Sirix Plasmodium



3 years, 5 months ago



When you doubt the path trod thus far, when the hand you held is lost to you, gaze anew at the heart that once was... for all the answers are within.
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Role Chieftess of the Obsidian Archipelago
Origin Obsidian Archipelago
Home World Twilight Town
Other Residences Radiant Garden (Temporary)
Katakana シリックス
Romaji Shirikkusu
English Voice
GK Bowes
Japanese Voice
Yoko Hikasa

"Well well, if it isn't that feisty Chieftess of that wrecked island- How does it feel to be the ruler of a wasteland, doll? Not very becoming, huh. Well, boy do I have the offer for you, fishfry-"

Sirix Plasmodium, or less commonly referred to as "The Singing Serpent" (歌う蛇 | Utau hebi) by her audiences, is a Keyblade Wielder and performance artist from Twilight Town and the current chieftess of a group of islands off the coast of the beach closest to Radiant Garden, known as the Obsidian Archipelago.

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts

A very strange-looking individual that's seen dancing in the streets and catching a lot of attention with her lively performances and songs. She appears to be...half leviathan? She seems to be quite enthralled in her performances, best not to disturb her. Although it appears her full name is Sirix Plasmodium and she's a local here.

Kingdom Hearts II

The local dancer from Twilight Town seems to be getting involved in more than just performing arts these days, and she supposedly is being chased by an Organization XIII member. What would a Nodbody want with a random civilian, it's not exactly known. Perhaps this leviathan is the holder of a tale much more interesting than first believed?

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

A cute young sea serpent who seems to have lost the way from her home and now resides with the guard captain Stephen Valentine and his daughter, Lelandess, whom she seems to be quite close with. She hangs around her and the group of local neighbor boys that often accompanies Lelandess.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Sirix and Lelandess have supposedly reunited after a long time separated, and both girls seem to be in some kind of internal pain, what or why that is is a mystery.

Kingdom Hearts Parables

Now wielding a Keyblade that reflects the deep-rooted history of her people, Sirix has fully come out of her shell as a strong fighter and voice of triumph in the face of destruction. Her island seems to be restored to its former glory as well, and she seems to be growing rather close to Demyx, rumor has it that both the serpent and the boy are linked via childhood, could he perhaps be more than just a random stranger that became a Nobody as well? It seems to be leading up to that-


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

The Plasmodiums are a historic lineage that dates back eons, who became a great people of the coast due to their ancestor's ability to turn hits into water, some of the earliest Plasmodiums even assisted in the foundation of Radiant Garden. The current ruling family of their main island home were preparing their teen daughter, Sirix to inherit their gift of song and assume the throne as chieftess, after the strange disappearance of her elder brother. She was a bright, brave young girl, who had already shown great interest in the music of their people, and even helped bring up her first cousin of around the same age, Cyon, who had lost her parents in a freak accident and had ended up fleeing to them for care. But unfortunately, this wasn't to last. Sirix's crowning ceremony was interrupted when a flood of strange streamlined creatures began to attack the residents and destroy things around her. Sirix's parents and elder brother tried to take care of the mob, however there was evidence of a strange force at the head only making more appear, and they were overwhelmed before they could see to it that the source was found and blocked off. Desperate to escape with her cousin, Sirix fled with Cyon and got separated in the process, since Cyon had fled to the ocean north while Sirix decided to flee to the south under the protection of her older brother Soren, as both girls were too young and too weak to take on the mob of beasts. Soren would manage to bring Sirix to the shore of the very first mainland they ended up on, however the older serpent sensed danger, and sent the smaller Sirix to hide in a tide pool while he fended off this threat. However, the protective Soren woulnd’t survive this fight. A strange man came up from behind him and struck the elder serpent down, unknowingly in front of his little sister, with a very unusual crossbow, and would push his lifeless body off a rocky outcropping into the sea after taking a scale from his hide as a a sickening trophy. Sirix would cower in the tide pool until morning, in shambles at the loss of her brother, and she would search for help once the sun rose. She started out on her mission to find sanctuary at dawn, however, she was unaware that she was being followed by a horde of the very things that overran her island and drove the serpent children out. Those would later turn out to be a swarm of Unversed, and they seemed to follow Sirix to the ends of the earth due to being the sole escapee with the “unusual magic” of their family. A few of them eventually found Sirix who was taking refuge in Radiant Garden and tried to ambush her since she being the chieftess meant that she had the light that the creatures were drawn to. As the mob was about to sweep her up, they were blasted back and forced to flee by several gushes of water that seemed to come out of nowhere. Sirix rushed to go find the cause of this, and found her "hero" in the form of Dyme, a transfer student from another world entirely that had just moved there temporarily on an offer to study the Keyblade. He would sympathize with the frazzled Sirix, due to just having been attacked the very next morning after losing her brother. The two sparked a bond quickly right off the bat, and Sirix stayed at his location since her homeland was overrun and he offered to have her stay there. An unknown, yet mutual crush formed between them, and Dyme would bring Sirix to meet with his friends every day when school began, initiating her into their group with open arms. One of these friends of Dyme’s was a young Luckdragon named Lelandess, whom Sirix immediately clicked with to become the closest of friends, and Sirix became the main defender to the shy girl. Even after Lelandess went into hiding, Sirix still continued keeping up hope that they would reunite again, and would jump at any opportunity of any chance she could find her. Dyme would be her main form of support,

