☆ Eiko Kumiji



7 years, 17 days ago



Eiko Kumiji
 R. Status
Philin, Lalaki Corp



Eiko has a pretty bad attitude with a resting bitch face to accompany it. She's quite the opposite of her little sister, Yuji, as Eiko can be extremely rude, blunt and demanding all around; with the amount of confidence in herself, mixed with her strong, outgoing ego, makes for a very hardheaded brick wall that is: Eiko. She only does things that are in favour of herself, which makes it hard to determine if she's really good or evil. But aside from her vain actions and outward speaking, she honestly hates attention or even any sorts of affection for that matter.

Eikos undoubtedly most preferred state is being alone, as she enjoys silence and power all to herself, making for desperate times she really requires assistance, a pain in the ass for both parties. She does have her moments though, as she also plays the card of 'don't pick on my idiot, that's my idiot.' Once she finds interest in something or someone, she will claim that particular something and will refuse anyone else from messing with it. That in which, the biggest 2 'somethings' are her sister Yuji Kumiji, and traveling partner Dei Farritim. Some would call this a 'protective' manner, where as she brushes off the assumption of being 'caring' with bared teeth. Don't touch her things or she'll make you regret you did.


Eiko grew up as a spoiled single child for years, making her used to  getting anything she ever wanted from a Mother and Father that would hand her the world if they could. She isn't really a Princess, but damn was she pretty close in both attitude and taste. When her sister was born, Eikos personality had only worsened, becoming competitive and rude toward the growing shy and skittish Yuji. The two never got along, never saw eye to eye, and never really enjoyed just knowing the two breathed the same air, causing for plenty of fights even between their parents, who both sided with the other child.

Eventually, a divorce was made way and the two sides split. But it was at the teenage years that the two starting speaking again, as servants for the royal family, Ji, were being collected from poverty; That in which Eiko fell under due to her fathers dramatic drop in money, laying them basically homeless if not for the few silver pieces keeping the roof above their heads. When met in the city crowd to be called for her new job as a servant along with hundreds of other poor folk, Yuji was  quick to taking her sisters place, despite their past together. From then, Eiko started to lighten up on her sister, sending her letters and  best wishes while she was put to work in the castle.

As time passed, word got out about Oden Caberletti and his daughter being wanted, and Eiko couldn't sit back as Yuji and the Kings Son set out to retrieve him, so she set out on her own; planning to swap Oden life for Yujis freedom. It wasn't long til she met with Dei Farritim, who was a traveling bounty hunter looking toward the same reward. Upon being completely smitten by her, Dei decided to join her as partners. Of course she didn't enjoy the idea at first, but Dei has slowly started to grow on her the more and more they spend time together. It didn't take  very long for them to create a strong bond and become inseparable.

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