
3 years, 5 months ago


◆Name: Night

◆Species: Gray Fox

◆Birthday: 10/18/1985

◆Gender:  Genderfluid (bio female, but can be represented by both genders)

◆Sexuality: Bisexual

◆Personality: Sassy, quirky, and a little awkward at times. She tends to become very talkative and will ramble on and on. Has a hard time controlling her volume when talking and will sometimes YELL (ie: fox screaming) things for really no other reason than excitement or emphasis.

Fun Facts!

-Night can be represented by either gender  or no gender at all, and has alt gender personalities (GladiNight, Magma Leader Night). Mainly referred to as female
-Night also has small gills on her neck that are hidden by hair. This is mostly a joke since where I live is very humid and therefore learned how to "breathe water"
-Night's eyes are silver and depending on the brightness or darkness of her eyes represent her mood
-Same can be said about the little cow lick on her head
-Their flesh is a grey purple and bones (except teeth) are black

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