Kingdom Hearts

Sirix had lost Dyme around this time, as it had been revealed that Dyme was from a different world and would only visit Radiant Garden for his studies. Dyme was in fact, from Atlantis, and had desired to learn about the Keyblade when a few older Keyblade wielders (Xehanort and Eraqus) visited and the boy approached them with interest and curiosity. Those wielders agreed to provide a way for him to come back to Radiant Garden so he could study and meet other likeminded children in his spare time. Unfortunately, Atlantis had fell to the darkness, and Dyme happened to be back home there when it happened, and thus he was taken along with it.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Sirix continued her life as normal once she grew up, she had decided to become a vocalist and radio show host to make a hobby and career out of her gift that now all but seemed useless to her in its original form. She had bought herself a place in twilight town to start gathering an audience. Which she did, and her "exotic" and "uplifting" styles of song and dance never failed to attract quite a crowd when she got a gig.. One of her strangest encounters was when she was on one of her off days, getting some sea salt ice cream, when she noticed a man in front of her in a black coat who had given her a strange, yet warm and comforting feeling in her gut. She decided to approach him after ordering her ice cream, but she had forgotten her coin pouch. The man suddenly stepped up to offer his own ice cream to the now saddened Sirix, and she thanked him, eventually finding out his name was Demyx, and he happened to like music just as much as she did. Once parting, Sirix couldn't help but think he reminded her of someone who she used to know, but she couldn't put her finger on who it exactly was. After her meeting with Demyx, she had decided to join the beginnings of the crew that was restoring Radiant Garden. This would be where she reunited with Lelandess, and joining her was a young fellow by the name of Zuul who Lelandess had been introduced to by a coordinator of the team named Tuffy, who the two girls watched over like a younger brother. However in all this newfound joy in her life, Sirix was unaware that she was being hunted down by someone. One day when Sirix was on the shore after spending a day with Demyx, someone appeared that had followed Demyx to where they were. The man proclaimed himself to be known as Xigbar and he had been looking for Sirix to take back with him to “fulfill a ghost of his past”. Disgusted at the thought of being used for such a purpose as someone’s puppet, she transformed into her Seadragon form and fled into the sea.

Kingdom Hearts II

The day where the mysterious Xigbar had tried to attack her had struck a nerve with Sirix, and she became extremely paranoid about encountering him again. She knew he would continue to hunt her down, and thus had to do something about it. She would train with Lelandess in various forms of martial arts, and compete in struggle tournaments with Lelandess’s encouragement. She often would be in the finals many times, and has oftentimes been crowned champion, the belt often shifted between her and Setzer on many occasions. Doing this not only provided a way of distracting Sirix from her fears, but trained her to be more lithe in combat as well. Sirix also continued her “flirtation-ship” with Demyx, although she was a little distraught that he could never truly confess to her, not just because he was a Nobody, he would be dead meat if he did by the Organization, and Sirix still had a promise made to the boy that accompanied her and Lelandess so long ago. They both came to an understanding before they parted for the final time before Demyx was defeated by Sora. Sirix would continue searching for him, as there was something within her heart that told her she needed to find him. Alas, the search for her companion had also lead her right into the trap of Xigbar once again, and he had prepared himself so that his subject wouldn’t escape. Spearing her through the chest with one of his gun arrows, he was convinced he had slain her once and for all. However, Sirix wasn’t fully gone yet, however she was in bad shape, blood loss had begun to take an effect on her, and she lost consciousness there on the shoreline. Not knowing that someone was observing her, and took the she-serpent to nurse her back to health.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

