people still don't pine after him and his silver tongue, but nowadays he tends to keep out of any romantic affairs, focusing solely on work and family. He is hard working and with a very solid goal in mind, and when he sets his mind on something, he always follows through.



Humble ★ Obsessive

Adventurous  Brazen

Honest  Sardonic

Witty  Mouthy

Patient  Stubborn




There are many things John has done in the past of which he is none too proud over, mistakes and decisions that haunt his dreams yet to this day, lives which he ruthlessly took, wars he fought, and blood on his hands that he can never unsee nor undo. He was born in 1853, his parents were nothing special, both catholic and heavily superstitious, and supported him through his decision in fighting as a cavalry soldier when he was older, despite it's dangers.

He met Leona Bennet during this time, and although their marriage was spontaneous, they both loved eachother deeply and eventually had a daughter together whom they named Hazel. John relocated his family when their town became plagued with a series of unexplained murders and disappearings, fearing for their safety. At the time, he was a simple officer, and the loss of his badge was nothing in comparison to the loss of hundreds of lives when the true nature of the murders revealed itself. He had never been too religious himself growing up, nor had he paid much mind to his parents ramblings and superstitions, but watching his entire town be torn to shreds by a living, breathing Lycan in front of his eyes was a wake up call if anything. It was then that he began dedicating his life to hunting down the beast and killing it, in order to put an end the nightmare he seemingly was caught in.

Perhaps it was all his digging around where he wasn't welcome, his persistant searching and investigating that led the murderer straight to his very own doorstep, but he will never forget the wolf that took his wife from him.They both fought valiantly against the beast, and although he managed to shoot it twice, the werewolf not only managed to get away, but did a good deal on his right shoulder and the majority of his back, forcing him into seizures in which if his daughter had not grabbed his gun and put a silver bullet through his shoulder, would have transformed him as well. Leona was left to bleed out while their daughter Hazel desperately tried to save both of them, and John was lucky the silver stopped most of the transformation, leaving him alive and still himself, but marred for life. They buried what was left of Leona in the back, no proper funeral held since there was nothing left of their town in the first place, and John swore he would not only protect Hazel until his very last breath, but he would ensure she knew how to defend herself.

They became a duo to be reckoned with, eventually leaving their graveyard home town behind on the hunt for the werewolf that had destroyed their lives. He managed to track the crimes back to a man by the name of Jackson Moynihan, and there was no doubt in his mind that this was the man who had killed his Leona. But each trail seemed to lead them to a dead end, the man had seemingly disappeared, leaving chaos and ruins in his wake.

It was Hazel who found clue leading to England, and it was with heavy hearts that they made the decision to journey on.



After being bitten by a werewolf, John not only "lost" his right eye, but gained new, unfamiliar powers. These newfound powers granted him increased perception and heightened senses, as well as the ability to distinguish just about any supernatural creature from a crowd of humans, giving him the upper hand in tracking them. He does not transform into a wolf during full moons, but rather matches their strength and gains full vision in his right eye which then turns into what people began to refer to as "Wolf's Eye". 




Leona - His deceased wife.

Hazel - His daughter, they are very close to eachother and work together. He is terrified of losing her.

Jackson Moynihan - The werewolf he has sworn to kill, and has been hunting for years.

Cyvil McDermot - His first good clue on the whereabouts of Moynihan since coming to London, he smells Moynihans blood running through this mans veins but he is far too young to be the man he is looking for. So he keeps his eyes on him, never lets him too far out of sight. He does not know much about this man, nor does he care, and it takes all his self control not to put silver between those amber eyes just for being a werewolf. But he is in foreign territory, and he cannot afford to risk anything.

Charlie Chamberlain - A mildly unfortunate encounter with this young man has changed his perception on many things in life, some which he is not too fond of.