Koroblynx Anatasia



3 years, 5 months ago



When you doubt the path trod thus far, when the hand you held is lost to you, gaze anew at the heart that once was... for all the answers are within.
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Organization XIII
Kana コロブリンクス
Rōmaji Koroburinkusu
Number Ω ("Omega")
Title The Conductor of Chaos
Weapon Dragon Edge
Attribute Info (反物質 Antimatter (Tanmonoshitsu))
Limit Break (Days) Thousand Cuts
First appearance Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Original name "Vessel Zero"
English voice actor(s) Sarah Stiles
Japanese voice actor(s) Yukiyo Fuiji

"There exists a third part to this whole yin and yang you speak of, the thing that keeps both creation and destruction in check, but also spurs it into motion. Some people call it Chaos, others call it the boundary. That's what's within you, Koroblynx. You walk between both creation and destruction, with both on your arms."

Koroblynx, the Conductor of Chaos (混沌の指揮者 Konton no shiki-sha?) more commonly referred to as Koro, is the Archdragon Replica creation of Ansem the Wise and Even, on the premise of a blackmailing commission by Xehanort. As a result, she contains a fraction of his DNA and likeness, and possesses some of his traits. Koroblynx freed herself from the sorry circumstances of her creation, as she was going to be used as merely a weapon and then discarded, and learned to become her own being through experience. The piece of Xehanort's genome imbued into her unknowingly led to their rebirth during the beginning of "Kingdom Hearts: Parables"


1.6 Kingdom Hearts: Parables
2.9 Kingdom Hearts: Parables
3 Personality
8 Trivia

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts

A strange being shrouded in an white druid's robe of sorts, this mysterious face is often seen darting in and out of places where Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness and his "Fear" understudy frequent. Is she an ally of theirs? Or is she too seeking to free worlds of the havoc they cause?

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Her whereabouts after Faliux hid her somewhere after hearing tell of Vexen's plan for her in Castle Oblivion are unknown. Likewise, his subsequent plans regarding her he never revealed. Although it appears that it was really best for the young dragoness, considering exactly how Vexen met his end.

Kingdom Hearts II

Koroblynx has begun making her appearance more frequent now that Faliux's hiding of her succeeded, and she has seemed to have joined with Amber, the colleague of the fallen Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Amber seems to be training this rookie in the field of proper combat.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

This entity is a closely guarded secret of Ansem, the Wise and his apprentices. Her creation seems to have some shady and hush-hush circumstances around it as no one seems to want to bring up her mention. However, what is known comes from Zuul, the sage-king's errand boy, and even still he isn't allowed to speak too much about her, nor does he wish to it seems, as it appears to be painful for him to speak of it.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

After being separated from Amber, Koroblynx was put in jeopardy again at the hands of Vanitas, who has been conditioning her to see him as a source of affection and comfort, only to subsequently leave her for dead after his task revolving her is finished. Amber put a stop to this, and ran the boy off, and her chivalrous deed seems to have given the girl a new rush of high spirits.

Kingdom Hearts: Parables

After the events of her brief stint in the Real Organization XIII and her reunion with Zuul, Koroblynx now has truly blossomed into her own being. Her current mission is to find her place as the fabled boundary between creation and destruction. Her ambitions are to find out how she can do this, and what exactly will it take and what this all means for her.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Koroblynx's creation, under the codename "Vessel Zero", had began and the project was kept underground due to the shady circumstances and methods used for her arrival. The "Vessel Zero" project was a huge risk to Ansem the Wise's reputation, and himself as a whole. Only Even and Zuul knew of her existence, and any questioning about it was met with denial and it was proclaimed that this project was on a "need-to-know basis". After long weeks gone by, the vessel, finally given the name "Koroblynx" by Even, was finally completed. And she immediately was put to use, going through rigorous tests of her limitations, and was given quite negative treatment in order to bring out the worst in her, which fueled her greatest power and ferocity which truly set her up to be the war machine they wanted. What the team didn't know however, this was causing great pain to Koroblynx, and her sadness was often overlooked by the scientists. Studying behaviors from humans, she saw when she was brought outside the laboratory on display gave her a sense of humanity for herself. One of those times, she met another dragon-humanoid, Zuul. Unlike others who fled in fear or kept their distance from Koroblynx, Zuul showed quite an interest in this girl, and they would meet up in secret as he came to her window to talk, further growing Koroblynx's sense of humanity. The friendship soon blossomed between them, but sadly it was cut short, as Radiant Garden was sieged, incidentally freeing Koroblynx, but separated her from Zuul.

