Amber Farris



3 years, 5 months ago



When you doubt the path trod thus far, when the hand you held is lost to you, gaze anew at the heart that once was... for all the answers are within.
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Role Ruler of Tartarus, Empress of the Heartless
Origin Tartarus
Home World End of the World
Other Residences Fallowheart Forest (for a time)(Info)
Katakana アンバー
Romaji Anbā
Type Heartless/Eldritch Darkness
English Voice
Jessica Strauss
Japanese Voice
Ayahi Takagaki

"Ah, right on time! Our merciless, unrelenting black yin!"

[[LINK EXAMPLE]] Amber, the Conjurer of Fear (恐怖の魔術師 Kyōfu no majutsu-shi?) is the Heartless of the youngest daughter of the Emperor of Tartarus, and Eldritch Darkness, Bartholomew. Amber is a dominant female Heartless, and can control certain lesser breeds of Heartless at her will. She wields a scythe imbued with the power of darkness, given to her by Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness. She is extremely loyal to Faliux, who she has been friends with since they both were whole as far back as infancy. She is a known henchman and understudy to Ansem, and terrorizes anyone at his command in order to give him the control he needs. In return he trained her in his style of fighting, and she took his place as head of the species during his absence.


3 Personality
8 Trivia

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts

A mysterious Heartless who has some sort of allegiance to Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness. She holds him to hig regard from the very way she speaks of him. This entity introduces itself as "Fear", due to her main method of turning hearts to the darkness is through fear. She seems to be part of Riku's descent into the darkness, as the boy has been relentlessly hunted down and tortured by her.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

A vicious female Heartless that seems to be on a mission for vengeance of some kind. She haunts Riku within his own mind and plays upon his fears. Aside from tormenting Riku, she seems to be after something else within this castle, as some of the other folk within have claimed she has been haunting them as well.

Kingdom Hearts II

The current head of the Heartless after the demise of Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness. She seems to be much more gloomy from when Sora and Riku last sought her, like the vigor she had once before seems to have been spent. She claims to be looking for a creature known as "Mania", and expresses her desires to defeat it.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

A feisty young girl who is the daughter of Emperor Bartholomew, and the youngest of his many children. She is best friends with Lufia, and the two are rarely seen without each other's company.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Still allied with Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness, Amber continues her duties at the man's will. However, she doesn't seem to be interested in haunting Riku as much as she did in the past. In fact, she seems focused on something else entirely, as she rarely appears to the boy. She claims to be searching for a "friend" of hers that is in danger.

Kingdom Hearts III

Having since grown stronger than she was in the beginning, Amber and her master Ansem, Seeker of Darkness are once again in cahoots. However, something seems much different about their behavior towards each other. The two almost seem to be like very close friends that are in a playful rivalry, rather than a mentor and his understudy. Ansem speaks highly of Amber and what she has done for him, and she has done so in return about him.

Kingdom Hearts: Parables

Fully reunited with her best friend, Faliux, Amber joins her in guiding Koroblynx as well as upholding their roots, Amber taking her father's place as the representation of the force of destruction to balance creation. Upon Ansem's rebirth at the hands of Koroblynx's being, the two rekindled their closeness, and eventually became romantically involved. Bartholomew has also seemed to have returned, having believed befallen, and is readying to pass his crown to her, as well as initiate Ansem into the heraldry of Tartarus.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Amber lived a lavish childhood, being doted on quite a lot as she was the most sheepish of her siblings, not to mention her parents had deemed her the most fit to inherit their father’s status as Emperor of Tartarus, as her other siblings had grown quite arrogant over time, or had other issues that deemed them unfit to be rulers. The eldest sibling, Apophis grew bitterly jealous of Amber as a result, and sought to get rid of her, but first he had to get rid of the rest of the family. His plan took into motion when Amber was in her teens. One by one, Apophis slaughtered his other siblings as well as his parents, leaving Amber lost and alone, and filled with a mortal fear. Amber fled the madness, and was taken in by an older gentleman named Darigan, the father of her best friend and a close friend of her dads. who lived within a mansion inside of a massive forest. There, she was raised like one of his own along with his own daughter, and the two became the closest of adopted sisters, and it remained that way for many years.

