Rem Citron



3 years, 4 months ago



Name Rem Citron
Called Rem, K1NG (IG name)
Age 21
Gender Male (he/him)
Occupation Gamer/Streamer, Actor

Mermaid Lemonade (Lemonade with spirulina extract)

Weapon - Sugar Magic
Knife - ???


  • Gaming (PC, MMORPG, arcades, etc)
  • Accessories (Jewelry, Piercings)
  • AYCE & Buffets


  • People who look down on others
  • Being called a kid
  • Doing household chores


Born into a middle class family, Rem was always told he was cute. When growing up, his doting parents would apply him for photoshoots and children modeling, which he gradually appeared in small advertisements and fashion magazines. With his cute baby face and blowing up ego, his fame rose as he took on small acting roles that eventually built his reputation in the entertainment world.

As a student, he was quite popular due to his sociable personality and his fame. He kept up decent grades as he relied on his potentially growing acting career to support him in the future.

Once graduating high school, he continued his career of acting and attempted to be independent with the connections he had. However, this only lasted for a few years as he found himself unhappy with directors or his costars when they would talk about his past roles as a child and how puberty changes a person’s acting. 

(Rem wouldn’t admit it, but he hated how he was constantly only seen for his pure and honest acting as a kid.)

Currently, Rem is on hiatus for acting but still does small modeling gigs. As a way to make pocket money, he started streaming on Mewtube and found himself taking a liking to the attention garnered from his hobbies.

Personality (in-Depth)

TLDR: Rem is an actor-on-hiatus who hates to admit that his prime acting career was in his teens. Now just does what he wants because he has the money, but it eats at him that he isnt better than his past self despite “growing.”

Rem is enjoys at any types of games, whether it be boardgames, card games, rhythm games, dating sims, MMORPGs, and more. He likes the challenge he can make for himself and the potential risk-reward that comes from gaming.

Rem runs a Mewtube channel dedicated to streaming games under the alias K1NG. The majority of his games range from horror to puzzle, and sometimes he streams his gacha rolls from the mobage he is currently into. To connect to his online alias, his community has a focus on aiming for the top of ranks and be the best of the best—which involves passing around strategies and data through servers under his following. His videos all have a facecam on the corner of the screen to record his live actions or expressions. Through his channel, he runs charity streams with gaming or even hosts events to get to know his community.

Rem wears a lot of jewlery when he can, from rings to earrings, bracelets and necklaces. His most casual self tends to have rings somewhere, whether it is on his ears on on his fingers. When gaming, he takes them off.

He really likes piercings, but has to be careful of the amount he gets due to his acting and modeling jobs. As of now with his streaming profession, he has piercings only on his ears and changes them around for his facecams. One day, he’d like to get more.

 Extra Info

  • Design Notes
    • Traits 
      • Rarity: Common
      • Tail: Long
      • Sprinkles: on hair and tail
    • Has 10 
      • Per ear: 4 helix, 1 lobe
  • Personality
    • + Prideful, Sociable, Risk Taker
    • Snarky, Cocky, Attention Seeker
  • Voice Claim:  WIP 
  • Likes the luxury of... AYCE and buffets. Really likes to challenge himself and his high metabolism. 
  • Has decent alcohol tolerance (16).



Riso  [ ??? ]

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Inka  [ Friend ]

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Lon  [ Friend ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Ruby  [ Aquaintance  ]

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