Kingdom Hearts

In a period of grief from losing her only friend and crush, Koroblynx slightly regressed back into old habits of self-deprecating and conditioned aggression, yet still kept her humanity locked within her subconscious. Koroblynx ran into Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness. He tried to convince her to use her strength to rebel, and her grief would allow her to blossom, yet she refused, and continued on her solitary journey. However, something within her heart drew her right back to him. It was as if he gave off the same energy field and scent that she did. In an effort to observe him to hopefully find an answer, yet keep her distance, Koroblynx would follow him between worlds, keeping a watchful eye on his movements and actions. Doing so, she learned a lot about what she could do with her power to take back what was stolen from her in her early days.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Not much is known about what took place when Koroblynx was placed in the care of Darigan Windchaser, however from her perspective and word, the older gentleman seemed to have caught onto her rather quickly, and had provided the rookie with a much needed moral support and elder's guidance that she never had. The Lord of Fallowhart Forest apparently has told her all the stories about his daughter, Lufia and how he wants to make it up to her one day for failing her once he realized he had done so, and that now Lufia is alive again through Faliux, to hear him out.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Koroblynx has since overcome her grief, yet her feral nature and appearance hadn't completely worn away. An encounter with Roxas in the forest surrounding Twilight Town had come to pass. Unsure what to do with the overpowering feeling of a Nobody, Koroblynx attacked Roxas and they fought, her being defeated, yet surviving and fleeing somewhere. She would continue to wander aimlessly, not daring to remove the hood in fear of being recognized due to her eyes having the signature appearance of Xehanort. Her efforts would be in vain, and she would be found by a strange man in a black coat, and was taken somewhere and put into a cell. Koroblynx would recognize this man as Even, the one who gave her the name she has now, but he would not answer to it, let alone listen to her at all unlike how he did before. He explained his reasons for bringing her here, he had seen the brief glimpse of her eyes and had made connections that they resembled that of his superior's. Koroblynx would be livid, trying her best to get this man, "Vexen" to let her go, but he would refuse, saying that she needed to stay until his focus project was completed. Said "project" would soon be introduced, thrown into the cell with her, a woman that he kept begrudgingly referring to as Faliux. Feeling completely hopeless and sensing Faliux's desire was not of harm but of comfort, Koroblynx wept into her embrace and told her story, which this Faliux would sympathize with. The two would devise a plan to free themselves, and it succeeded. Koroblynx would ask this “Faliux” where she was, and she explained that she was in the dwelling place of Organization XIII, and that she had drummed up a plan to convince their superior to allow Koroblynx a position after explaining how Vexen’s actions were insubordinate and this would be some form of payment. Xemnas accepted, as he had felt something was strangely familiar about Koroblynx, she struck him as one of his own kind. And likewise Koroblynx felt that same internal feeling that she felt around Ansem before him. Koroblynx became a reserve member of the Organization, given the number “” as a reference to her being so much like Xemnas, yet was still a newcomer. However, Vexen had one more trick up his sleeve, and planned to take Koroblynx with him to Castle Oblivion. Faliux knew of this, and Koroblynx was taken to her father Darigan’s and dropped off for the doe knew her father would accept her.

