Abbé Couture



3 years, 5 months ago


Abbé Couture

Name Age Pronouns Species Appearance notes Family
Abbé Couture 45 He/him Human
  1. Height is 5'10, 180cm
  1. Johnathan Couture (son)
  2. Laura Brodeur (ex-wife)

Abbé Couture is a character in my Miraculous Ladybug fanfic: Miraculous Get me out of here. He is the father of Johnathan Couture and ex husband of Laura Brodeur.

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Backstory Personality
Abbé Couture was born in Paris, France. At some point in his life he married a woman named Laura Brodeur and they had a son together. Ten years after getting married they divorced, and got shared custody of their son. Abbé now lives alone with his son visting often. Abbé is a usually very easy going father who seems to be closer with his son than Laura. While he is mostly chilled out, he has very passionate interests in rock and roll and knitting. He also tries to get his son to go out and try new things.
Johnathan Couture Laura Brodeur
John and Abbé are fairly close, and Abbé greatly cares for his son. While he doesn't pressure him as much as his mother, he often tries to get his son to try new things. Abbé is Laura's ex husband. They divorced on good terms and still seem to get on well.