Elaine "Elle" Sullivan



3 years, 5 months ago


immortal soul

Name Elaine Sullivan
Age April 1st, 1994
Alias Elle, Ellie
Gender Female
Sexuality Bisexzuelle
Pronouns She / Her
Role Mad Scientist
Race Deranged Human

our inner being
  • Light brown skin
  • Violet eyes
  • Long, black hair dyed teal at the ends
  • Black and white striped shirt with a caramel brown jacket
    • Normally wears on her left arm,
  • Peanut brown skirt
  • White collar with a red ribbon on the side
  • Black boots
  • Wears a yellow flower in her hair, likely a daffodil
Reference Here

Obsessed and desparate, Elaine Sullivan is the modern, modern Prometheus. That's right, this college student went out of her way to learn how to actually pull of reanimation, just like the story of Victor Frankenstein. Her obsession with the story is what caused her to dedicate her life to knowing how to do it. It was done once before, how hard could it be to do it again?

She's read every book, watched every movie, gone through every deeply thought analyses of the popular story everyone knows and loves, and even has made a few analyses of her own, to perfectly recreate the art of reanimation, or, in layman's terms, the art of bringing someone back to life.

Elle is an Aries, so you know she thinks highly of herself and has plenty of confidence. Probably why she dared to copy what Frankenstein did. She’s not rude, but she’ll most likely gloat about the things she’s proud of, and she’s proud of many things.

But she’s also not proud of many things, which causes her to suppress the things she isn’t proud of because she doesn’t like being brought down by anyone or anything. She’ll probably fight you if you get on her nerves and depending on how angry she is when she does might determine whether she wins or loses.


solitary [ social ]
[ observent ] dense
logical emotional
organised [ messy ]
[ assertive ] turbulent

does it endure or does it perish with
Under Pressure

Elle works best when under pressure. Being laid back is fine, but if it's a challenge, then Elle will go at it 110% and she will be good at it.

She's excelled in many of her classes because of this. Her father definitely had something to do with it, as well as just her heritage. Her family's always done well when under pressure, Comfort included.


Elle's learned to treat everything with precision. She wouldn't call herself a perfectionist, but a lot of her work is careful and precise, which is why she was able to even bring Comfort back in the first place.

Her precision ties into her ability to work under pressure. The more pressure she's under, the more precise she is. This doesn't just apply in the classroom, there are many other things Elle could be proficient in if she tried them.


On a certain April Fools’ Day, Elaine Sullivan, nicknamed Elle by many, was born. She was quickly interested in the sciences and went to a decent college to pursue it. During it all, she got strangely obsessed with the true story of Victor Frankenstein. All she could think about was reanimation for the longest time, and she vowed one day to have it be done again, and have it way better than Victor did. How a college student found the resources for this different take on bodybuilding is a subject for another day.

She probably wouldn’t have gotten this obsessed with the story if it weren’t for what happened to a few years back before she went off to college. Elle and her older sister, Comfort, were walking down one of their favorite streets, catching up with each other, as Comfort had been in college and Elle hadn’t seen her in a long while. It was a windy day that day, too. Elle’s beloved flower that Comfort had given her a few years prior had blown out of her hair and into the street. That “gift from heaven” was too precious for Elle to let go of, so she ran out into the street to retrieve the flower.

Unfortunately, there was a car coming straight for her, and it didn’t seem like it was going to slow down anytime soon. That’s when Comfort stepped in, jumping out into the road to push Elle out of the way. At the cost of her own life. Elle sat there in complete horror as she saw her sister’s life taken away from her and has been living with the guilt that it’s all her fault ever since. When she learned about reanimation, she knew exactly who she was going to use.


  • Favorite color is yellow
  • Favorite flowers are daffodils
    • She wears one in her hair, given to her by her sister
  • Ramen cryptid
  • “Anything you can do, I can do better.”
  • Doesn’t show her “sensitive” side unless you’re really close to her
    • But even then, she still might try to hide it away
  • “Lmao”
  • Possibly godkin. Possibly
  • Someone please find her sister--

the flesh?
Aesthetic Anatomy
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Sin Greed
Virtue Diligence

Designer Ziamontri
Obtained My design
Status NFT
Value Priceless

older sister

Elle's older sister who she's always looked up to. Comfort was always the person Elle would talk about her interests to if her parents weren't that interested. She was always the person that Elle could trust.

The guilt of her death drove Elle to reanimate her, but it didn't go as planned. The second Comfort woke up, she ran away from Elle. Elle couldn't stop her--Comfort was too strong! So now her only priority is to find her sister. Where could she be?

best friend

Josephine is Elle's best friend, they've known each other since high school, becoming roommates in college. Both girls had the same general interest in science, so it's obvious that the two attracted each other.

When Elle told Josephine about Comfort, Josephine was kind enough to help her in her search. Elle's been grateful ever since, and in return, helps Josephine with a problem that she has as well.