Kingdom Hearts II

Koroblynx has slowly began to become more human like again, eyes no longer yellow, and shifting to the more crimson color they are present day. With Darigan, Koroblynx was given a new lease on life. She would further learn to explore her emotions and accept her newfound purpose. Koroblynx did eventually bid Darigan farewell, as she felt there was still something missing within her. So she set out on a mission to recollect what was lost. Doing so, she had made many acquaintances with the locals of various worlds, Koroblynx encountered Sora in Twilight Town, whom she had scented as strangely familiar, remembering the encounter she had with Roxas a while back. However her sense of socialization had never really been great, so she growled at him and flew away. Traveling for quite some time without a cause, and trying to find Sora again so she could make ends meet, Koroblynx would encounter a girl named Amber. She had seen this woman before when she observed Ansem all that time ago, and began to try and reach her to see if she could help her learn how to become harmonious with her own darkness that she had repressed to achieve her humanity. Her quest succeeded, as Amber’s companion, Shuck had retrieved her and brought her to Amber. The stray Heartless agreed to train Koroblynx and mentor her. The dragon would make great strides with Amber’s guidance, and she became a skilled and analytical fighter. However, when Amber had set off to fight a so-called “Mania”, Koroblynx was struck with a mysterious weapon, and became comatose.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Waking up in a realm unknown to her, Koroblynx was greeted by a strange boy who never showed his face from the helmet he wore. Yet there was a very familiar aura that he gave off, such an aura reminded her of Zuul. The boy would take Koro’s curiosity to heart, as he was quite charmed by Koroblynx and had a plan to use her as a weapon of his own. Introducing himself as Vanitas, he would offer sanctuary to Koroblynx, to which she accepted. In order to drop her guard, he pretended to return Koro’s mistaken friendship, slowly gaining her trust. He had even pretended to have feelings for the girl, and the two began to start a very distant, yet heated relationship. It lasted quite a long time, until Koroblynx overheard Vanitas talking with Master Xehanort about his plans of using Koroblynx to attack the Heroes of Light and weaken them, then leaving her for dead once her . Furious at how she was once again duped into being someone’s guinea pig, Koroblynx dumped her mistaken love interest and fled once more. However, Vanitas was not losing the subject of his plans so easily, and attacked her from behind, planning to break Koroblynx into doing his bidding instead. In a seemingly miraculous moment, Amber had found Koroblynx and began to fight with Vanitas to spare Koroblynx’s fate. She drove him off, after tapping into her own darkest form, which gave Koroblynx a rush of inspiration. After Amber’s daring rescue of her pupil, Koroblynx swore her loyalty to both her and Faliux for good, vowing to be their protector now that she had learned how to embrace both her light and her darkness.

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-

The circumstances surrounding the origins of the "Vessel Zero" project came to light eventually, and with devastating consequences. The creation of Koroblynx began under blackmail. Xehanort allowed his genome to be used to create a weapon in his likeness, for if he ever were to perish and carry on his duties. Ansem the Wise took up this offer, albeit reluctantly at first, but after being successfully coerced and hounded into giving in, the project began. However, in the process of cleaning up the new "Vessel Zero", plans had shifted, and the team instead added the additional purpose to her existence in creating a mass destruction machination to be used if another Keyblade War were to start. The requirements of this vessel were to be "merciless" and "predatory" in nature, thus the inclusion of two kinds of dragon genomes harvested from another world were introduced into the mix, all of which to hopefully bolster her destructive capabilities.

Kingdom Hearts III

Even with all Koroblynx's progress, she still wondered why exactly she was brought into existence, other than just to be used as someone's weapon. What exactly was it that Ansem the Wise was hiding from her? She decided to embark on another journey to find out her origin and roots. Doing so, Koroblynx encountered Sora again, and due to his resemblance to Vanitas she at first was going to attack him. Skulking his trail for a while, she sees exactly how kind hearted and generally a good person he was, she decides instead to just play a childish trick on him. Trying to jump out of a nearby tree to scare him, she failed and fell out of the branch she was supposed to jump off of on top of him. Rolling off and apologizing, the two formally introduced themselves and parted ways. However, through Koroblynx’s brief encounter with Sora, she heard of the plans of Master Xehanort, and Koroblynx immediately remembered who he was, the man who Vanitas tried to bargain her life with. She knew by this point, Faliux and Amber were in terrible danger if his plans were to go through successfully. Koro realized what she had to do. She played the role of assisting the real organization using her connections as a way to slide in. There, she would encounter Ansem and Xemnas again, however only to be hit by those same visions and feelings within she had when she encountered both of them before. She put two and two together then, the purpose of her existence was to carry on their original persona, Xehanort’s, duties. In this case, the reason why Xemnas and Ansem gave her these feelings of familiarity. They were all one in the same, sharing the same blood. It was as if Koroblynx had met two men who were her brothers and she was blissfully unaware that they were her kinsmen. However, she had learned so much and moved past her sorry tale of origin, so she decided not to side with Xehanort, yet still work under his radar to dismantle his authority from within. She would begin to pass on her warning to the others of the Real Organization XIII, knowing why they were all summoned back. Incidentally she especially felt sorry for Ansem and Xemnas, because she deep down knew why Xehanort really brought them back, and related to their plight, being used herself at one point. She had to spare her newfound brothers somehow. So she tried to warn them and did, but it was too late by the time she had mustered up the courage to belay the news. The two men had been bested and slain by the Heroes of Light. However, unbeknownst to her, Koroblynx did successfully manage to get it to her brothers that they were only brought back as means to an end before they would go off for their final showdown. For they had vowed between themselves to come and recollect Koroblynx in the next life. She harbored no ill will towards either side even then, as Koroblynx knew she had achieved what her heart desired, even if she had lost her brothers she barely had the chance to know along the way. She still grieved them either way, and felt alone in the world once again. She would return to Faliux and Amber again, and rekindle their friendship and sisterhood. However, Koroblynx’s heroism would soon be rewarded. During a visit to Radiant Garden, Koroblynx saw a familiar draconian face. Thinking it couldn't be Zuul, as she had believed him deceased in the siege, she approached, asking him if he remembered her. He did, and the two shared a tear-filled, heartfelt reunion, as well as finally confessing their feelings for each other.

