


3 years, 5 months ago



Name Aruna
Alias Rue
Gender Female
D.O.B / Age Unknown (Mid-late 20s)
S.O. Demiromantic lesbian
Status Single(?)
Race/Species Kemono (Red fox)
Height 5'5
Voice ---
Theme(s) x x x x x x x x x

2h50Lec.gif Starbound OC. Bio is still a WIP
Remeber to add: Vla, Kadhira, Moe and Astra (+ the rest of crew?) to her relationships, as well as her cat, ferret and both nimbuses

Aruna meaning:
Hindi: "reddish-brown," "dawn light," or "rising sun"
Turkish: "as beautiful as the moon"



♪ Though its the end of the world, don't blame yourself now...


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  • Food / Cooking
  • Exploring
  • Animals
  • Plush toys


  • Poorly made food
  • Getting lost
  • The dark
  • Tight spaces


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whfHTVZ.png Rakel Crewmate

Rue's closest friend and "first mate." Also probably the only one on the ship who is more of an airhead than Rue herself. They are a force to be reckoned with. (Better pic hopefully coming soon)

c9JOVKJ.png Try Crewmate

Try is an intimidatingly massive member of the apex rebellion. He is devastatingly strong, but with those he trusts he is a gentle teddybear. (Better pic hopefully coming soon)

mv5Ttka.png Lark Friend

Lark is much more serious, mature and composed than Rue is, and often treats her like the little sister she never had. They don't see each other often, but they have each others' backs.

C2Xa3Q4.png Dixie Acquaintance

Really, not all "space dogs" know each other...but boy does it start to feel like it! Dixie is younger than Rue, but much more old fashioned and charismatic. She's very new to space travel, but her smooth talking will get her far in any future conflicts.

rMlmt5T.png Nashira Acquaintance

space fox

U1DJzY5.gif Lumoth Pet

Rue's primary animal companion...that somehow never gained its own name. Seeing as it can fly and emit light, her lumoth is usually the only thing keeping her from getting lost, and will often perch on her shoulder while idle.

iaPMJ3U.gif Juffy Pet

Received in lieu of payment for a successful bounty hunt. Rue realized later he may have been handed off to her for being a nuisance they didn't want to handle anymore, because he's really not helpful with frankly anything. Rue loves him regardless though, even if he can be destructive and not horribly bright.

uCcmSvP.png Dusty Pet

Whatever Dusty is, his species clearly evolved to appear non-threatening in his unforgiving desert homeplanet. What appears to be large, rounded ears and cute little beady eyes are, in fact, large bulging eyes like that of a frog, and two little fangs poking out of a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Despite being a deceptive flying carnivore the size of a cocker spaniel, he is actually quite affectionate with Rue.

43MiO61.png Mr. Wigglesworth Pet

With Mr. Wigglesworth, what you see is what you get: he is massive and terrifying and honestly not very friendly. He is about the size of Rue herself, and prefers to be left alone and not be touched. Which is a shame, what with his silky-soft fur begging to be touched. Despite having three eyes, he appears almost entirely blind, and relies almost entirely on his hearing and sense of smell. That said, never try to sneak up on him, as he will probably bite your arm off at the elbow.

tHg4De3.png Rob Pet

Probably the most zen creature Rue has ever encountered. She found him meandering out alone by the den of a much less friendly species and their young. Finding Rob to be completely docile, she brought him back to her ship to keep him from getting himself killed back on his homeplanet. He now lives out his days on Rue's ship, getting head pats from the crew members, and painting what can only be described as "abstract art" on his own little easel.

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