Kingdom Hearts

Unsure of exactly what to do as a nomadic, newly formed Heartless, her emotions feel into a twisted mess. The rage for losing her family, the hatred towards her brother for doing all this, and the fear she had felt in her last moments had swelled and fed into the darkness festering within her being. Doing this, she decided to pay her greedy sibling back for what he had done. She began to start doing her work of bringing nightmares to corrupt human hearts at night, making sure to target and ruin all her sibling’s planned hunting grounds to take for herself. Soon, her brother arrived, and confronted the one who was apparently stealing her thunder. But soon as she realized it was Amber, alive again. The one he had foolishly slain to gain power, he too was struck down in the way he did the rest of the family. Even though Amber had taken back her rightful inheritance and gotten the justice she needed, her power was spent and Apophis had stabbed her in the chest, she was bleeding out. But before she blacked out, she picked up a presence very familiar to her, as it reflected one of her own. Right before fainting she felt this presence grow close enough to break her fall. She had woken up, healed, in a strange place within the ruinous landscape, and still felt that presence there. Amber chased after this presence, soon finding that another strong Heartless had taken occupancy here, introducing himself as Ansem, a so-called "Seeker of Darkness". Amber couldn't help but be intrigued by him, as she hadn't seen a Heartless with a humanoid form such as herself before. Unbeknownst to her, Ansem also found her quite interesting too, yet he had his own plans of turning the worlds to Darkness and could never interact with her much. Still, when they did meet up in passing, they would spend their time just studying each other and talking about what they were pursuing, developing a sort of companionship over time. Soon enough, Amber became a personal confidant of Ansem, as he trained her in the ways of commanding the Heartless to take the hearts necessary to gain power over Kingdom Hearts. Which she did so by fear. Amber would terrorize a victim in their nightmares, entering their psyche and immobilizing them with severe mental torment that came from her exacerbating their worst fears and manifesting them before their eyes in the most brutal ways that felt so real before emerging and delivering the killing blow, using the fear her victims felt in the moment to bolster the effects and make her stronger. She had soon realized that this man had saved her life from a death at the hands of Apophis's Ritual knife after recognizing her power and picking up on her demonic auras, thinking she would make an excellent ally. The two also had seemed to grow relatively close, and sparks of attraction had grown between them, yet neither could process what this was beyond mere flirtatious gestures. However this budding attraction within her, had allowed Amber to become rather lovesick and possessive over him, albeit never directly, and she became quite wrathful to those she felt got in between her and Ansem. She feared that someone would take him, her beloved, away from her and he would never see her again, the same way that her greedy brother had taken the rest of Amber’s family from her. Thus, she became aggressive towards anyone she deemed as an obstacle. The first of those was Riku, Ansem’s focus on him was too much for her, as he still was in a way involved with the heroes of light, who Ansem was trying to overthrow to obtain Kingdoms Hearts’ power. She tormented the boy to no end, even when Ansem was in possession of him. She used her innate abilities as a Nightmare Demon to separate herself into Riku’s dormant consciousness, beating him down into submission, which unknowingly in turn caused Ansem’s control over him to be more fluid. Once she realized that this was of use to Ansem’s plan to finally usurp his body, she worsened the torment she subjected Riku to. She soon began to attempt to terrorize Sora- in order to manifest doubt and fears that would eventually lead to his submission to the darkness. However her attempts were not successful, as the light within the boy was simply too overwhelming to the less experienced at the time Amber.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Even long after Ansem’s first defeat, Amber was devastated at the loss of her closest ally, she began to develop a deep hatred towards Riku as a result for getting away, even after he had gained control of his own self once again, there was still a piece of her old companion within him and that drove Amber to madness even more potent than her first bout of insanity. It was a combination of the grief and unresolved hatred towards Riku that truly sent Amber into an insatiable bloodthirst. Thus she took it upon herself to hunt the boy down and bring him to his lowest by haunting his mind with her presence even more than before, thus allowing Ansem to manifest once more in the fullest. Amber had a plan to kill him once he was weakened enough to give in, and henceforth would be a permanent host for her master. However, helping her beloved again wasn’t her only goal. She had detected a presence that resembled her old friend Lufia’s within the castle, which only made her fury more insatiable, believing the castle’s lord was holding her there. She had begun to haunt the minds of the Organization XIII members there for answers, tormenting them for even the slightest detail of her best friend’s whereabouts. Even then, she still couldn’t get into the mind of the Lord of the Castle. After Riku was knocked unconscious by Lexaeus, and Ansem started to get a grip on him once more, was when she would show her true colors. She would fight alongside Ansem to make sure the seed he had planted within the boy’s subconscious would bear fruit. Alas, her path was brought to a screeching halt when King Mickey bestowed his light onto Riku, thus sealing her ally away to the point of no return. Infuriated, Amber left the boy’s subconscious, and began to fall into a deep despair. Her own madness had caused her to lose Ansem not just once, but twice, and this time it was all her fault. That madness was soon replaced with extreme self hatred. Reflecting back to the moment where she defeated Apophis, she felt like she didn’t deserve to inherit her family’s nobility any longer, and thus did not return to take her title. In her eyes, her achievements were all in vain, due to them being brought through death and suffering, especially the deaths of those she loved. A whole different kind of grief had finally taken over the duchess, and she fell into a long battle with depression.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Amber had begun to return to her nomadic ways once more, disparaged and feeling useless after failing to drive Riku to insanity, and losing Ansem. However, she had reunited with Lufia for a short time, and seeing her childhood friend again brought her back out of her despair. Seeing her friend again brought her hope that she still had someone left to confide in that wouldn’t be taken from her, and the two childhood friends rekindled their sisterhood. Alas, it was cut short, she had to see her in her last breaths, having been beaten and shot with strange arrows. Alone again, Amber continued to wander, and her solitude allowed her to process what she had done to lose her beloved, and how her own hesitance to let go of her grief and rise above caused her now to lose Lufia as well, only pushing her back into the cycle of madness once again,