Kingdom Hearts: Parables

She didn't know that her existence had caused Xemnas and Ansem to survive after their defeat, being that she held some of Xehanort within her. The two's hearts had went into hers, but not without great strain to Koroblynx. Everyone started noticing Koroblynx began acting more and more unstable and aggressive, plus she never seemed to recover from that "charged" state she has during battle (the one where the tips of her hair turn to silver and her eyes go yellow) It all hit a breaking point when Zuul heard Koroblynx screaming in pain one night- she was on the floor and panting. Immediately he ran to get Faliux and Amber, for he knew they were close to Koro and Faliux could use some of her power to help her. Once the three returned to Koro and Zuul, things began to go south quickly for her. She didn't recognize Zuul and started to attack him. But Zuul (since he's much bigger than her) managed to push her off and Koroblynx, with a sadistic snarl exhaled a cloud of darkness. She transformed into her corrupt form for the first time and lunged right at the people she once called friends, attacking with no mercy due to the presence of two other beings within her putting a painful strain on her already unstable form. After the fight. Koroblynx was knocked unconscious and Zuul hooked her up to some machines to see what was going on with her. That's when he noticed two presences within Koroblynx’s heart- the ones that were reacting adversely to her own. He had to act fast to save Koroblynx in the absence of Sora. He needed someone with experience in regards to hearts to help... He gathered Lori and Ansem the Wise, as this could be his chance for him and Koroblynx to reconcile. Faliux used her power to open Koroblynx’s heart and Lori used her gifts to extract the two slumbering darknesses within Koroblynx and Zuul took them into his laboratory. He and Ansem the Wise worked in tandem to restore Ansem and Xemnas to stable forms, as Koroblynx, Lori, and Faliux all recovered from this difficult feat. Given new life, they both had rebelled against the original Xehanort's purpose after given new life, and via Koroblynx's warnings. Ansem the Wise eventually found Koroblynx again, and tried to reconcile with her. Yet she refused his advances, as she still has a grudge against him, which her trauma response caused Koro to retaliate and she tried to lunge at him, ready to take back all the trauma that his work had caused her. However, the man proclaimed that he and Zuul had saved her life, and the lives of her brothers. In disbelief, Koroblynx resumed her attack, as she was still running on instinct, and the man was forced to subdue Koroblynx, knocking her out and going to get Zuul to deal with her. They were too late to retrieve her, as she was picked up by a strange woman, who would later be known as Faliux. There, she was introduced to Xemnas and his new syndicate NEO XII, their goal being to help maintain the balance of light and dark using their powers over the in-between. Xemnas seemed to remember Koroblynx too, and began training her under his wing, on suggestion of Faliux and Saix. The two became close as any brother and sister should be, and doing so, Koroblynx was reunited with Ansem as well. From that day forward, Koroblynx would be a crucial part in steering both men on the right path, being the voice of reason they needed in their new life. They too would convince Koroblynx to gather Zuul and both reconcile with Ansem the Wise as he wished, finally putting aside their ill will for each other and agreeing to forgive and forget, them part ways.


