


3 years, 8 months ago




he/him - 22yrs - ENFP-A

"Better an 'oops' than a 'what if', eh?"


Kiaan is a dragon shapeshifter living in the woods since he was exiled from his tribe. He's an emotional mess but he's doing his best to hide it.

Kiaan was exiled from his tribe in the East of Raica because he had committed murder. He now lives in the forest near the Etuni tribe where Helaku and Yoki are living.

Kiaans family is cursed since centuries, causing them to die in any cruel way after a specific amount of years, and be reborn afterwards, just to live this exact life span again. In Kiaans case, this life span is 23 years. Kiaan has lived around 4 life spans already, but he cant remember until the moment of his next death.

Kiaan has marks all over his body, which change their color with his emotions. If he gets too upset for any reason, may it be anger, lust, or nervousness, his feelings can spill over and catch other people. He tries to avoid this with all his might and therefore tries to not give in to his feelings in fear of loosing control.

Since he is a shapeshifter, he can fully or partly shift into dragon form. He can fly in humanoid form when he has his wings out. Kiaan falls in love with Helaku shortly after he got saved by him and his sister. This is a challenge for both of the boys, as Kiaan mustn't loose control over his feelings and Helaku is affianced to a girl of his tribe...


"Life begins at the end of our comfort zone."

Kiaan is an extrovert, and he tends to be a bit crazy and childish. He hates making plans for everything and just does what he thinks should be the best thing to do at the moment. He decides with his heart and often in a hot minute without thinking of it too much. He seldomly regrets his slipshod decisions which turned out to be poor and merely thinks of of them as another experience to learn from.

His emotions are a challenge to him. Contrary to his normal behaviour, he can't just let his feelings overwhelm him and see what it gets. He trained and still trains hard to always keep control over his emotions, especially if they are unpleasant like anger, fury, or grief. He thinks he handles them pretty well now, he hardly gets angry and can mostly keep sadness in his heart. However, with Helaku and him getting closer, he fights with love and lust which are surprisingly hard to control...

  • Adventures
  • Surprises
  • Cuddling
  • Laughing
  • Compliments
  • Rules
  • Injustice
  • Prejudices
  • Inattentiveness
  • Loosing control over his feelings
  • HOBBY: He loves dancing and singing and is really good at both!
  • HOBBY: He also loves flying through the night because it makes him feel as if he was closer to the stars.
  • HOBBY: When he has nothing else to do, he also likes climbing on high tees or rocks to watch the world from above. He also has nearly no risk of falling because he can fly.
  • HOBBY: Spending time with friends helps him recharge. He needs his friends and loves every single person who likes to spend time with him.
  • HOBBY: Playing pranks on others is the best way to show his love according to Kiaan.
  • HABIT: Kiaan tends to suppress negative feelings similar to Helaku, but because of his fear to loose control over them and transferring them to others.
  • HABIT: Oftentimes when he sees people upset, he tries to calm them with his ability to stretch his own feelings. He therefore nearly naturally has a calming aura.
  • HABIT: Kiaan wakes up very early every day to live his life to the fullest and to not miss anything.
  • STRENGTH: Calms others even in chaotic moments, because he has good control over his emotions due to his training. Hardly lashes out on anyone, because if he does, it might be lethal.
  • STRENGTH: Can decide in a hot minute
  • STRENGTH: Brave
  • STRENGTH: Honest, direct
  • STRENGTH: Sociable, open
  • STRENGTH: Curious, perceptive and easily impressed
  • STRENGTH: Adaptable, flexible, spontaneous
  • STRENGTH: Self-concious
  • WEAKNESS: Controlling love and lust is nearly impossible for him.
  • WEAKNESS: Unstructured, jumps from idea to idea
  • WEAKNESS: Impatient, which often leads to hasty decisions, easily bored
  • WEAKNESS: Insensitive, sometimes hurts peoples feelings with his bluntness and doesn't notice
  • WEAKNESS: Doesn't understand the concept of shutting up
  • WEAKNESS: Risk-prone
  • WEAKNESS: Defiant
  • WEAKNESS: Chaotic. I mean it. He would loose his head if it wasn't attached.
  • MAGIC SKILL: Shifting into dragon form either partly or fully
  • MAGIC SKILL: Manipulating feelings of the people around him (by transferring his own) and therefore take fear and negative feelings and calming people around him (or make them feel miserable)
  • MAGIC SKILL: Fly while partly or fully shifted
  • MAGIC SKILL: Be a nightlight (his marks glow a bit, haha)
  • Kiaan is a bundle of enegry and while he can be annoying, hes lovable.
  • Kiaan can not remember his past lives due to his curse, only in the moment of his death his mind relives all the memories.
  • He never wants to press his love or lust on Helaku, but he can hardly conrtol himself around him, this getting worse the more attached to him he gets. Kiaan debates going away for that reason but can't bring himself to doing it.

Kiaan got transferred his grandfathers curse more than hundred years ago after his grandfathers suicide. Although Kiaan never found out what his grandfather did to get cursed, he suffers the consequences.

He has lived several lifes since then, always only to die a cruel death at the age of 23 and be reborn again, not remembering his other lifes as soon as his soul is in a new body.

This life, Kiaan was born in a tribe in the East of Raica, where its rather cold. His parents are both dragon shapeshifters, and he is one too. His mother and father were always loving, but they passed away in a fire in their home when Kiaan was 10 years old.

The fire was laid by other tribe members who were convinced Kiaan was evil due to his colorful marks no one in his tribe had ever had.

All his life, he was bullied and excluded due to the fear of his curse and his incontrollable feelings which would spill over and catch others around him. His tribe members were scared of him and held their kids away from him.

One day, one of his bullies went too far and Kiaan got extremely furious, his feelings overflowed and got transferred to the other kid while also getting amplified for Kiaan.

They fought for a while and Kiaan eventually knocked his bully over and killed him. Only after noticing the kid was dead, his rage ebbed away and all that was left was fear and despair.

When his tribe head found out what he had done, he got sentenced to death, but he could flee badly wounded.

He fell from the sky in the forest, not far from Helaku's and Yokis tribe, and they found and healed him, although they found out he was from an enemy tribe.

He falls in love shortly after and although Helaku resiprocates these feelings, it has not been easy for them, as Kiaan keeps loosing control over his feelings, his love, and especially his lust, and while Helaku wouldn't bother since he doesn't feel much different anyway, Kiaan has sworn him he would never have sex or merely touch him with his feelings pressed on him.


Helaku and him meet the first time after Kiaan fell from the sky and they start being best friends, but they soon notice there's more between them than friendship...


Yoki is Helaku's twin and Kiaans best girl friend. Not that he has a lot, but she is his favorite. From... one.


Næmid and him know each other from all the times Kiaan died, but he can't remember. When they eventually meet through Yoki, Næmid says nothing about Kiaans curse.


Yoen is a faun living in the woods, and Helaku, Yoki and Kiaan like to spend time with him. He doesn't show his face and is mute.

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