Kingdom Hearts II

Amber continued her soul-searching journey, trying her best to find a way to reconnect to her past and stop the madness within her she had developed as a result of her own fears and not knowing how to properly process her grief over Lufia, her friends, and now her beloved. A new hope came ironically in the form of the meeting of Lufia’s Heartless, Mania. Mania was rampaging in blind rage, that reminded Amber of herself at one point. At first she tried to reason with Mania, trying to contact what was left of Lufia within the beast. However, Mania was born of the fragment left behind made of Lufia’s rage, the grief of her mother, and the grudge the doe held against her father. Due to the creature being made of pure hatred, it didn’t recognize Amber as her former self’s childhood friend, and attacked anyway. Amber realized she had only one choice, as much as it hurt her to be fighting a piece of her fallen best friend, she had to defeat this monster and absorb it into her body, so what was left of Lufia would be shielded within her own heart. She managed to do so, and continued on with finding a new sense of purpose, yet feeling deep remorse for what she had to do. Purpose all but seemed unobtainable for Amber, she had to look into herself to start anew. This introspection gave Amber a new task. For even with Ansem gone. His words resonated with her, as well as his guidance that helped her become as strong as she was today, proving it in the fight against mania and the strength and resilience she had to muster to do so, and it gave her a new method to finding her purpose. The Heartless did need a new head of the brood in the meantime, and she decided to assimilate herself within the other Heartless other than being a lone wolf, taking inspiration from Ansem himself. So she trained rigorously to learn how to pull out her own darkness in the way he did and use it to spawn and control lower breeds of Heartless at her will, even developing a Guardian like he did, born from the lingering remnants of Lufia's fallen heart that she absorbed into her via defeating Mania. She had also created quite a few new types of Heartless by experiments in her journey. Thus she became a feared figure to humankind, known as the Conjurer of Fear. She continued to use fear and nightmares to attain the hearts needed to fulfill the agenda that Ansem had left behind. However, this also gave Amber a new purpose, and an epiphany struck her after stumbling across something that had belonged to Lufia, which was the palace that the Lord that hosted Amber so kindly had built for the deer girl’s mother. Lufia had always been tied to the aspect of creation, and she was always given a parable by her family that destruction must balance out creation to attain a cycle that doesn’t spiral out of control. This gave Amber the reassurance she needed. It was her duty to upkeep the balance of darkness and be that aspect of destruction that balanced creation. In finding her true calling, Amber began to slowly shed her self loathing and discover who she truly was. What further bolstered her new outlook on life was her Hellhound companion, Shuck, had brought to Amber a mysterious individual in a white shroud and seemed to be offering her up. The dragon-like female, known as Koroblynx, claimed to know a girl who sounded a lot like Lufia. Hopeful that the other pieces of her best friend were still existing out there somewhere due to the dragon's word, she agreed to take the dragon with her on her travels, and she would help the Heartless search for her lost best friend. Amber also would offer her help in assisting Koroblynx on her quest to find her own lost friend, Zuul, as the dragoness held a strong belief that he too was alive and out there somewhere. However, one day Koroblynx disappeared without a trace, and Amber, infuriated, swore she would find her unlikely companion and bring her back.