Koroblynx is a sassy, defiant, and a quite boisterous and energetic practical joker. She has a softer, more friendly side that is revealed when someone gains her trust, which is unfortunately not easy to do due to her past. Koroblynx can be quite cunning as well, as she managed to keep her true intentions when assisting the Real Organization XIII completely hidden. She has a quizzical aura about her, and often speaks in riddles, proverbs, or prose.


A lanky, but stocky dragoness with gaunt features on her hands, face, and decolletage (collarbone). Her wings, horns, and tail are teal-grey and the tail bears a red tuft. Her eyes are blood red with snakelike slit pupils that can change their size and shape depending on her emotions

Kingdom Hearts

She wears a strange, battered white robe with the hood covering her face. It is unknown where this robe came from, but it is hinted that some time she discarded the hospital gown she used to wear and crafted this for herself.

Kingdom Hearts II

She has temporarily ditched the black coat in favor of a rough, yet vintage-styled sleeveless collared shirt with baggy grey fishing pants and a crossbody bag, as well as a few holsters with pockets on one of her legs and on her belt where she keeps her handcrafted talismans in and materials to make them with. She sports a feather accessory in her hair as well as a pair of brass goggles on her head, and has a pair of brown leather gloves, with one arm having a henna tattoo of a dragon going up the length of it.

Kingdom Hearts III

Koroblynx has returned to wearing the black coat, and has temporarily changed her eye color back to yellow to blend in with her secretive plan involving the Real Organization XIII, her hair tips also remain frosted with silver for this period of time as well, rather than both attributes just appearing when she uses any of her darkness-related abilities.


Like the origin of part of her genome, Xehanort, Koroblynx has some level of power over darkness, albeit but a mere fraction of what his powers were. Her main element type is known as Antimatter, which is energy of chaos in its purest state. It is quite destructive and long range, however it has a potentially devastating drawback. The power drains directly from Koroblynx's life force, and overuse can cause her to become physically weaker until eventually collapsing and blacking out. It could even kill her if all of it is spent. It manifests itself as pulsating, electrified looking orbs of dark red and black shocks. She can use this to fire off in Blaster Stance or to enhance her claws in Apex Stance.

Stance Change

Her fighting style is a stance-change set between three different methods of attack. The first stance and her most common mode of combat is Blade Stance, where she uses her broadsword to fight. Her second stance is known as Apex Stance, where she uses her clawed gauntlet to attack, as well as picks up a more ready to dodge and focused on hand-to-hand combat type of poise. Her third stance is the caster, magic-based stance known as Blaster Stance, she takes up a more defensive posture to charge up small blasts of Antimatter.


When Koroblynx reaches the limits of supressing her darkness, and she can't hold it back anymore, her dangerous second half is released, her Corrupted State. After being greatly wronged, Koroblynx taps into her inhuman side birthed from her days as a vessel, her original creation purpose, a vessel. Losing all sense of humanity, she sees everything as mere prey and gains more physical attacking enhancements and access to more devastating darkness-related abilities. She attacks everything on sight in this form, and can only be brought back to her humanity by a certain few individuals. This form also has major drawbacks as well, as the transformation and sudden overflow of darkness within her causes great strain on her body and psyche. This can incapacitate her for up to a week at a time.



"I see my master's gaze in your gaze... my beloved master. This can only mean one thing, I must take you in as well. It would be doing a disservice to him if I didn't."

Koroblynx, along with Amber and Faliux, form a trio known as the Harmony Trio, Koroblynx represents the boundary between creation and destruction, that middle force that spins both into action. Koroblynx was trained and mentored by Amber, and she has come to Koroblynx's defense on several occasions. When Koroblynx was harmed by Vanitas, it was what pushed Amber into using her Eldritch Form for the first time.


"What they did to you was abhorrent, and no being with a heart no matter what they are, should be treated as an object.""

Koroblynx, along with Amber and Faliux, form a trio known as the Harmony Trio, Koroblynx represents the boundary between creation and destruction, that middle force that spins both into action. Koroblynx's relationship to Faliux is very much like an older sister and younger sister, reflecting her own bonds with Xemnas and Ansem.