After the attack by Xigbar which nearly cost her her life, Sirix was in recovery in Radiant Garden for a long time, confused and alone once more. She hadn’t heard from Demyx in a long time, and the word of Sora’s defeat of Organization XIII, which meant Demyx too, had gotten to her too, sending the once proud serpent into a fit of hysterics. She locked herself in the castle of Radiant Garden in the holding area she was temporarily living in and wouldn’t allow anyone to enter, other than to provide her with food or drink. What had also pushed her is that Lelandess was nowhere to be found as well after their brief reunion, and she had missed her childhood best friend, and the girl she first developed feelings for aside from the mysterious boy who accompanied their friend group. Eventually though, Lelandess would visit the holding area, and console her. There the two would go on to start a romantic relationship between them, Sirix would teach the damaged Lelandess how to have a voice for herself and not to just take what others throw at her, and Lelandess would teach Sirix the resilience and courage of a proud knight, that Lelandess would be unaware that she indeed was. However, due to unresolved tensions between them from their pasts, plus the fact they still were yearning for their other lost loves, the two mutually broke off the relationship. Nonetheless, the two remained as best friends, continuing to be each other's best support.

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-

Sirix's origins began to be uncovered. According to a few recounts, Sirix is a direct descendant of Master Invi, and her family to this day are powerful wielders as she was. After one of the pieces of “Darkness” was sealed inside of her, it appeared to her in a nightmare and laid a generational curse upon her bloodline once it had taken roots inside her as revenge for holding it back. According to the apparition that Darkness took, all Invi's descendants, starting with the firstborn that she was foretold to soon have, would all bear the features of a serpent for eternity as a black mark upon their blood that would last for generations, and it would persist long after Invi’s death. Invi, devastated at this, would go to one of her closest pupils, Lori, for support. Lori was almost like a daughter to her, and she had a feeling she knew what to do, as she heard about Lori’s secret connections in one of their many passionate conversations. Thus, she broke down and told Lori about the curse. Since Lori knew that Darkness was a genuine threat to, she decided to do something as a gift to her master before she was forced to return to a constellation. Lori couldn't break this curse, but she could lessen its effects slightly. As her final blessing, Lori would give those descendants the ability to live in harmony with their serpent features and use it for good instead, and that these features would instead act as a seal of protection for her future bloodline so that Darkness would not lay a finger on any of them. Invi may have been tainted, but her descendants would remain pure and protected. Sirix’s family still continued to uphold the legacy of Invi and through time, they had learned to intertwine their gifts of light and prowess with the Keyblade successfully with their “curse”, creating a new type of magic known as the Power of Song, which manifested itself as plasma-like energy. They have learned to embrace the beast put within them, and have the ability to control when they morph into a sea serpent for an extra advantage on the battlefield