Blank Points

Amber's origins came to be known. It was revealed that Amber is the current generational empress of Tartarus, born to a family of destructive beings known as the Eldritch Darkness. The Eldritch Darknesses are beings gifted with dark abilities created by Khepri as divine forces of destruction to keep the balance of creation in check. Wherever there was creation, ruin had to happen somewhere to create space for new creation to flourish. These entities were different to the Thirteen Darknesses, due to them not being created by the leader of them, Vitali. Due to the divide between both entities of shadow, the remaining pure Eldritch Darknesses were given their own realm, which was Tartarus. A place where the hearts of the destroyed would be cycled back to Kingdom Hearts to continue the cycle. Tartarus would be ruled by an emperor and/or empress that sees to the duties that creation and destruction were in balance, that light and darkness weren’t overpowering one another. Chernabog was the first of the Eldritch Darkness, and one of his many sons, Bartholomew would accompany Aeterna

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Amber continued her work as a new broodmother of the Heartless, as well as continuing to search for the rest of Lufia and Koroblynx alongside Shuck. She had succeeded in upholding her duties outside her quest, until she felt a very familiar presence again. Excited, hoping it was Ansem, she followed the presence, and as luck would have it she saw her beloved again- and the two had a heartfelt reunion, and the flirtatious bond they had before began to spark forth again. However, she did notice him when he was trying to get a hold of Riku again, and she had felt a sort of jealousy towards the boy once more, thinking that he had taken priority over her in Ansem's mind when it was she herself who had assisted Ansem in even getting his control over him in the first place. However she had learned a lot from her first lovesickness, and chose not to haunt him as aggressively as she did before. She still chose to tease the boy a bit, mostly to throw off his guard and to allow Ansem to draw closer to his goal. She didn't pay much mind to her jealousy,and instead focused on her niche as the balancing force of destruction, and doing this she put her negative feelings on the back burner. Alas, it would be for too long, she had never truly faced her own remaining fears and doubts, and one day she snapped after a choice encounter with a man known as Vanitas, who had severely wounded Koroblynx and was about to dispose of her to use her as a catalyst for obtaining power. The fight they had, although Amber drove him off, reminded her of too much of her past. Vanitas’s words reminded her of the remarks Apophis made towards her, and he even hinted that he knew of what happened between them. All of the vicious attacks against her by the Unversed leader and his treatment of Koroblynx caused her to snap, and she went into her true form; her Eldritch State for the first time. Unable to process her new form and feelings she took the unconscious Koroblynx and fled to the Realm of Darkness. All the loathing she had felt towards herself was flooding back, and she began to question herself again. When Koroblynx woke up, she would thank Amber for caring for her and swear to protect her from here on out, and she would leave to continue searching for Zuul, yet she promised she would return again. Amber would remain in the Realm of Darkness alone, reminiscing about what she once had. However, in this world was where she would meet Lufia once more, after being reborn as Faliux the Nobody. Miraculously, Lufia still remembered who Amber was, and comforted her over her new internal torment now that Ansem was nowhere in sight once again. The doe spoke kindly to her that she may have made mistakes because of her trauma, but those mistakes don’t define her, and that she deserved everything she fought so hard for. With her kindness, Faliux had even more so become that aspect of creation that harmonized with Amber's own destruction , and continuing to hold her head up high in best regards for her close friend to honor that delicate balance was truly what she had to do. And she was doing it well.

