Dei Farritim



7 years, 27 days ago


Name Dei Farritim
Age 367
Height 6' 0
Species Guuriti
SHIFTCave Hyena
Orientation Bisexual
TITLEStarved Beserker
R. Status Complicated



Dei isn't too far off from the assumption he's just a crazy, starved dog. He's unpredictable, uncontrollable and all in all over the place. Essentially, he has a hard time separating his shift form from his humanoid one, making for plenty of odd situations. And of course it's not because he physically can't separate the two personas, it's simply because he doesn't want to. But who's to really blame him? He's a Guuriti; commonly known for their awful behaviour and binge hunting.

He's easily amused, easily taunted, and just as easily tricked; sprinkle the willpower of a scavenger on top and you basically have his 4 last brain cells. He's an open book, which was the biggest reason for his loner lifestyle from the very beginning. Can't be open when you don't have anyone to open up to. But under his rowdy outlandish attitude and loud mouth is a puppy. A sweet, soft, cuddly puppy that just wants to be pet and given something to chew on.



As a child, Dei spent most of his life in his hyena shift, as did most Guuriti in his pack. His mother was a single women with plenty on her plate, and used Dei to steal from outside cities and other Guuriti clans in order to resell their belongings to traveling outsiders and merchants. He loved his mother dearly and would literally kill for her if she so asked it. He stopped at nothing to fulfill her needs and desires no matter if they were wrong or right. He placed a nice face for himself in the several years he did this, being caught in gang fights and one on ones quite often that got him used to hand to hand combat from the get go. With victories under his belt, he'd helped a few cities even become swimming in crime and misfortune just by his mothers wishes.

It was about the age of 30 he'd began to drift. His personality had shifted into quite the self centered prick who was starting to work all the more well on his own than follow orders, claiming his mothers demands as 'boring.' Of course his loyalty never faltered, but his obedience did. It was in that time of rebellion that his personality became unstable. He worked odd hours both day and night, made his crimes more obvious and showy, put more lives in danger simply for the thrill. It wasn't long til he killed his first man, and it opened up a whole new doorway of possibilities far more than what his mother was willing to shoulder. She watched as her son became a killing maniac and all time villain to all 10 surrounding cities.

About the age of 112, Dei had finally slipped up in his play time, meeting the wrong face at the wrong time that ended in his mothers death. With her gone, one final tick sounded in his head that ultimately unleashed what ever wrong he had within him, returning the favour to his mothers murderer near instantly. He'd began to go insane from then on. Fled the streets and began his life of traveling, wondering in territories he knew no one would know who or what he was. He wanted to start over. Start over in a life he could control. But as all stories go, there was usually no recognition for his actions by anyone but one. It was a man by the name of Grey. He'd kept an eye on Dei since he was younger and was set out to find him, offering a deal that Dei couldn't refuse as a bounty hunter, to repay the world for his wrong doings by turning his attention off innocent people and toward millions of crooks that scattered across their world. With the new found paying job, his once torn apart city was returned to its former glory.

Oden Caberlettis name had popped up on his list one fine morning, which had him ecstatic from the get go, knowing someone as built as the Caberletti families eldest son, was going to be the challenge he had been needing for so so long. He set out almost immediately but had managed to cross paths with Eiko Kumiji. Just within a seconds eye contact, it's like he had fallen in love with her. Despite a very awkward and tricky first meeting... and well.. two, three, maybe four meetings after that, as Eiko was not in the least bit interested in his presence, Dei made it clear he wasn't going to leave her alone and the two had slowly started to get used to each other. Now, they roam together, both in search for Oden.


Eiko Kumiji | Romantic Interest
In a way he looks up to Eiko for her dominant flare. It's perhaps what he fell in love with at first, aside from her pretty face. He seems to not get enough of her and actually enjoys her bossy attitude. He finds it extremely cute and will actually try to get her irritated with him on purpose.

Ridge Urri | Distant Friend
They don't hold a strong bond, but once as they were younger they had eachothers backs even for just a moment. Ridge was another troubled being that fell into a life of crime, but during a mishap with authority reinforcements, Dei had saved Ridge from being caught and taken to prison. They don't talk or communicate this day in age, but they do tend to think of eachother when it's time to reminisce.