Hualing (XiLing♥️)



3 years, 5 months ago


Gender Female/NB
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday May 27
Star Sign Gemini



Gender Male
Orientation Grayromantic Bisexual
Birthday April 17
Star Sign Aries



Height Difference
5 cm
153 cm
158 cm

Age Difference

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

As an adventurer, Hualing has traveled many places. Staying within Liyue, she was always fond of spending her nights at Wangshu Inn. With the times she’d been there, she was always intrigued when she heard that the Conqueror of Demons resides there, however she never actually saw him with her eyes. She didn’t believe them, often laughing at them for telling silly stories. To be honest, she didn’t really believe in his existence for a while there, not until she saw him for the first time. She’d gone up atop the roof of Wangshuu Inn for herself, only to come face to face with the Conqueror of Demons himself.

Their Relationship

Truth be told, there are times where Xiao asks himself why he even let her close to him. From the moment she laid eyes on him, she was awfully persistent and annoying to the rather distant man. Honestly, he was confused how okay she was with him despite how intimidating and reserved to mortal affairs he is. There was a point where Xiao was a little too irritated with her, snapping at her for her to leave him. Perhaps she was a little hurt by it, so she listened to him, and for a while she didn’t try to interact with him.

It only worked for so long, though. Hualing was always pondering ways to hang around him. The best she could think of was asking him to teach her some fighting skills. Obviously, his response was a hesitant one, claiming he was a “soul-slaughtering Yaksha” and that she would not be able to handle it. To his surprise, she shrugs it off and suggests that she proves herself to him. Xiao accepts, making Hualing absolutely ecstatic that she gets to face an Adeptus. As expected, she wasn’t quite leveled with him in power, but he was left impressed and so he accepted her in to teach her. She’d got what she wanted and from here, Xiao would find himself starting to let her in at least a little more despite her being a foolish mortal.

Their relationship build up is rather slow, it doesn’t progress until the events of Interlude Act 2: Perilous Trail take place. Hualing, out of curiosity and worry for Xiao, follows him into the Chasm. Amidst the chaos of the space and time, she finds herself separated from her trail on Xiao, lost in an unknown area. She’s reunited with him some time later when he finds the Traveler and their group of people. Seeing he’s injured, she gets very worried for him and as expected, he tells her not to fret as it’s not that big of a deal. She’ll back off of him for the time being, that is until he proposes his suicidal plan. Like the rest of the group, she goes completely against his idea, appearing to be rather sad at his suggestion. During their escape as he’s trying to maintain the energy of the Compass, he does end up trying to carry out his suicidal plan anyway. All she does is cry out for him, not being able to do anything other than just watch him.

Once the two reunite behind closed doors, all she could do was rush to him and embrace him. Awkwardly, he struggled within their hug but he accepted it. While sitting there, Xiao decides he wanted to open up to her about his past — his friends, and his past lover. To his surprise, she was oddly serious, which he appreciated honestly. For him, she sat and listened to him about losing his friends, and the lady he’d held close to him once before she too followed in death. Carefully, he did admit to Hualing that perhaps he felt a rather unfamiliar attraction to her because she reminded him so much of that one lover of his. She knew he didn't seem to like it, but she gave him her sympathy regardless. All they did after was embrace him in her warm arms, whispering to him that they loved him. For once, he let himself fall a little more lax in the arms of a mortal.

How Hualing feels

“Xiao — Conqueror of Demons — yup, that’s my lover! Crazy, isn’t it? Never would I have thought I’d have him in my grasp like this, it’s impressive. And no, he wasn’t easy at all to get past his shell. He doesn’t see the appeal in mortals like me, or human affairs, but that’s only because he’s wary that his energy will harm a regular human if they spend too long around him. It’s the Karmic Debt of his, and man, do I wish I could take it away from him… I’d take it for myself if I could just to give him some peace.

How Xiao feels

Humans are… difficult to understand, especially this one. She tends to be persistent, if you will, and I don’t want to weigh my demonic energy onto her… Most times, I tend to struggle to even comprehend anything she brings me to despite my effect on her, but I suppose I’m willing to let myself learn… *sigh*
Never mind that.