Kingdom Hearts III

Sirix had since fully reinstated her friendship with Lelandess by then, yet something still felt empty within her. Her life had all but seemed to spiral, as guilt began to overrun her from being too young to save her people, as well as beginning to miss that man who had given her the ice cream one time, even though they had only known each other one day. So Sirix had finally decided to plot on trying to get her Homeland back. Training ceaselessly and fine-tuning her gift of song, Sirix became as strong as a chieftess should be. During this time, she caught the attention of Xigbar again, in the guise of Luxu. He had known all about Invi’s generational curse, and sought relentlessly after Sirix and the plasmodiums as a result. He revealed to her that he was the one responsible for her brother’s disappearance, as he had planned to bring up Soren as another pupil and vessel for himself to continue his legacy in the future, but Soren eventually found out the truth. In an effort to silence him to prevent the Plasmodiums from searching for him, Luxu struck down Soren mercilessly, taking a scale from his back as a trophy. Furious, Sirix lunged at the man and a fierce fight broke out between them, which at first Sirix was losing. That is until a Keyblade appeared in her hand and she finally took control of the fight in her favor. However, she spared Luxu, in exchange for never going near her family ever again. Still in a blind rage, she returned to the corrupted place where her home once stood, the spark within her to confront the horde that had taken the rest of her family. Eventually she would find the source of the Unversed disaster on the darkness-swirled, creature infested coastline, and she remembered exactly who she was, proclaiming herself as the descendant of the great Master Invi as she charged right into the rift that had caused the freeing of all those Unversed. Furious, she dove headfirst into the source of the horde, closed the rift, and picked off the remaining Unversed from the land she held dear in a blind fury driven by her adrenaline and determination upon finding out the importance of her bloodline. However, the fight and blind rush had greatly exhausted and injured Sirix, and she blacked out on the shore. Demyx had found her, and he remembered who she was, the little serpent who he had bonded with during his days before betraying the Organization. However, he had to get her somewhere safer than this, so he naturally brought her to the first person he saw, which happened to be Lelandess in her armor. Naturally, Lelandess used her enhancements to speedily race Sirix to Zuul, where he could stabilize her. However during the rush to Zuul’s lab, some Sniper Nobodies sent as a last-ditch by Xigbar ambushed them. Luckily for Sirix, Lelandess fought them off and successfully delivered Sirix to Zuul so she could be healed.

Kingdom Hearts Parables

Sirix was out for two weeks, until she began showing signs of life. She awoke in a new place, Lelandess above her with a young man named Ienzo. They were back in Radiant Garden. Ienzo told Sirix that someone wished to see her, as he was the one that found Sirix blacked out in the sand, whom he had brought to Lelandess who took the long journey to Zuul to save her. Sirix agreed, and he was let into the room she was being stabilized in. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, it was Demyx, the man who had given her his ice cream that day. But something else grew within Sirix's heart, seeing him stand next to Lelandess had jogged something within her memory. Was it true that he was the boy who had saved her many years ago from a similar fate? Was Demyx a reincarnation of Dyme? It was confirmed in that very moment for Sirix as far as she was concerned, which filled her with great joy. And as the days went by they would continue to see each other, growing as close as Sirix was to Dyme in their youth and more. Eventually this was to blossom into a romance between them, and the feelings Demyx was experiencing as of late after seeing Lelandess carry her away to safety must have unlocked the memory of Dyme within him. As he came clean that he had come to remember everything as well, promising to never let Sirix out of his sights again as an emotional reunion was had.


Sirixis friendly, lively, and full of energy, with a flirtatious side, can be very childish and silly at times and seems to be rather oblivious as well. However, she has a fiercely determined and spirited side, and will do nothing short of fighting to the death for what she holds dear.


A sleek, yet slightly stout in stature hourglass built sea serpent humanoid female with wider hips and thighs, has a prominent rhythmic sway to her walk. She has heterochromic eyes that are toxic green and electric purple, as well as fluffy and teased brown hair. Her serpent features are mainly purple, with green webbing sporting on her fin ears and her tail having a dorsal and tail fin of similar green and a white underbelly

Kingdom Hearts

Sirix is most commonly seen in a white sundress with a ribbon on the halter-style top. This is accompanied by arm ribbons that look similar to the neck, as well as those same ribbons down her calves that link with her sandals, giving them the appearance of ballet pointe shoes almost despite being sandals.

Kingdom Hearts II

Sirix wears a unitard patterned in blues and whites in wave formations like the ocean, underneath the unitard being a body harness of similar deep blue to some of the waves of the main piece. This unitard is accented by white half-sleeves secured by belt-like straps and a similarly colored white sarong skirt wrapped around her lower body. She wears fingerless gloves and platform boots patterned similarly to the unitard, with deep blue stockings with the same color as the harness. Just above the sarong, there is a belt of a similar blue to the harness and stockings.

Kingdom Hearts III

Sirix trades the unitard for a black and violet plaid two piece set consisting of a tank top with a sash of the purple plaid fabric. The sash is fastened in the center with a green jewel brooch and a similar green jewel is on her choker, that is an aquamarine color. Her gloves are consisted of two layers, armwarmers in the same black and violet plaid, and over them are a pair of plain black leather gloves. Her shorts are sort of puffy, and are striped with the violet plaid, and there is a purple sash tied to the belt loops as well just above her belt. She wears an aquamarine garter on her leg. Her heeled boots are black, the front being violet plaid and having straps of aquamarine that criss-cross in the front, as well as a silver cuff around the ankles.