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-

The circumstances surrounding Amber's death were revealed. Apophis had found her and had taken her back to their own world to finish the job of drawing her in to kill her. The brother succeeded, smiting her, and thinking she was gone for good and she was finally the remaining heir to their throne. However, the feelings of great fear, feeling lost and alone, as well as the burning vengeance and desire for something greater kept Amber alive as a Heartless. Unsure of where to start anew, she ran off to live as a nomad, as she had been sent to the End of the World with nowhere to go.

Kingdom Hearts III

Amber continued her duties of feeding off the hearts of pure lights to return to darkness after being mentored by Faliux, becoming the driving force of the destruction aspect of the balance between light and dark. Her philosophical journey eventually drew her back into the eyes of a newly-reborn Ansem once again. He had seen a glimpse of her at night, fending off something. He had taken intrigue at how she kept on as the head of the Heartless in his absence, yet there was something majorly different about her. She was much stronger than when they first met, and very much like him. However, that was only the beginning. Amber’s own perspective on the darkness that he so desperately sought for, and how she was using it as a part of a bigger picture he felt like he could learn a lot from. Naturally, his interest grew into something of a desire to have her on his side for good, and he too had felt like he couldn't lose her again now that she had become so much like him and learned so much while he was gone. So, Ansem set to work to find her, and convince her to join him, and show how proud he was for heeding to his teachings and coming so far from the lost and confused henchman she was before. When he eventually did run into her, Amber remembered their last encounter, and became quite concerned about where he was all this time, and why he was concerned about Riku again even though he had lost his power over the boy. Ansem could hardly explain what had transpired, and Amber was being quite stubborn to get to because of her jealousy still remaining. However, what he didn't know was that she was also teasing him, testing him to see if he could fathom her new strength. She was trying to push him to show his true colors and really process their bond. The game of cat and mouse began, both parties desperately trying to prove themselves to each other, yet still maintain their own lives and duties. Ansem only realizing before he was defeated by Sora that Amber was the one that brought him so far to learn this much about himself in the first place, and the new desire to be a part of this bigger plan that Amber was using the destruction and darkness to uphold, thus he spurred on Riku to blaze a new destiny in his final words to his old nemesis, as both he and Amber had grown quite fond of the boy and were both going to miss the adventures and shenanigans they had together. Amber never gave up hope on seeing him again though, as she had a hunch that even though her beloved was gone and Xehanort defeated, he'd find a way to come back for her.

Kingdom Hearts: Parables

Once Ansem had been defeated once more and reformed through the existence of Koroblynx, who had since had revealed herself for both Amber and Ansem as a Xehanort clone commissioned to carry his likeness, the desire to rebel against Xehanort's ways after realizing he was just a tool for him also sprouted a new lease on his relationship and playful rivalry with Amber. He remembered everything she had showed him, that bigger picture she was working towards was that of balance and harmony between the forces of light and darkness, which would truly give him the answers to what life really was about and how to get the most out of it. Darkness truly was an important element after all, and the very fabric of the universe depended on both light and darkness to thrive. Realizing how much he really needed her after his defeat, Ansem decided to formally confront his fellow Heartless with his wishes. What he didn't know was Amber had been wrestling with similar feelings, and the romantic interest had returned between both of them. Especially within Amber after reuniting with Faliux outside the Realm of Darkness after realizing she never truly addressed her feelings, and now she could have an ally to discuss her dilemma with, as she too had been battling with those feelings for her own beloved. After some convincing by Faliux, Amber decided to finally explain her true feelings once meeting up with Ansem again, and he proclaimed his own desires as well, finally caving into his own wishes to have Amber with him as more than just a helpful ally, rather now he wanted her as a partner. Amber accepted, and the two have been inseparable ever since. However, there was still one thing left that Amber needed to accept, and that was the fact that Tartarus needed a ruler, and Amber continued to refuse her title out of her trauma. Ansem began to look into a way to convince her to accept her position, and an epiphany came to him in his research. The Blood Moon, an event that only happens every few hundred years in which the beings that represent destruction bathe in its power and celebrate their part of the divine balance. He would convince Amber to celebrate this, and maybe it would give her the spark of hope to accept her title. During the night of the Blood Moon, the grand celebration went off without a hitch, and Amber’s mind was beginning to change. However, there was one particular occurrence that truly convinced her to put aside her hesitation. The power of the Blood Moon had been at its most powerful that it has ever been, and a swarm of red moths began to form into a very familiar shape in front of the reddened moon. Bartholomew, Amber’s befallen father, had been brought back with the power that the moon had emitted. Tearfully embracing her father, she was truly ready to inherit his throne and continue his legacy.