  • These two are very private lovers. Of course due to Hualing’s behaviors, it’s known that she is tied to the Adeptus, but they never touch up on each other in public.
  • When Hualing spends the night at Wangshuu Inn, Xiao often sits by the bed side for a while as she drifts to sleep. Typically, he leaves before the time they wake up so they end up left a little sad they couldn’t wake up to him those times.
  • Other times, he does let himself stay. Most times, he’ll even wiggle into bed with her and when he lies with her he curls around her in a protective manner as she sleeps.
  • It takes a while for Hualing to convince Xiao that they can handle his karmic energy extremely well compared to what other mortals probably stand. This is because some Adeptus blood flows through them that they do not know of, but he can sense in them
  • Xiao doesn’t really like to cook, but for her he can sometimes get himself to make an exception if he heard she has yet to eat.
  • When she returns to Wangshuu Inn after journeys outside of Liyue, she makes sure to bring some almond tofu for the man.
  • During Xiao’s mentoring with her, he teaches her how to do something similar to his skill. She uses it when she runs mostly, her run being almost like a teleport forward.
  • Hualing often likes to call to him as “Xi,” and at first he wasn’t for it at all, but he’s grown fond of it over time. They also will sometimes call him “Alatus” in private, sometimes it makes his heart flutter.
  • Hualing likes to trace the tattoo on his arm, complimenting on it all the time.
  • If his back is facing her, she likes to touch the spot of open skin below his neck. He won’t admit it, but it’s relaxing when she does it.
  • When they go fighting together, they often will bicker over who’s going to take out the group of enemies just because neither of them want the other to get hurt.
  • Xiao finds comfort in taking his own gloves off to hold her hands in his. Perhaps the slight different in the size of their hands fascinates him just a tiny bit.
  • For her birthday once, he (rather awkwardly) gifted them a necklace similar to the one he wears around his neck. He claims to have made it himself, it acts as like a charm to ward off evil he told them.
  • In the after story, they do end up having two (accidental) kids. Their son, Lei, and their daughter being named after his lover from long ago, Meifen.
  • NSFW
    • These two don’t have a ton of sex just because it’s the least of their concerns as a couple that spends a lot of time battling enemies and whatnot.
    • When they do have sex, it’s actually very rare that it’s in the comforts of a bed. These two love having their intimate time outdoors, somewhere safe and away from others obviously.
    • One of their favorite places would be like a little stream, pond, any body of water they could embrace each other in.
    • Hualing has a primal kink, and when Xiao discovered this, let’s just say he went a little feral.
    • Their favorite position is really anything animalistic/wild, the classic just being doggy style.
    • Hualing occasionally also likes to ride him, finding it to be extremely fun honestly.
    • The scratches these two end up with on each other’s bodies is insane.
    • If they call him Alatus during sex, he will instantly get rough and fast with them.
    • Hualing gets turned on just by the mere sight of Xiao’s little fangs. She really enjoys when he bites her all over.
    • They both enjoy doing it fully or partially clothed since they both do it outdoors so much. Just a quick slip of the clothes and they have easy access to each other.
    • When she’s riding him, she likes to mess around and choke him. It really gets him going, getting twice as rough with her in return. Typically they might end up with some bruises on their bodies.
    • Xiao growls a lot, he’s not too loud but he’s aggressive with his sounds and Hualing loves it. Hualing herself on the other hand growls and whimpers just as much.
    • Hualing tends to have one hell of an ahegao expression when he’s fucking her, turning into a hot and drooling mess.
    • They both enjoy the feeling of being restrained by each other.
    • Xiao gets a kick out of sometimes putting Hualing in her place, having power over her. It often happens if she’s teasing him too much.
    • Speaking of which, her teasing is so hard to handle. She knows she’s in deep when he gives her that sharp look.
    • Xiao is surprisingly really good with aftercare. He of course expresses concern for her after any rough session they have, promising to her that he’ll take her back somewhere he can clean her and let her rest.