Kingdom Hearts Parables

Sirix now wears a high-leg black strapless swimsuit, the legs trimmed with a purple band, underneath a black leather jacket that has aquamarine plaid stripes on the front, aqua stripes on the short sleeves, as well as a purple trim at the bottom of the coat. Her black shorts are held up with aqua suspenders, hooked to her black belt that has aquamarine strap accessories, the short legs are trimmed with purple that seems to tie in a bow on the sides. She wears another style of two-layered gloves again, this time with purple arm-warmers underblack leather fingerless gloves emblazoned with a raindrop insignia. Her stockings are thigh-high, with an aqua trim at the top, a purple trim below that one, and another purple ring around the knee area. Her boots are heeled rainboots, accented with a band of purple down the front and an aqua trim at the top. She wears a black choker with a single silver stud in the center, and a similar brace around her right arm. Sirix wears aqua-colored sunglasses as well, secured in her hair somehow.


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Keyblade Wielding

Sirix's primary Keyblade is called Oceanic Sonata. It is a reather ornate Keyblade that bears sybolism of the leviathan as well as a wave and a music staff, with a treble clef charm on the chain as well as on the guard. The blade itself, wrapped by a leviathan appears almost like a cutlass blade. (a sword commonly used by sailors and pirates)


Sirix's elemental power is affectionately dubbed "The Power of Song" This gift of the sea serpents manifests itself as electrifying plasma light energy, a type of aura that appears laser-like or like green waves of thick lightning that a neon green.
Desperation Move: Ouroboros Charge - A sacred rite of serpents. Sirix goes into her Therian Form and starts running and cloaking herself in plasma light, then she bites her tail and starts rolling at Mach speeds towards her opponent, this sets off a huge shockwave of plasma light. This can be also used to counteract a tsunami or wave, by charging into the wave, spinning the water into an orb that surrounds her, and then bursting it with the shockwave, afterwards the water falls back as a gentle rain.
Limit Break: Serpent’s Fury - Going into Chieftess State, Sirix lunges at the enemy and holds them in a vice grip using her Keyblade to pin them in submission, she then backflips and slams them to the ground and begins to toss them around at a rapid speed, electrifying both her and the enemy in plasma, which damages the opponent, yet cloaks Sirix. This slightly boosts her attack power for a short time
Form: Chieftess State - Green bioluminescent markings appear on her tail and her tail fin splits into two, as well as her dorsal fin, both getting more stately appearing and prominent. She gains extreme speed when performing physical attacks as well as the ability to run on water as well as surf on waves without any sort of board.
Therian Form - Sirix transforms into a full-blooded seadragon, holding her Keyblade in her jaws. She can run faster on land, as well as tread water much more easily, and when her Keyblade is despawned, she gains a powerful bite and can fire off plasma like cannonballs from her mouth.



"You're spirited. Sure, you may be rowdy and hard to control sometimes, but that spirit is something precious. Wish I could have that some days, you know?"

Lelandess and Sirix were friends at practically the very moment as the two of them met, and were like two peas in a pod when they were together. During thr period when they considered themselves as lovers, Sirix helped Lelandess come out of her shell in many ways and restored the Luckdragon's faith in herself, as well as her spirited nature that had all but petered out. In return, Lelandess would show Sirix that she always had someone that would protect her and be there for her when she seemed alone in the world. Despite deciding to keep their bond platonic, they continued living on as the best of friends and would still put their lives on the line for one another.


"Here's the deal, sweet thing. You either join my little quest or it's curtains for your little stageplay. I'd think about that long and hard before you turn your back and scoff at me again."