Flirtatious, teasing, mischievous, and quite stubborn and has a suave attitude. Is very sassy and brash when speaking. Gets very sadistic and insane acting when angered. Is also fiercely loyal and protective of those she’s bonded with, and can do horrible things in their name if it comes down to it.


A slender, yet curvy humanoid Heartless with a naturally cinched-looking waist. She has raven hair with shocks of purple in the front and sides, and Shadow Heartless antennae sprout from the sides. She has a sleek demon tail with the Heartless emblem as its tip, and her eyes are deep violet with a very small insignia of a crescent moon in them, the symbolism of the Nightmare Demons. She has a succubus mark on her stomach, the mark meaning seduction or lust. Her teeth are needle like and she has prominent fangs, and her face has an arrowhead-like birthmark on the left hand side, as well as she bears the Heartless symbol on her back.

Kingdom Hearts

Amber was very bruised and battered at first, and was clothed in scraps of black when she first formed as a Heartless, upon being taken in by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, she gained a uniform that resembled the possessed Riku, albeit more tailored to her liking.

Kingdom Hearts II

She wears an outfit that resembles a female version of Ansem's, reflecting how she is taking his place in his absence

Kingdom Hearts III

Amber often alternated between wearing the black coat and a new outfit that still bore a resemblence to Ansem's, but only partially, as she was beginning to form her own identity and purpose.


Her fighting style is heavily centric with her scythe, which she can use as its intended melee use or to cast her shadow bolts and other spells. She hovers a majority of the time and is a lot of times seen with her Dark Figure at her side. However, when the scythe isn’t present, she is a fast and hard hitter with a very flexible body. She can enhance her claws and kicks using darkness and can even somewhat grip onto and rappel off of walls to deliver a more powerful attack. As a Heartless, as well as an Eldritch Darkness, she uses darkness magic very skillfully, and it most commonly manifests itself as a lightning-like state of deep blue and violet. She can summon a Guardian too, like her overseer Ansem. Hers however seems to be more focused on disrupting attacks rather than being of brute force. Amber can summon select lesser breeds of Heartless to do her bidding for a time as well, due to being a more dominant of the species.

Nightripper Scythe

=Amber's main weapon, given to her by Ansem upon intiating her and taking her into his care, is a scythe which resembles the various incarnations of the Soul Eater sword.


Eventually Amber was able to tap in to her truly terrifying roots, and access her "Eldritch State". This is done by a gruesome process of ripping her own heart out and chanting a strange spell. In this, she takes on a more demonic appearance, where she becomes way more scary to look at as well as acts more feral and insane. In this form she gains great strength and magical capabilities, as well as a pair of demon wings that resemble Chernabog. She loses the ability to speak in this form, instead communicating by roars, growls, snarls, hisses and shrieks


Ansem, Seeker of Darkness

"The hunt is always better when your queen is just as hungry. And right now? She's starved- My lovely doll? It's time to feast- and oh. As for you? It won't be quick and painless… terror and misery like no other is coming for you."

Ansem first encountered Amber after her brutal fight with Apophis that later left her near mortally wounded. He was drawn to the darkness auras she put off, and sensed she was more than just another Heartless. Taking her back to Hollow Bastion, he nursed her to health and gave her the Nightripper and a new outfit, as well as gave her a marking upon her upper back that showed her allegiance to him. He began to mentor her, and the two would bond quickly, having a lot in common. He started to admire her dominion over fear, and used it to his advantage to assist in taking over Riku's bodyto gain a stable physical form, as he had been taking in Amber's auras to manifest physically, and he could only do that within her vicinity. She always was seen assisting him in all of his appearances, and Ansem grew ever curious of her growing strength, eventually acknowledging her ties to Destruction. Their bond would naturally blossom into a close friendship, and eventually became love once he was given a new lease on life due to Koroblynx's roots. He helped Amber come to terms with inheriting her father's throne, and upon meeting Bartholomew, he was eager to be the next Emperor of Tartarus by her side.