"Your number, the concept of "Omega", is a very curious case. I have deeply pondered about your likeness for some time, and it would only be fair and reasonable to give you such a title. You are very much like myself, and thus I have placed myself as the metaphorical "Alpha" due to my position as Superior. And you are the newest being to wear the coat, the last to join our cause, the meaning of "Omega" is the end, and you are the final entity to top off our system."

Koroblynx was brought to Xemnas by Faliux, as she had found her in the lower labs, having been retrieved by Vexen against his orders. As a form of penance for Vexen's meddling, Koroblynx was given a reserve position. He had always gotten a strange premonition whenever Koroblynx was near, she gave off a strangely familiar aura, not that unlike his own. He gave her the "omega" number to reflect this instinct. Why this urge was there came to light during his days in the Real Organization XII, seeing her similarities to Xehanort and remembering the familiar feeling of likeness whenever she was near made Xemnas put two and two together. Koroblynx shared his blood through Xehanort, and that made her one of their own. He still took a long time to warm up to Koroblynx even then, as the concept of having anything close to something like a sibling was relatively foreign to the Nobody, even so with Ansem being around and being very much like a brother of sorts. He finally would let Koroblynx in and consider her a sibling after being reborn through her existence during the events of Kingdom Hearts: Parables. Since Xemnas had learned a lot about emotion and what that entails, he could truly accept both Koroblynx and Ansem as his very first experience of family.

Ansem, Seeker of Darkness

"If what you are saying is true, and you are connected to us by your very blood, you must tell us how you managed to move on. How did you blaze the path you are traveling on now? Are we really doomed to this sorry tale he has written for all of us?"

Koroblynx's first encounter with Ansem was very brief, as they had crossed paths when the man was first starting his dark crusade. He had tried to convince her to join him, but was met with a firm denial. He didn't pay much attention to her after that and seemingly forgot about her existence until his induction into the Real Organization XIII. He was surprised to see her again, and once Xemnas had connected the dots about her origin, Ansem was the first to see Koroblynx like a sister, sharing the same blood. He would actively look for her upon his revival in Kingdom Hearts: Parables, using his close friend, and eventual love interest, Amber to seek out his kin. Their bond would quickly rekindle, and their sibling relationship became the more playful of the two, as they always seem to be playfully competing against each other.


"You know...ever since I was introduced to you in the lab, I just knew then and there that I would put my life on the line for you. I would sacrifice everything to see you free from your prison."

Zuul was introduced to Koroblynx alongside Even as the secret subject that Ansem the Wise was working on. Due to his similar circumtstances of being here, that of which he at first refused to speak of, he sympathized with Koroblynx and took it upon himself to help her in any way he could to break her shackles and see her thrive far beyond just a simple tool to be used like a mere object. Koroblynx had a heart too, and it was cruel what they were doing to her. Thus, Zuul would secretly take initiative to show Koroblynx life outside the confines of the laboratory, where they would bond fast and his shows of kindness and humanity taught the vessel about what life really was about. They would unknkowingly develop feelings for each other, and tragically were separated during the fall of Radiant Garden, and were heneforth unable to proclaim to each other how they really felt about one another. Zuul would relentlessly search for his dearest friend through thick and thin, not knowing that Koroblynx believed him deceased in the siege. When they finally reunited, they refused to leave each other's side and Zuul was finally able to confess his love for Koroblynx, which she reciprocated.



Koroblynx's development has shifted a lot, arguably the most times of any character I've had. She's went through several roles and several incarnations, and at one point in her earliest years was a self-insert before I changed her into her own character that I use as merely a mascot instead of a reflection of myself.



Appearances in Other Universes



  • Koroblynx is the anagram of my own name plus X
  • Koroblynx's behavior is very much inspired by the Cheshire Cat, and her playful, animalistic "quirks" were mirrored from Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon, as well as domestic cats and dogs..
  • A few unofficial names for the trio of Ansem, Xemnas, and Koroblynx are "The Darkness Three", "The Nort Court", and "Eclipse Trio", however the "true" and widely accepted trio name is "Bloodlines Trio"
  • On many occasions, Koroblynx is seen to disappear and reappear in the blink of an eye, permeating away during the slightest drop of someone's guard.
  • TBA

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