Sirix and Xigbar are sworn enemies. Due to Sirix being a descendant of Invi's, Luxu dormant within the man forced his host, Braig into trying to leading her astray in any way he could. The first was to try and offer her shelter when the serpent was a teen, after hearing of the fall of her isle. However, her older brother Soren intervened in an efoort to save his sister and was killed by Braig in the process. Furious, he swore revenge on the serpentess and would stop at nothing to find her. Even when becoming a Nobody, his unrelenting search for the serpent continued. When they first encountered, he would try to sway her to his side via a flirtatious manner, however she kept refusing his lustful advances and shoving him off. The persistence of her denying to join his side grew into a rage, and Xigbar decided to just straight up eliminate her just like Sirix, which would come to failure on all the times he did.


"You know, I think of you every time there's a rainstorm. Wanna know why? Because while others may dread a rainy day, I think whenever you show up, you always soothe the hearts of the people like myself who truly understand the beautiful music played by the sky."

Demyx and Sirix have known each other ever since Demyx was still his original self, Dyme. She and Dyme were first introduced when Dyme chased off a pack of Unversed that followed and ambushed her from the destruction of her island, drawn to her unusual magic. Noticing that she was emotionally a wreck, having just been attacked the morning after losing her brother, he decided to take Sirix under his wing even though he was only one or two years older than her. He would bring the distraught serpent back to his friends and schoolmates, Lea, Isa, and Lelandess. The two would unknowingly develop feelings for one another, that Sirix would become conflicted due to also having some feelings for Lelandess at the same time. By the time she was ready to truly tell Dyme about what she was going through, he had disappeared. His homeworld, Atlantis, had fallen to darkness when he went back to visit with his family and he didn't survive the overthrow. Combine the loss of Dyme with the disappearance of Lelandess and Sirix would have to start anew. However, years later her life would soon start to become quite interesting. A mysterious young gentleman had paid for her ice cream on a day where she accidentally misplaced her bag of change, introducing himself as Demyx. Sirix immediately sensed there was something familiar about him, his sheepish demeanor and goofy nature reminded him of the boy who saved her life many years ago. However, he was long gone, and Sirix was none the wiser that she was speaking with the boy's Nobody. Regardless of that, the two would become close friends all over again, and those feelings returned for Sirix. Yet Sirix had set it in stone that promised Dyme her heart if they ever met again, not knowing that this new guy was Dyme's Nobody this whole time, and thus didn't say a thing. However, her heart regretted it once she heard Demyx was defeated, as if deep down she knew exactly who this young man was. Even after her brief period of being together with Lelandess, that period of time put a lot of things into perspective about her and Dyme's original bond, and it seemed to be that Sirix was slowly connecting the dots to Dyme and Demyx being one in the same. It was during the period in which Demyx found Sirix blacked out and wounded on the shore after her blind rush to save her island and delivered her to Lelandess that he began to remember who he was. He had always knew Sirix, and it dawned on him seeing Lelandess and Sirix juxtaposed, he grew up with these girls, and Sirix had captured his heart. When Sirix awoke, he had rushed to see her and Sirix seemed to be showing signs that she too had found the connection. Over time as Sirix healed, they both knew they had to come clean about the fact that they had connected the dots about one another, and their feelings alongside it. This succeeded, and Sirix and Demyx have been inseparable since



Sirix's name came about when she was still a Nobody OC, a Nobody form of the name Iris. Nowadays she has no direct link to Organization XIII, and instead the name is suggested to just be a cultural dialect of Sirix's people.


Sirix's Theme ~ "Rainstorm Concerto" (Composed by Reighza/Nosidam)
Sirix Headcanon Battle Theme ~ "Rain Dance" (Composed by Roxbian)

Appearances in Other Universes



  • The lietmotifs of Sirix's clan culture mostly take influence from Celtic traditions in music and customs, but their ruling system of chiefs and chieftesses are heavily influenced by Polynesian cultures, not to mention their outfits are a sort of blend of the ancient Celtics and some Polynesian aspects (like the patterns and jewelry) They also have some subtle Norse aspects about them (like how the first ever chief had a Norse name, Jormungandr)
  • Sirix's fighting style seems to be heavily inspired by Brazilian capoeira, a martial art that was passed off as dancing to avoid suspicions.
  • Sirix has heavy inspiration from the ouroboros, a symbol of the loop of creation and destruction that is signified by a dragon or serpent eating its own tail.
  • Sirix's style of dance is very much inspired by Latino dances of many kind such as tango, salsa, and flamenco. However, she seems to also know how to do Celtic dances as well.
  • TBA

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