"I never forgot about you, sister. You're the reason I keep fighting. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you..."

Amber has been Lufia, and later Faliux's friend ever since the two were babies. Their fathers were close to one another, almost like two brothers. Lufia and Amber would keep up that unshakeable friendship through their childhoods, until Amber's untimely demise separated them. Amber, even as a Heartless always sought after Lufia, not knowing that she had too become a victim to the darkness as well. Amber's defeat of her Heartless, Mania was in an effort to protect the piece of her childhood companion locked within it. Once absorbing Mania into her body, what was missing from Lufia at the time became a part of Amber. Ever since that day Amber referred to Faliux as "sister" and would continue to do so after they were fully reunited


"Adapt your stance to your environment, ready to change tactics at a moment's notice... I got it! That makes so much sense now!"

Koroblynx, along with Amber and Faliux, form a trio known as the Harmony Trio, Koroblynx represents the boundary between creation and destruction, that middle force that spins both into action. Koroblynx was trained and mentored by Amber, and she has come to Koroblynx's defense on several occasions. When Koroblynx was harmed by Vanitas, it was what pushed Amber into using her Eldritch Form for the first time.


"I've known Shuck for the longest time, he's the greatest friend a wandering girl like me can have.

Shuck was given to Amber at a very young age and became a Heartless at the same time she did. Shuck always follows Amber around like a protector of sorts. He resembles a large dog or wolf, and is known as a "Hellhound" Heartless.


"You're giving me this a token of my service? It's an honor, master-!"

A Heartless that resembles a small dragon, Balthazar is a creation of Ansem's that Amber was entrusted with as a gift, he considers Amber like she were his mother. He can assume a titanic size second form when Amber bestows some of her power on him.

Phobos and Deimos

"These two seem much more intelligent and higher-developed than others of their lot, so naturally I decided to hone their skills and give them some fixings to stand out."

Phobos and Deimos are a duo of a particular Shadow and Neoshadow that are like servants to Amber, yet at the same time she cares for them and holds them in high regard apart from others of their kind.



In a way, Amber's costume changes throughout the core series reflects her evolution as a character. Before her rescue by Ansem after the Apophis fight, the tattered frock she wore at the beginning of KH1 reflected how she felt upon losing everything, broken and ragged. Once she was given her scythe by Ansem her outfit changed to the bodysuit that resembled Riku-Ansem. It reflects her status as a budding henchman, just learning to embrace becoming "Fear." During BBS and KH2 where she wore an outfit that was basically a carbon copy, albeit femme version, of Ansem’s outfit, it reflected how she felt like in order to have purpose, she must take the role her beloved left behind. During KH3 her outfit still resembled Ansem’s a tad, but now has even more of her own, original flair to it. She's learning to come into her own now that Lufia/Faliux's words resonated with her and she's truly grown stronger than her beloved ever knew her before. During the finale of Parables her outfit does not resemble Ansem’s style in any way, she's truly become her own entity. She's blossomed into a whole new creature, ready to truly become the "yin" she was always destined to be


Amber's theme (Made by evanescent_reighza): "Waltz of the Damned"

Amber's headcanon battle theme (Made by Roxbian): "Forze Del Male ~ Fears Encroaching"

Amber's headcanon battle theme (with Ansem, made by Roxbian): "Forze Del Male ~ Darkness Within Terror"

Amber's battle theme (Eldritch Form): "Regina Degli Incubi"

Balthazar's headcanon battle theme (Sin Balthazar): "Titano Della Distruzione"

Appearances in Other Universes



  • Amber has the ability to speak in Latin, she shares this ability with Faliux and Koroblynx.
  • Amber was given her motorcycle by her father at the age of 16, and she upgraded it once she got it back from her ruined castle.
  • Amber wans't only named after the stone, but because the Celtic origins of the name "Amber" can mean "vicious"
  • A lot of Amber's Eldritch Form design was inspired by Venom from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • Amber can play cello, and is extremely skilled at it due to playing since she was very young.
  • TBA

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